The MacMillan Homestead

VII. FINIS This narrative may be the last attempt to record the history of the descendants of James and Martha Murdock MacMillan, as already they have become widely scattered, have formed associations and entered into activities far removed from the simple life of the old home. Yet, there is satisfaction in knowing that our religious heritage from godly parents, if adhered to, is a cord strong enough to hold the family together in the bonds of love, affection and loyalty through the coming years. If only a few of those remaining have the privilege of meeting on earth, we can look forward to meeting in another and a better land, and sing together the songs of Zion our forefathers sang in Scotland, and Ireland and America—the Twenty-third, and the One Hundredth Psalm, which so fittingly tell the story of our family’s earthly pilgrimage. “All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, His praise foretell— Come ye before Him and rejoice!” (Tune—“Old Hundredth.”) 55