The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1993

Regular Baptist Insurance Fund Report T hl' l{cgular 11.lplt~l l ·'t~ lh>\vshtp 1 lcalth (".,re I n,urancl' prl)_~!ran1 \Vh tch opc ralc<l undt'r the au~p, ·c~ <1 f the ()1\l{ll(" is now ol ltl' t,llly ch)~C<.f ll1c pr<) ' CS~ <) f S()fting thr()ugh cla1n1~ ha~ hcgun. .. ... .,\ fund raisi ng C<Hllllltltcc, chaired hy ... 1,a~1t1r 1crlvn J<Hl ·~. ()f tv1c)unl V ' n1nn, is h.1rd al \\ ()rk encouraging our paslc) rs and people I<) he Ir n1ec1 Lh is heavy dchl , current I v fi~ure<l l<) he ah<> ul $6()(),( )()() . . ... rhc I <)rd 1s \\'()rktng ; n1,u1v churches ... . have already sent u1 ~pcc ial offering: . Stl1nc \.\av: V<)U can help: I ll y aJding tJ1c fund l<> yc>ur church hu<lgcl f<)r a n1ontJ1l y gift. ... 2 Tl y <lc>ing a. n1any churches and . on1c 1ndi victual. have d<)ne-<lcciding lo pay off Lhc1r own clain1. tJ1c1nscl ve. , ll1us re ltev in !l lJ1c a. :c)ci al ion <> f Ll1at burden. ... 3 By cc>n, 1dcring what you and/or V<lur chur ·11 CtU1 do l <> help in tJ1c , pccia l =·v 1c l<)f)' ()ffering" planned for l 7 ehruarv J ..l . All 2. i f l. . hou ld he n1adc out , ... t<> <) Al{13(,/1~ I! 1: and sent 10 OAI~ B("', J>() 1 <>X 2822 1, ( ,()lun1 bu. , ()II 43228. ·rhc Council of ·rwel vc has appointed a clai n1s con1n1 itlcc which will be a ai lablc l o help tJ1osc w itJl out landing clai1ns. ·r11cy wil l be re pon ible for: l NcgoLiating payn1ents 2. Admini tcring tJ1e payrr1enl of clain1 3. Coordinating tJlc paymenLS of c laim. n1ade by churche or indi vict ual vvi ili l110 , e 1nade by Lhe a ociation Your contact per on for lhi commil- tcc wi l l be: Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. We Lerv ille, 01-I 43081 6 14-523-3666 [)Jca ·e cc>ntinue lo pray with u as we work our way tJ1rough tJ1ese many detail s. ~ --------------- - ---------- Please chp and save 1993 018 Deadlines Special February issue March/Ap ril issue May/June issue Ju ly/August issue September issue October issue November/December issue January '94 issue \ e v. , lt'ttt' r of the ( )h.Jo ;'\ -.<.oc1a1io n o f Regul ar Rapt l.'> l ( "'hurches P() Hox 29'\0.'.' h Keuenn l.! C)ll 454 2<) .... January 1 February 16 April 9 June 14 August 2 September 2 October 15 November 30 Non f>rofit O rg. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • I C edarviIleCollege can prepareyou to serve the Lord with the talents He has . given you. Our gr aduates are ready to n1inister as teachers, business leaders, pastors, nurses, sc ienti sts, and in a hos t of oth er professions. Ho\v can you get ready? Our quality acade1n ic progrru11 ...Bible courses... opportunities to practice in inist ry ... Chri tian fri end ...hands-on, high-tech instruction... these vital aspects of a Chri~t ian coll ege experience w ill help you gro\v. Visi t our can1 pus, n1eet thestude11ts, talk to th e professors. You' l I see that Cedar,·ille is a great place to ge t ready for the rest of your life! • 7 5 progran1s of study • Accred ited Baptist college of arts, ciences. ru1d profess ional progra1ns • Worldv;ide Christian n1in istrie • Over 2, l 00 studentsfron1 al I over the v:orld • Financial aid: cal I 1-800-444-2433 Ask about the Ohio Choi ce Grant ~ CEDARVILLECOLLEGE ReadyJ<>1·y<Jlt.