The Ohio Independent Baptist, September/October 1992

I l,ll , 1 11 h' I rt 111ns p.,,h \I p ) '- I{,\\ ( i1 P,h, II 11tl \t ,,unt Pl('.1-.,llH l\.1plt t. \ 111.,n'-l ,\ lll' I lh ~\.,ll ,,f lllllll,11) . t •.,,tt,1 ( itP, h l~d II\ ~ ~ ~:::::::: ,, n,11u,11, 1 n Pt th"· P''-'''-'lll huild1ng .,nd 111 . ~ (',l lllf ll ,,It \. Pllll'''-'{\..•) ' Having an Imp act o n Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative llrllCltlllC: \\'C j u: l d<)n' t knO\V hO\.V gtx,J \\ c ha, e it. I think of tJ11. often \\ hen I hear people co1nplain ing about tlUr a <)C1at1on, eitJ1cr nationaJ or ~talc. I la\ ing n<)\\ been acti vc in the Ci ARD ft1r JO )C:tr . , and tJ1c OARI1C for 26 )ear , l a111 n1ore i1npre~~cd tJ1an ever t11at C,cxJ h~t ,pcciall y blc.·. ed <.)ur m .. ocia– ll<)ll . \\' h<) c l c hai tJ1c trengtJ1 of cdu a– uon,tl in,Lt tut i()n~· a~ t11c GARB . I lere 1n ()hi<) \.\'C arc hie. ed will1 ooo of ll1e . trongc,t, 1110: t c f fee ti vc Chri stian C<)l lcgc, 1n the \.vorld . We J1ou ld be deeply grateful f r Cedarville college, at \\ cII a~ l~()r <.1ur . ix o ll1cr college and cn11nar1c.. lnc CiARf{(~ i favored witJ1an int1n1atc relation~hip \.ViLl1 . 01ne of t11e n1c1. l effective mi.. i on~try agcn i e. an) \\'here. In Ohio we upport Bapti. t f id- ~11 ions, \.Vi th over I , l 00 n1i ... ionar- 1c ,en ing \vorld-\.vide. Bapti t hurch Planter rcache out fron1 Ohio to c tahlt,h churches nation-wide. In addilHln. Lhcrc arc four otJ1cr n1i . i on agcnctc . cn 1 ing <)Ur con titucncy witl1 a total of over 3.()0() n1i~ ... ionarie . f-i \ c er, ice agcncie. help t () n1cet t11e need, (lf ou r churchc . In Ohio, we have a hranch of Lhe lsapti ~t Children· I Iome in Springfield, ,\ v. ell a: affil iate of l341pu,t t,>r L ife. (,erta1nly one of tJ1e oul uu1ding facets o l our 1n1n1,try i Regular I1apti t Pre , \\ htch nc>\\ ,en C!\ O\ er 8,500 churche~ \V!Ul tJ1e fine~t of~ unda, chc>ol , vacation 131 hie ,chool and o tl1er Ii terature.. (>re enlly. l .7<)0.0()() people u e RBP ~ unda} chool material each week . Th i ummer ~50.()(JO ch ildren u ed Reo ular b l3apt1,t Pre. s Vll~ material . l nntinued page 3 ') - Cedarville College News O ver 2, I 00 , tudcnts will begin Lhe school year with tJ1c r:all Dible onfer– cncc , eptc1nber 28-0ctober 2. Erwin l .,ut,.er, pastor o f hicago' Moody ( "hur h , wi ll be the .. pcaker . ~ cvc~1Lecn new faculty joined the Cedarv ille ollege family lhi fall inc luding. i x edarville alumni . ' tlo1ncco1n ing 1992 will take place Octobc: 16. and 17. One highlight will be tl1c d~d1cauon of we new Engineering/ Nur 1ng enter at noon on the 17th . Two tJ1ird of edarville' tudents have at l ea. l one cl a in Lhe new building ilii fa ll. The 6 ,000 quare-foot tructure i connected to Lhe 27,000 quare-foot Science enter , which wa renovated last year. Wit11 tl1e new facilitie and o ilier renovation on campu ilii ummer, 95% of all cl as room on cainpu have been built or remodeled in t.he last ten year . The College ha been el ected by The Krc ge Foundation for a $400,000 chal lenge grant for the Engineerino/ Nur ing Center campaign. The cb~ l lenoe grant will fini~h t11e $7 million project, if cdarville can rai~e the remaining money needed. Ludcnt in Lawl or and Printy re idence hall are u ing computer nelwork work- ~ Lation in tl1eir room . From t11ose work talion ru1d otl1er in lab around cam~u , tudent can acce library holding , end el ectronic mail , and rev iew cour e- pecific oftware to aid in llleir tudy: A an exainple of "cour eware, " the B 1bJe Department will be making u e o f pec1al oftware for required Bible cour e . U ing tool uch a an on-line Bible concordance will leave tudents 1nore time for in -deptl1 anaJy i of Bible pa age . Thi i tJ1e year for Cedar Wl1at? can1paigni ng. In thi 1nock election, held every four year ince 1964, voter from provin~c uch a Anxiety Timidi ty, and Ily tena upport t11eir favorite candidate for pre ident o f the my thi cal kingdom of edar What? The convention will be held Oc tober 3 1 in tJ1e Athleti c enter . Be ide being great fun, Cedar What? help tudent learn abou t tl1e excitement o f a political campaign. Adopt-a– Sister Groups Needed by , allic M c Lwain I n 1802, Mary Webb formed llle f 1Ist ' . . women m1 1onary fellow hip in the United tate . TI1e Bo ton Femal e Bapti l oci ety wa followed by other g~oup who e noble purpo e was to gi ve o f meager fund and faithfully pray for mis ions. The outreach of ~ e e earl y women 's group had great impact on the worldwide pread of tl1e go pel in the l 9lll century. Because of the burden of Mary Webb and the many who followed her, Ohio Bapti t church~ ving, ministering women m1 1onary groups. Baptist churches in Jamaica are s~ting women ' mis i onary fellow- h1ps, but they are new and inexperi– enced. We need ix Ohio groups who would " adopt a Jamaican si ter" in a ministry of encouragement and exchange of idea . Write the Women 's Department, Bapti t Mid-Missions, P.O . Box 308011, Cl eveland, OH 441 30. We have a rich heritage and an equal l y great re pon ibility. " We do not wel I. Thi i · a day of good tiding , and we hold our peace...come, lhat we may go and tell. .." (II King 7 :9). Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • Life • Church • Health • Home •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Profe ional con ulling and sale for your financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps, G.P., CFP, RFP. QA 659-H Park Meadows Drive Weslerville, Ohi o 43081 Phone 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899-6022