Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10
Greene County Journal VOL. 78. NO. 8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 19b6 JamestownRuralMailCarrier ToRetireAfter37YearsService j J Karl Robinson, who. for 37 years and 2 months i served ns rural route mail carrier wil retire Jan. 31, 1955, j duo. lo ill health. Mr. Robinson is 57 years of age. j Mr. Robinson started carrying the mull on Nov. 20, 1017, on route 1, thm> were five routes at the time, Th'": consolidated the route mat in'; two routes ts cn and ha was on io.ita one. V/hcn he started 1 ij ii,iwted ?7 i i-' er. and had H4 bo.v«, and n w travels 73,3 relies v*;>. '133 boxes ano 500 families. Ho startl’d under Harry l to,- ranee, who has retired, but still liv in ' In Janie i t . ' M r . Koo'nvn Mrttf und r the followin',' po?t- /■Mftcrs; tinny Lieuranoe, L. S. .illey. II A'v I Moorman Harry Lmirnncc, (second term) Patsy Springs and Ralph Stltsworth, who is the present postmaster. When he started on the route he drove a Model T Ford, which cost him $S!i5. new. For the first five days the weather was nice and he drove the Ford, then came a snow Former Cedarvilie Civic Leader Dies CHARLES \V. GRAHAM Funeral Services were conducted Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Morrow Funeral home In Jeffersonville lor Charles W, Graham, 67, of Jeffer sonville, former civic leader and farmer in the Cedarvilie community, who died at G p. m, Wednesday In Mt. Carmel Hospital Columbus, He had been In falling health lor some time and seriously ill lor a week or so. Mr, Graham had resided the post 15 years In Jeffersonville. While a farmer in the Cedarvilie area, he was active In commu nity, church and Masonic affairs. He was an active member of the Cedarvilie Methodist Church. He was a charter member and past master of Cedarvilie Lodge 622, Free and Accepted Masons, and a charter member and past patron of Cedarvilie Chapter 418, Order of Eastern Star. Surviving are the widow, Row- enn; one daughter, Mrs, John L. McICllllp of Jeffersonville; one brother. Addison Graham of Springfield and three sisters, Mrs. Maud Hamilton of Lakcficid, On tario, Canada and Miss Meda Graham nnd Mrs. Alta Gerlaugb of Xenia. Teachers Needed In Overseas Positions A nation-wide recruitment pro gram is currently under way to sec ure teachers for overseas positions in the American Dependent Schools according to the Division of Appointments of the Ohio State University's College of Education, The schools are maintained by the Department of the Army for children of military nnd civilian personnel stationed in Japan, Okin awa, Austria, Germany, France and Italy, Some 900 elementary and secondary teachers will be needed for the 1955-56 school year. As civilian employees, the teach ers of these schools receive their transportation to and from the countries to which they are assign ed, and rent-free living quarters are available in most areas. Month ly snlary is $350. Most of the openings are at the elementary level, requiring teachers experienced In multiple grade work. High school teachers must be qual ified to teach in more than one subject matter field, To interview interested and qual ified applicants,, a recruiting team from the Department of the Army will visit the Oiho State University campus March 8 and 9, Interviews will be conducted, between 12, Noon nnd 9 p. m. in Room 111, Hughes Hall, General requirements for these positions include a bachelor's de gree, a minimum of 18 semester hours in education courses, & valid teaching certificatc,and at least two years’ public school teaching exper ience. All candidates must be teach ing at the present time or attend ing school to further their academic background. Minimum age Is 25; the maxi- mum, 55, Because of the scarcity of fainily-type housing overseas, sin gle teachers will bo given first con siderations. Additional information and appli cations may be secured from Miss Margaret' Vescy, Division of Appoint ments, i l l Arps Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio, and blizzard, snow layod on the ground till 23rd day of Feb. Then ho had to drive horse and sled, (Which was made by Lawrence Miller) or buggy, and ho upset nnd slid off the road with tire mall three times that winter, 50 days that win ter It was zero and below nnd on New Year's Day of 1918 It was 25 degrees below zero. During World War I he enlisted in the Army and was stationed in Cincinnati, On December 30, 1918 he was married to Miss Mae Bryan, of Jamestown, and they have spent all their married life In Jamestown and vicinity, until Oct. 11, 1954 when they moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. When Mr. Robinson started he re ceived $100 a month salary, out of which he had to pay travel expen ses. He estimates that he has trav eled 600,000 miles delivering mall, He also had to deliver mall on Christmas Day. Kenneth Fields will take over Mr. Robinson’s route February 1, Mr. Fields is a graduate of Silvcrcreek High School, the class of 1938, he served five years and six months In World War II and one year In the Korean War. Mr, Fields marrlea Miss Fannie Jane Bennett, of Stein- hat/'hec, Fla., on Otc. 30, 1945, o* rhomasvllle, Ga., and they have three sons. Mr. Fields has worked at the post Office for three years as sub stitute clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Fields and sons live in Jamestown. Shown with the Piper J-3 are left to right, Leroy Jacobs, Stanley W. Young, Jr., pilot of the plane and John Anderson, Co-owner of the Acheson Co. An experiment was conducted by Leroy Jacobs, Route 3, Yellow Springs, with Tetrapetkus rye, on his farm on Clifton road. Being late in the season Mr. Jacobs engaged a plane to sow the grain. It took Stanley Young, Jr., pilot of the plane, owned by the Acheson Aviation Go., of Col umbus, Ohio, just 3Ms hours to sow the 70 acres of rye on the Jacob’s farm. The Tetrapetkus type is import ed from Germany, by the Dewine & Hamma Seed Co., of Yellow Springs. The seed Is tested and grown in miseries in Germany and Is a hybrid produced by chemical methods. If the experiment of the seed proves successful as well as the seeding by plane project, it may be a great step forward toward easing the farmers grain planting problems. “ Effective Advertising Leaflets Obtainable. Mr, Fred Ramsey, Rcglonnl Dir ector of the Small Business Admin istration for Region VI covering the States of Ohio, Michigan and Ken tucky, announces a new leaflet for the use of small retailers, entitled "Effective Advertising For Small Retailers!’, which is number 2 on the Agency’s new series of Small Marketers Aids and Is obtainable from any Business Administration field office. ,A brief list of "do’s” nnd "don'ts” arc given In the leaflet which will assist the small retailers in prepar ing advertising copy, and the costs of advertising and timing arc dis cussed generally. Mr, Rnmscy said the best way to bring customers in to a store is through effective advertising and the primary step in planning an effective advertising campaign 1$ to decide what you want advertis ing to do for you. Many times re tailers’ advertising Is ineffective because it Is poorly conceived, poor ly timed and Inadequate in coverage. This new leaflet will help small retailers with these problems. In addition to small Marketers Aids, the Small Business Admin istration Issues two other Scries of free leaflets—Management Aids for Manufacturers nnd Technical Aids for Small Manufacturers, These arc obtainable for the asking. HighCornYields . , Along with Betsch, other offl- The Trelawny South Farm man-’ cCrs elected for the ensuing year aged by Opeknsll, Inc, has been nn‘iWcrB James D( Murray Napoleon, S S S ’ m S T * ',r0U,'d, i - n a * « For the past eight yenrs the1 i Pioneer Com Company research! , ~ n-lirpr department has conducted a hybrid! rtAl. ’ corn yield performance test on the ______ _____________________ „ Greene County Banking Conditions Reach Record Level Although total resources of all Ohio banks topped $10 billion for the first time in history last year, financial conditions here in Greene County are proportionately just as good. In fact, total resources of local banks reached the record level of $34,596,218,24 by December 81 ,1254 . This total was obtained by combining the year-end statement of the various banks in the county, according to Bob Moor man, President of the Farmers & Traders Bank, who made the calculation. Tire official reports of condition, holders of Greene County banks made by the banks to governmental have total investments in the banks authorities disclosed that Greene |of $2,767,317.88. This Is in the form County banks had on deposit with of capital, surplus and undivided profits. Another protective feature is the substantial amount of cash and Government bonds owned by the batiks, The total is $19,315,664.14, The cash, Of course, Is Immediately available to satisfy the withdrawal of deposits and the Government bonds may quickly be converted in to cash. Banks included lit the above re port are; Spring Valley National Bank, Spring Valley, Ohio; First Nation al Bank, Fairborn, Ohio; Miami iJe- posit Bank, Yellow Springs, Ohio, Cedarvilie, Ohio; Xenia National Sank, Xenia, Ohio; Citizens First national Bank, Xenia, Ohio; Farm ers and Merchants Bank, FalrbOrtt, Ohio; Fanners and Traders Bank Jamestown, Ohio, thorn $31,G28,553.83 and of this, $11, 205,505.07 had been used in making loans of all types to aid the conduct of business and to fulfill the needs of the citizens of the community. Bankers stress the importance of bank loans in keeping the county’s business moving along. Money lent lo business concerns makes it pos sible for them to buy stocks of goods, improve their premises and equip ment and do other necessary things. Loans to individuals permit them to buy goods from merchants and others and many of these loans make It possible for people to pur chase homes or farms, thereby con tributing to the stability of their communities. An element of safety for depos itors lies on the fact that the stock- County Girl Scout Council Board Meets To Plan Cookie Sale Greene County Girl Scout Council Board Members will meet Thursday morning, for their monthly meeting, at Girl Scout Headquarters in Xenia. Final plans for the Cookie Sale, which will be February 12 to 26, will be made. Board members from Cedarvilie are: Mrs. Fred Wilburn^ President; Mrs. John McMillan, Troop Organization Chairman; Mrs. Harold Spltler, Neighborhood Chair man, From Fairborn: Mrs. Robert Kuhn, First Vice President; Mis. Arbec Halldorsen, Camp Chairman; Mrs. Robert Padovanl District Chair man; Mrs, Claude Hensley and Mrs. John S. Bair, Members At Large. From Xenia: Mrs. Joe C. Jones, Second Vice President; Mrs. John G. Peterson, Treasurer; Mrs. William Schofield, Training Chairman; Mrs. Paul Irey, District Chairman, from Wllberforce: Mrs, Francis Woodson, Secretary; Mrs, G, Edwin Gibbs, Neighborhood Chairman, from Yellow Springs; Mrs, Walter Knccht, International Juliette Low Chairman. Mrs, Stanley Wise, Neighborhood Chairman; from, Beavercreek: Mrs. Valle Wegley, Staff and Office Chairman; Mrs,; George Blttle, Neighborhood Chair man. from Bellbrook; Mrs. Johnj Werner Jr, Neighborhood Chair man, TEN CENTS PER COPY LocalChurchHostToArea PresbyteryOn100thAnniversary YELLOW SPRINGS— Six commissioners to the Pres byterian General Assembly were elected at the annual winter meeting of the Presbyterian of Dayton here Tues day January 11. They are the Rev. Emil Baumann, pastor of the Forest Avenue Church, Dayton ; the Rev. Russell'W, Galloway, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Middletown the Rev. Alexander T. Covle, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Troy; Paul L. Kemsey elder from Cedarvilie; Fred P. Miller, elder from Gettysburg. These commissioners will repre- Huffman of Grccnvllee was elected vie modrator, The Rev, J, E. P. Morrison of New Carlisle was elected enrolling clerk and the Rev, G, Kenneth Shafer, Jr., of West Carrollton, re cording clerk. The proposed union with the United Presbyterian Church and the Southern Presbyterian Church was approved by the delegates. The sermon for the meeting was preached by the Rev. Wendell Pontius of Seven Mile, the retiring moderator. The Rev. E, Graham Parker of Wooster, a missionary to India, gave an address on for eign missions at a fellowship luncheon. The Centennial of the Yellow Springs Church was recognnlzed at the luncheon, with the Church pastor, The Rev. Buckley S. Rude, giving a historical account of its founding. The Rev. J. Miller Gold of Van Wert, General Presbytery, also gave an address In connection with the centennial of the Yellow Springs Church, The next regular meeting of the Presbytery of Dayton will be held April 19 in the Covenant Church in Springfield sent the Presbytery of Dayton at the nntional Presbyterian general assembly for 1955 in Los Angeles, Calif,, during may. In addition, officers for the meeting here were elected Tusday morning. The Rev. Russell W. Galloway was elected moderator of the meeting and the Rev. Harold E. Mrs. Ed- Greene CEDARVILLE—Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 at Mc Millan funeral home in Cedarvilie for Mrs. Bertha Edith Greene 66, wife of Ed A. Greene, Prugh av., who died at her home Wednesday. Surviving besides Mr. Greene are six children, Raymond Crab tree, Springfield; Beauford Grab- tree, Xenia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Fltzwatqr, Chicago, by a former marriage, Charles and Richard Greene of Cedarvilie and Mrs. Mercle Miller of Springfield; her mother, Mrs. Maude Leslie, Lon don, O.,; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Long Cedarvilie; four brothers Barch Leslie, Columbus; Henry and Mel vin Leslie, Springfield, and Gene Leslie, London, and a number of grandchildren. Burial was in North Cemetery at Cedarvilie. Notice GreeneCountyFairBoard The Ohio Fair Managers Association holding three day conferencesin Columbus last week, elected Charles J. Betsch of Chillicothe, president of the association, Competition in the best 1954 fair contest' for the Myers % Cooper Trophy was narrowed fcij four entries Friday afternoon when Cuyahoga, Drake, Hardin and Wy« Suitcase Lost Contains Valuable Papers Of Veteran An Air Force Veteran, liv ing in Loulsana, Ls seeking aid of Greene countlans In recov ering a suitcase containing his wife’s wardrobe and valoable papers. Leo Ellison, Jr, wrote “While traveling across Ohio on Sunday January 9, on nigh- way 42 enroutc to onr home at Shreveport, La., somewhere be tween Medina and WaynesvlIIe, Ohio, a suitcase containing my wife's winter wardrobe and some very valuable papers was lost from my car rack, Having just received my dis charge from the Air Force, I plan to return immediately -to college. You may see whst a loss this suitcase is. It is my hope that any one finding the suitcase will ship -It to me ex press collect. Thanks very much for -help ing Leo Ellison, Jr, 1901 Laurel Street Shreveport, Loulsana Baltimore, second vice president, and Henry G. Richards, Mt. Ver- ! ton was re-elected executive sec- 1retary of the association, Trelawny South Farm located In Greene County four miles North of Jamestown, Ohio. This is a gen eral farm, quite diversified, operat ing on a commercial basis. Good uniform stands arc very im portant in obtaining fair compari sons in such a test. Good farming methods practiced on this farm -ly made an Initial purchase of one' Jamestown Man Buys Registered Ayrshire M. H. Bogard, Jamestown, recent- has been a large factor In the suc cess of Pioneer’s testing program for this area. In addition to obtain ing good significant data, these tests also produced abnormally high yields:. Even though a large number of new untried hybrids are planted In these comparison trials, the Tre lawny test had an average of 133.6 bushels per acre this past season. In 1953 the Trelawny test yielded 122.9 bushels per acre. Yields of all entries in these comparisons are based on 15 percent,moisture. Basil Cornett, manager of the Trelawny South Farm, has a keen interest in Carrylg bn this hybrid com testing program. registered Ayshire, according to the Ayshire Breeders’ Association Ex ecutive Secretary, Chester C, Put ney of Brandon, Vt, The transaction was recorded in the National Office of the Ayshire Breeders' Association in Brandon where complete records onall regist ered Ayshires In the United States have been maintained since 1875. Because of their ability to pro duce at a low cost an abundance of milk with an average butterfat test of 4 percent. the Ayshire breed of dairy cattle has become increas Ingly popular with dairymen throughout the country. andot Counties walked off with divisional honors. Earlier in the day, R. M, Ey- man, director of the State Depart ment of Education, urged greater participation by schools in county fairs, Those attending the meeting from Greene Co., were, Mrs, J. Robert Bryson of Xenia Twp. who Is Sec retary of the Greene Co. Fair Board. Mrs, LqRoy Jacobs, Miami Twp., Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Bock, -Jeffer son Twp.. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leach Sr. of Sllvercreek Twp., Dfr- ectos on the Greene Co, Board. Crops for Canning Brings $6 Million To Ohio Farmers Production of vegetables for can ning returned almost $6 million last year to Ohio farmers, j "Tills cash Income resulted from| the harvesting in the state of more than 443 million pounds of veget ables for sale to processors." ex plained F, G. Richards, Ohio repre sentative of the American Can Com pany, He said that Ohio ls an Import* The wflier blIIs are being made ant producer of such processing *°ut and will be mailed this week vegetables as lima beans, cabbage,! They are a little late due to bad sweet com, cucumbers, green, and tomatoes. The state last year planted more than 23 thousand ac res to these and other vegetables for the processing Richards added. \ Notice If the man who Is always itt defct will keep a record of his expenses Industry. 1he may find it Is sense he lacks— «not dollars. MEN INSERVICE Pacific Fleet, (FHTNC)—Marvin E, Carey, sort of Mr, and ilre. c, D. Carey of 258 S.Msln St,, and hus band of Mrs. M. E. Carey, all of Cedarvilie, Ohio, has been advanced in rate to printer third claw, U8N, while serving aboard the repair ship U8S Hooper Island, • - '#•■»?* Charles 3, Redd»r has enlisted in the Army, and left Tuesday to re turn to his camp, TurnOnYourLightForPolio Porch-LightParade Cedarvilie, Ohio The American Legion and the American Legion Aux iliary are again sponsoring the annual Porch-Light Parade to assist in the raising of funds for the fight against Polio. white scarf to your door, The quota for the Cedarvilie Area this yea#' is tioso. The need is |#eat this yea# .M in years 'past* Place On Thursday evening, January 27, the members of the Auxiliary will cover the Cedarvilie community from 7 o ’clock to. 8 o’clock in their efforts to fill or surpass the quota for tills area while the Legionaires will drive into the surrounding Areas. Deadline Near On COG Leans Fanners who have postponed taking out a price-support loan or purchase agreement on their 1954 grain crops may well make an early visit to their County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation, ac cording to Joseph B, Mason, Office Manager of the Greene County ASC Office. January 31, 1955, is the closing date for Commodity Credit Corpor ation loans and purchase agree ments on 1954 crops of wheat, rye barley, oats, and soybeans. Loans and purchase agreements on 1954- corn are available through May 31* 1955. As of January 10, 1955, farmers in the County had covered the follow ing amounts of their 1954 crops un der the price-support program; Wheat—1111 Loans on 404,817.4 bushels of wheat in the amount of $933,620.93, Oats—3 Loans on 1326.0 bushels of oats In the amount of $1,047.54, Soybeans—l i Loans on 5028.33 bushels of soybeans in the amount Of $10,896.41, Corn—39 Loans on 51,515.39 bushels of com in the amount of $85,262.06. Under the Price-Support Program In 1954, farmers have placed 462, 687,12 bushels of grain under Price- Support Loans in the amount of $1,030,826.94, Mr, Mason reminds fanners that adequate storage is essential to the operation of the loan program. Loans and purchase agreenments are effective in protecting farm prices because they make it possible for fanners to market their crops at a more advantageous time. Instead of being forced to rush the whole crop to market at harvest time to meet operating expenses farmers may store their crops, take out a loan, and selll as market conditions warrant. Information on Government Loans to help farmers increase farms is also avalllabie at the needed storage facilities on their County ASC Office. Susan Cotter Installed As4tairibow Officer Susan Cotter, daughter of Mr. yourself in the position of a parent flRd Mjg cedarylH^ who has had a child stricken with wa8 an offlcer^ f ,tho Xenia Assembly, Order of Rainbow this dread disease, How much would If you care to contribute to this |you give to completely restore that for airls Rt Masonic* Temple Very worthy cause, simply turn on I child 10 health? Can you afford ^ Tuesday evening at 8 p. m your porch light a few minutes be- NOT to give? We know you will do other officers installed were*Col leen Shellabarger, worthy advisor; Linda Haines, associate worthy .»!&- visor; Sandra Cralle, Charity; f At- ty Kllloran, Hope; Marcia Nelson, recorder and 'Efettf Nichols, trea surer, Susan WAS* installed as fhffih your part this year. *------— •— fore seven o'clock on that evening and the members of these organi sations will be happy to stop by for The half of the world able to your donation. If you do not have imake ends meet is unable to urn A pornh light, may we suggest that j derstand why the other half is al- you tfc or fasten in some way a ways short,
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