The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1967

• 0.1.B. Contest Winners Fir t place winner of our Ladi 0.1.B. ubscription Contest was Mrs. Garnet Wymer Pata kala. he is now the happy posse or of a beautiful $35. cofield Reference Bible. econd Oberlin Church Recognized Twenty-one pastor and eight n1es- · prize ,-vinners received $15.00 gift certificate ( redeemable at Cedarville College Book tore) were Mi s Elaine Ea terl y, Cleveland and Mrs. Jos. Chapman. Gallipolis. Third prize winners receiving $7.50 gift certifi– ;ate were Mr . Eleanor Bruss, Lake Milton 1'-1rs H. C. Thoman, Stow ind Mr . Ethel Crosby, Broadview enger along with three other or– dained mi ni ter met on Nov. 17 at the American Legion Hal] in Oberlin, Ohio at the request of the Oberlin Calvary Bapti t hurch for the pur– po e of examining their church as to it poli cy and whether or not they might be con idered a duly con titut– ed Baptist church. The council after thorough examination, voted unani– mou Iy that recognition be granted. Thi new Bapti t church is a com– bined effort of the Hebron As ocia– tion of Regular Bapti t Churche in the Lorain and Medina county areas of Ohio. . Height . Your Editor and Circulation Man- 1ger wi h to expre s their thanks to .1Jl the ladies who participated in th is ;onte t which resulted in approxi– n1ately 150 ne\.v subscriptions and nany renewals! Examined For Ordination Thirty five pastors and messenger · rom churches of the Hebron Associ– ttion of Regular Baptist Churches net on ov. 17 at the American egion Building in Oberlin to examine ,ur brother Joseph C. Fritz for ordi- 1at1on. The council unanimously voted o recommend that the First Bapti t : hurch ordain Mr. Fritz. This or– linat1on service was held on Decem– >er l at the Fir t Baptist Church, )berlin where Mr. Fritz has been ,astor1ng for the past year and a 1alf. Millions in Europe do not have the Word of God. J. . . Brother Fritz i a graduate of Bob ones University and pre entl y re– ides at 496 West College t. in )berJin with hi s wife Joanne and heir son Philip. See a stirring portrayal of the spiritual need in Holland, Finland, France, Poland, West Germany and Spain-and what the PTL teams are doing to fill that need. Filmed in fu ll color, beautiful photos of famous European scenes, 18 minutes, 35mm filmstrip, LP r ecord and lecture script. Order f rom $4.75 J . Edward Smith, I nt erna t ional Director 1 he First Baptist Church of Obcr– n tarted on May 9, 1965 wi th 12 copJe. They now have an average unday morning attendance of 65. he l...ord i · l)lessi ng ! The Pocket 49 Honeck Stree t Englewood, N.J. 0763 1 Testament League, Inc. LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE NEWHALL, D 1 r . John, R. o,un,kin Pr ident & GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CALIFORNIA A CHRIST CENTERED COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES C. Lloyd Button, M. A. Dea n Six Maior (A.B. & 8 . S. Degree) • u sta ndin Faculty • Good Em loyment • "Come and Enioy The Su,1'' • Lov ly New Campus r11e fo, Catalog Tod y LABC Ne wJ1 II , C l1fo, ,,; New O penness a:.n.d In-te :rest - in The Gospel on the p a rt of many J ews, has made impera t ive ou r expansion. in f aith, by adding t o our m issiona ry staff. For over 29 years w e have been tell – ing Israel the message o f h er Mes– s 1ah ove r 50 rad io s tat ion s w i th coast-t o-coast and f o re ign coverage. Many are reached f or Christ by ma i l, co rrespondence courses and per– son al work. Th is m i n istry 1s depend– ent under God upon th e prayers and f ina n cial su ppo rt of H is people. Send f or free copy o f our informa· t ive maga~ne, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL Th e late Coulson Shepherd Founder Kenneth Meyers Radio Pastor Three New Features In coming i uc of the 0 .1.B. we will be introducing BOOK REV! W by Rev. Darrel Bice, TEE TALK , a que ti on and an wer colun1n for youth . and WHAT AYETH THE PROPHET ? by Rev. Gerald mel er. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION INC. Founded 1904 Witnessin g to Jews in Cfeveland, O hio; Charleston, W. Va. ; Sao Paulo and Rio d e Janeiro, Brazil. The largest staff in the h :story of the Mission augmented by a rad io ministry at home and abroad, and a mailing ministry in the United States and abroad Presenting Christ to our Lord' s brethren by visitation, Bible classes, correspond– e nce courses and literature. Staff members are happy to visit churches in the spirit of Acts 15:4 to present the work of the M1!>s ion through 1nsp1ra t1onal report~ a nd by colored slid es. " Brethr e n my (our) heart' desire and p rays , to God for Israel is, that they n1ig ht b e saved." Wri te for )'Our free copy of " The Trump eter for 2\rael" our quarterly mag· az ine devoted to the work of Jewish evangelisrn. Gerald V ~ el ar, Supt. Cleve I nd Httbr ew Mi ion P. 0 . Box 18056 Cleveland, Ohio 44118