1916 Summer School Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT A four-years' course leading to the Degrees of A. B. and B. S. NORMAL DEPARTMENT A four-years' course leading to the Degree of A. B., and a four-years' State High School Certificate without examina– tion ; also review work for teachers. Recognized by the State. GRADUATE DEPARTMENT One year course for College Graduates leading to the A. M. and B. S. in Ed. Degrees, and to State High School Certif– icate. SUMMER SCHOOL Work of all grades, High School, Collegiate, Graduate, Nor– mal, l\Iusic, Oratory, Art. Fully recognized by the State for both High School and Elementary Credits. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT Four-years' course, recognized as equivalent to a High Schoo1 of the first grade. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Regular three-years' course. Also combination Theological and Collegiate Course. Graduate Course leading to B. D. Degree. Send for a Catalogue Also for Bulletins and other Literature, to THE PRESIDENT, v. W.R. McChesney, Ph. D., D. D. darville College Cedarville, 0 hio