1949-1950 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Bulletin Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice at Cedarville, Ohio, April 1915 under Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. Volume XXXn Cedarville, Ohio, April, 1949 No. 1 Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio Located in Greene County, forty-six miles southwest of Columbus, and sixty miles northwest of Cincinnati. It is eight miles northeast of Xenia and twelve miles south of Springfield. Established in 1894 as a liberal arts in­ stitution with emphasis on Christian education. In times like these when civilization is everywhere being tested and the promise of the future is pre­ carious, Cedarville College holds to its founding principles. Teacher-training to help fill the under-staffed Ohio schools with capable personel is an important part of Cedarville’ s work. Sixty-eight percent of the students at Cedarville are enrolled as future-teachers. Training is of­ fered for positions in both the elementary and secondary fields together with the special field of physical education. The degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science andBachelor of Science in Education are granted by Cedarville College. Pre-professional curricula in a wide variety of fields are offered. Approved by the Veterans Administration for the education of World War II veterans under the Rehabilitation Act of 1944 (the G. I. Bill of Public Law 346) and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (Public Law 16). Self-help opportunities are offered by the college and part-time employment in the community. A 205-acre farm is owned and operated by the college as part of a student self-help program. Worthy students in need of assistance should make their needs known to the Cedarville College business office.