The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973

' SEPTEMBER 10 -13, 1973 Dr. Lehman Strauss Dr. H. 0. Van Gilder ' 'Expository Preaching' ' Rev. Don Tyler ' 'Essentials that Build Soul-Winning Churches' ' Dr. Robert Gromacki ' 'Recent Developments within the New Pentecostalism' ' Dr. Jack Riggs ' 'Bible Study Tools for the Pastor' ' - ----------------------------------------------------- 2683 D EDARVILLE COLLEGE A 8opust College o ArtJ ond Sci ences Or Jomes T Jerem'oh , Preside nt EDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 , REGISTRATIQN FORM i I plan to attend the Sixth Annual Pastors' Conference at Cedarvill College. · Pastor's Name ------------------ Address • City, State, Zip ------------------ Otherpastorscomingwithme: _ ____________ ~ Registration fee is $10.00, payable at the registration desk on Sept. 1O, '73 All accommodations provided.