God Gave the Increase

As the years passed, the campus began to rake shape: the gymnasium was acquired, the library was built, and trees were planted to beautify t h e campus. A college h ad emerged from ground that yet a few remember as fertile farm land. Godly people had given sacrificially to build a Christian college. The administration building- College Hall- as it appeared in 1910. Not only was the physical appearance taking shape, the spirit of the college was becoming apparent: traditions were established, enthusiasm was generated, and loyalty w a s demonstrated b y a growing alumni. The students took an interest in their athletic teams, follow– ing them around the state to cheer them on to victory. In 1911, the faculry de– cided to set apart a special day- Cedar Day- in the spring of the year, when the communi ty and the college would both join in a good time. A loyal group of students gathers to follow the team to an away game. The whole town turned out for the annual Cedar Day festivities.