The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1991

bron Association Draws landing Room Crowd Over 500 attended Hebron's ·concert of Praise to God.• The ixty-lhird annual meeting of the Hebron Association of Regular Baptist Churches was held Friday, May 10, 1991 , at the First Baptist Church of Elyria. New officers elected were: Pastor Ken Spink, moderator; Pastor Greg Hogan, vice moderator; Pastor Steve Worth, clerk; Mr. Bob Linn, treasurer; Pastor Greg Davies, youth chairman; Mr. Neal Reid, singles chairman; Pastor Cal Searles, sports chairman. The main event was a ''Concert of Praise to God," featuring special music from various churches in the Hebron Association. A 50-voice Hebron men's chorus filled the choir loft, and a 30-piece Hebron orches tra presented three specials. Other vocal and instrumental numbers included a handbell choir from the First Bapti t Christiar1 School of Elyria. The concert was a tremendous blessing, bringing an air of cooperation and warmth to the churches. The host church provided an ice cream dessert fellowship fol lowing, the teens went to a pizza party and sports night afterward, and the singles went bowling. More than 500 attended the event for which there was standing room onl y. The Hebron Association, formed in 1928, is made up of 43 churches in central north Ohio. Try This in Your Church Ideas That Work! S ummer mid-week services are truly "family nights" at Arcanum Immanuel Bapti t. Prior to the service, those who wish to eat together come for a pot-luck supper. After supper, the service begins with each family quoting a memory verse they have chosen from the previous Sunday's sermon. Then someone from the con– gregation talks to the children, helping them to apply the sermon to their lives. A review quiz, discussion, and a ques tion and ar1swer time led by Pastor Greg Greve follow. After receiving prayer requests, Pastor Greve divides the group for prayer; be groups them differently each week. The congregation is enthusiastic about the summer change, and attendance is excel lent. . · CEDARVILLE COLLEGE FOR YOUR Surprisingly, a Cedarville educa– tion costs much less than most accredited private colleges and just slightly more than public universi– ties. In fact, adjusted for inflation, Cedarville' s costs are the same as they were 18 years ago. We offer a variety of financial aid options, work opportunities on cam– pus, and payment programs that can fit college expenses into a family budget. It's reasonable to attend Cedarville. Consider what you get for your money: Outstanding career preparation leading to a respecteddegree.Gradu– ates are vigorously recruited by employers, and those who choose further education excel in top gradu– ate school programs. Opportunities for spiritual growth. Chapel every day, weeklyministries, godly professors, and many Chris– tian friends. Your student will be both well-rounded and well-grounded Value for your investment. Affordability. Cedarville College. • Accredited Baptist liberal arts college • 75 academic programs • New programs! Engineering International Studies Social Work • Worldwide Christian ministries • Over 1,900 students from 45 states • New financial aid packages available! Call 1-800-444-2433 ADMISSIONS 1-800-777-2211 . •