The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1972

J Golden Anniversary Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ketcham On June 1st of this year , Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ketcham wi JJ have been married fifty year . I t wi 11 be their "golden ,, wedding anniver ary! Originally p lans had been made for a special gathering of friend at the Belden Avenue Bapti t Church in Chi– cago following the evening service of June 4th . Due to a recent ( slight ) heart attack, however, thi s has been cancelled. Dr . Ketcham' attending physician has advi ed aga inst his par– ticipating in any large ga theri ng . He i to stay a t home and get a n1uch rest as is pos ible. He has had to ca ncel all of hi peaking engagemen ts for the next eight week . For those who wou ld like to write and congratulate them, their mailing address is . . . Dr . and Mrs. Robert T . Ketcham 2646 Winnemac hicago, Illinoi s - 60625 We praise the Lord for these dear ones who have walked side by side through the years faithfuJ1 y serving their f_ord ! Pray e\pec1all y for them at thi s time . AVAILABLE FOR • • • Pulpit Supply and or Sermons in Song REV. GEORGE P. ZINN Route 3, Huber Road Norwalk, Ohio - 44857 Tel (419) 668 8072 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST College Seminar "BECOMING WHOLE IN A FRA TUR D WORLD" is the then1e for the coming Coll ege Baptist Fel– lowship 's NATIONAL OLLEGE S MINAR which is to be he]d at SKYYIEW RAN H - June 4- JO. Gue t peake rs for the week are Dr. Vic Matthews, Professor of Syste– ma tic Theology and Apologetic at the G rand Rap id Bap ti st Bible ol– lege and Seminary ~Dr . D avid Boylan, Dea n of ngi neering School of Iowa tate Univer ity and Mr. James Grier , Head of the Department of Phi]oso– phy at Ceda rville Coll ege. Dr . Mat– thew will be di scuss ing things "psy– cological'', Mr . Grier th ings "philoso– phica l" and Dr . Boylan things "scien– tific,· . The CBF taff wi ll be present– ing thi ng "pract ical ' . There will be recreat ion and good food, a weJl a , " ocia l and buzz" group . The Seminar is open to youth from any uni versity, coll ege, nursing school, business in titute, etc. The cos t i very low for a seminar of this type. I t is $60 for the week . A $ 10 preregistration fee should be mailed to Miss G lori a Vermaas, CBF Staff, JO 15 River Street, Iowa Fall s, Iowa - 50 126. VOL. 44, NO. 8 MAY, 1972 Pastor Arnett Ordained A counci l of sixteen pastors was call ed by the Union Baptist Church nf Union , Ohio to exami ne Charles Arnett for ordin ation. The cou nci l wa compri sed o f men from our Ohio Association of R e g u I a r Baptist hurches (Xeni a Fellowship area) and men of like precious faith . After a most thorough exami nation rega rding Brother Arnett's conversion, convi ctions and ca11 to the ministry, it was moved, seconded and carried unanimously that our brother be or– dained to the gospel ministry. Brother Arnett was commended by the council for his humility and his preparedness in answering the questions of the counci l. A special ordination service was held at the Union Baptist Church at a later date and Dr. Arthur F. Wil– li ams delivered the ordination sermon. Rev. Arnett is pastor of the Un ion Bap tist Cht1rch which is in fel lowship with our OARBC and the GARBC. Recentl y he underwent eye surgery for a detached retina . The operation was uccessful and he is improving steadily. National GARBC Con·ference DES PLAIN ES, ILL. - "W/10111 rl1all I send, and w/10 l-vill f!O fo r i,s?" is the theme of the 41 t annua l con– ference of the General A soc iation of Regular Bapti t Churches to be held in San Diego, alifornia, June 26-30. Dr . Joseph M. Stowell , Nati onal Repre entati ve, said. HWe ha ve con1- plcted forty yea r ! In the Bib le the nun1ber forty is oftentimes as ociated with testi ng - a tin1c of proving . hi s i an appropri ate time for us to take a good hard look at our elves Lo detcrn1inc whether or not we have proven true . We need to look at our ~pi ri tua I stance on a II fronts. " It is n1 y convic ti on that our A - \Ocia tion o f Bible-believing chttrchcs has not and wil I not n1ove off the ba. e on wh ic l1 we were founc.leti. We sttlJ , tand rnil itan tl y - ' ' terrible a\ an arn1y v..ith banner," agau1,t the ever ·<Jarkcning a1Jo\ta'>y ot the lac.,t c.Ja 1 ~. We are cq uall 1 atJan1an t in our ~tantl aga tn5t a ne~cr anti JJerha J)\ more subt le adver ary known a neo– eva ngelicali 111. "We began a a eparat i t fellow- hip and continue on that platforn1. A a part of the faithful ren1nant we be li eve and preach the fundan1ental of the faith. We believe in the plenary, verbal in piration of the Word of od . It i inerrant , infallible and our final au thorit y. With Heaven ent zea l we preach it. trt1th around the world that al l n1ay hear that od ha. , pokcn. There i a nev urgency in this for the return of our Lord i drav. 1 ing nearer and the tin1e n1a) he horter than we think." The C1encral A ociati n of Regu– lar Bar)ti~ t ( ' httrche reprec;;ent'l 1,426 loca l chttrches tinitcll to accon1pl1 h n1utt1al concerns on a national anti in– ternational le, cl thrt)tJgh the ch 1p– lainc) , rHtiJO hroaJC,\St" 1111\ \ 1()0, , cdt1catic.)11 anLI \Octal re,11<) n, 1hd1t, . 1 he annual, nation\\ 1dc 81l1h: confer cncc 1\ f t> r \ p Ir It u tt I cti i t1 l: a ct t) n. ~ha I lt.:ng~ anti tcllc.)\.\\hi1). MAY, 1972 3