The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972

An Important Resolution ; \ 11t1n1l,cr f \'Cr 1 i111p(lrtant 1e"olt1t ion~ were passed at the recent GARB ' )tlfl'rc11rc hcl1..i in an I icgo. altfornia One n1o'il vi tal hac.J to tlo wi th ' 'KI ·Y ·1 ,... It ,,.l, 11,\,,Cli \lt1a11i111ot1,l\. lt rc,1ti a"' tollow, .. ·· ir1cc the \\, ortl ot ,otl c nj 1 n" bcl 1cvcr" to Hhcl 1cvc not every c;pi r1t , bt1t tr, tl1c , pir1t..; \\ l1cthcr the at c of (1od: bccat1sc many fal e prophets arc gone t)t1t tnto tl1c \\ Clrld'' (l John 4: 1) and • 1ncc the crtptt1re clearly warn: 'Whoc;oever transgrcsseth, and abideth 11ot ic1 the lioctr1nc of hr1, t. hath not God. H e that atl ideth in the doctrine of "l1r1~t. he hath hoth the Father and the on. If •there come any unto you, and br1r1g n t thi.. doctrine. receive hin1 not into your hou e, neither bid him God– speed For he that biddeth hin1 God. peed I partaker of his evil deeds' (2 John 9-1 I) and "Ina n1uch a the progran1, organizat ional makeup and personnel of KEY '73 on1pletel)' ignore the above teaching of Scripture in the name of evangelism; and Hlna mt1ch a the Executive Committee of KEY '73 includes leaders from apo tate denon1inations an<l "Ina n1uch a KEY ·73 ·proposes to _ an overarchi ng Christian canopy in both Canada and the United;·~t~~s~~.i.e~ w~ h al l . denominations, congrega~ t1on and Chrt t1an group may coi'tentr~ ~ evangelism during the year 1973, and ..Since KEY ·73 leader empha 1ze that it is a 'Smorgasbord of ideas' in \\- hich ·each church or group may choose the precise form or extent of it partici– pation' and that 'varietie in evangeli tic expression are anticipated' thus opening the door to confusion about the central message of evangelism; HBE IT RESOLVED that we, the messengers to the annual meeting of the G eneral Association of Regular Baptist Churches, meeting in San Diego, Cali– fornia, this 30th day of June, 1972, go on record as being thoroughly opposed to any ecumenical evangelism which ~eeks to promote unscriptural cooperation ~ ithout regard to the doctrinal posi tions of the participants, and '"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we warn our people of the confusion which will result from a KEY '73 program that allows the presence of liberals, Roman Catholics and others whose social gospel or sacr amental gospel is not the Gospel of Christ; and "BE IT RESOLVED that we urge our pastors to boldly proclaim the mes– age of Galatians 1 :8: ' But though we, or a n angel f rom heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be 1ccursed. · "BE IT FURTH ER RESOLVED that we urge our pastors and people to faith fully, fer vently and daily reach the lost of our communities with the Gospel of Christ in a program of evangelism that honors the ful l intent of the Great Commission a nd insures the purity of the local New T estament Church. " In the light of this resolution, how important are these words of Dr. Marion B. Reynolds- "Evangeli sm is dear to the heart of every true believer-It should be! "Evangel ism is central to the program of every true local church-It should be! "Evangelism in our day, however is bei ng used to promote the apostate ecumenical movement- It should not be! Romans 3: 8 "Evangelism is the proclamation of the Gospel- But there is only one true gospel-Those who preach any other gospel are under God's curse. Galat ians l :8,9 "We know Satan twists the Scriptures, but do we know how he is twist– ing Evangelism? The Devil is the great deceiver. He knows that Evangelism is important and precious to every born-again person. So he wraps one big package a nd label s it "Evangelism ," knowing that many believers will be deceived. They won't look inside- That 's not as it should be! I J ohn 4: 1-3 ~ II J ohn 6-11 ' 'Evangelism is now being used to destroy the Biblical distinctive be– tween truth and error . It is being used to promote unscriptural fellowship between believers and unbelievers . It is being used to pave the way toward the "one-world, , harlot church of the a nti-chri st. This is tragic, but true!" May our OARB Churches s tand always for true Bible Evangelism . Let us proudly stand with our General Association of Regular Baptist Churches in rebuking a ll attempts to bolster Satanic programs of com– promise. Let us be determined to stand true even if it means tanding a lone ! The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ed itoria I Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 l Rates of Subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $ 1.1 5 per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PLAN (mailed directly to the church), $1 .00 per s ubscription . Minimum bundle order - 1 S copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advel'tis– ing copy in hand no later t han 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Ed,tor . . . . . . . . . A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation ;,Janager . . Stuart L. Chaffe Box )lo. 160 , Xenia, Ohio 45385 iVonzen's Editor .... Mrs. Inez Milner 2 195 Brock \va> Road Uni\ ers1ty Hts., Ohio 4411 8 . State ft.! issionary Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer 1\\•e., Sto\v, Ohio 44224 State Youtlz Director Wilbur Parrish Gallia St. a t \Valler, Portsmouth , 0. 45662 COUNCIL OF TEN • Cha,rn2an ..... . State Rt. 82 & N. Bo\' cJ en , Lynn E. Rogers Rd ., Northf1eld 1 Ohio 44067 l 1 1ce-Cl1t11r111a11 . . . . John R. \Vood Box 596, l)cll c font a1ne, Ohio 433 1 I Se, retal')' ( ten1 porar) ) \\' . Dean Henry 54 I Bro,vn St. , Akron , Ohio 44 3 I I Treasurer William A. Brock 4659 Trabue Rd ., Colun1bu s, Ohio 43228 Progran1 Cl1rn1. W. Dean Henrv , 541 Bro,vn St., Akron, Ohio 443 11 A! issionary Chrnz. George A. Bates 53 25 Clearvie,v Dr. 1 Blanchester, 0. 45ro7 Education Chrm. . . Raymond F. Hami lton Gallia St. at \Valier, Portsmouth 45662 Y oung Peo fle's iVork Clz, ni ., orn1 Bo~,vorth Cl dJ 1vtllc College, Ced .1r\ille, Ohio 453 1-1 Kenneth H. Good . . . . 51 o 3 Broad\vay Lorain, Ohio 44052 R. Kenneth melser 12 3 W. Liberty St. Medina, Ohio 44256 Ea rl V . Willetts . . . . . ' . . I I Adams St. Berea, Ohio 440 17