The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1995

Tb~ <>I•ic:> I-.<I~p~ The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.68 No. I I ,n I ,n by Tim Kenoyer, Chai rman , Council of Twelve; Pastor, Maranatha Baptist Church, Columbus S everal year~ ago, a U1e reality of U1e RJil· debt and heartache settled in <>n U1c ('ounc1I of ·rwelve, we believed U1at (iod W<>uld w<>rk runong u and ~uppl y. We al~o knew at tJ1c <)u l~et Ll1al we could expec t challenge~. Kn<>wing Lhi ~, we wc,rked togc ll1cr t<> ~lay f ocu~cd and unified <>n t.he ~,ng lc goal <>I honorin g our (iod by n,>t waJk1ng away fr(>rll a debt a11d f ro1n huru ng hrctJ1rcn. Well , tJ1c f1nan<.:1al dchl is paid o ff , hut U1c j<,yful dt.:hl we <>we L<> ( 'aJvary \ Lill lies bcf<>rc us . We \\ant to carry L11c less<Ht~ fr<,111 tl1al ~ Ina.II challenge forward Lo a larger c>11c . J ~vcn hack l11cn, we believed L11al Lhc 1natcriaJ challenge of tl1c dcht "" '"L\ srnalh:r and nu,rc defin1L1vc LJ1an v. hat lay u1 Lh~ future . We sensed tJ1cn LJ1.. 1r Ute hu~111cs~ ,,t rcku1dh11g a hun1blc pa~s ion tur Ll•~ ghJf}' t>f l>U1 C ,<>d and tl1c sul fi – c1c1H:y t>I S<.:riptu1 c i 11 a day s uth c.ts ours Y.'ould den1aud 11 u>1c <,J us tJ1an Ut l'. l{l!J debt C\'Cf dtd We ,ue 11t,v. f> J I cd ll> uu,, c aJ1cad as a fellowshi p, and at an opportune tin1e . Our day i s n1arkcc.J hy L11eological shallownes and unccrt.ainty, and a di rn inishing hope in n1cll1odo logy borrt)wcd cJircctI y fron1 ll1c 111,trkct place. In such a tin1c, hun1hlc, wc ll – d1~c1plincc.J and tJ1oughtJul ·tudcnL) of tJ1c W<>rc.J (> f C,ocJ can n1~Lke a grcal un pact f or U1e I .. oru . ()ur spiritual forc fatJ1cr · found tJ1cn1 \cl vcs al a ~1n1tl .. lf point a genera– ti on ago, anc.J a love f<>r C 1t>tl led ll1cn1 Lo \ lanu f 1011 and appeal t(> Sert pturc ( ;<><.I hlC\\CU little groups of live and ~,x , Len and fifteen bcltcvcrs who with nothing other than theol og1<.:al co11v1c tt o ll \ , h1rthed locJI chur chc\ with a Lh.:ar Vl \ ton for puruy and a p'-1~~1011 for lhl' lo~t. ( )ur g,,a ls , a\ yuu r ( 'uunc tl , ttl l' to I) t lar if y and ar Li l ulatc to th, ~ gc11er" tion th,H s:unc , t\ ton l t>r pur ity and pa~~IUII fu1 thl' lu\l ; 2) plan( Lhllllht'S, ]) JL'ach tltc h,~r \\'c v.•ant ou r Winter 1995 In This Issue • Ohio to host this year's GARBC Conference . page 2 • Starting Evangelism Explosion in your church has never been easier. page 3 • Talents for Christ date announced. page 3 • Ohio welcomes four new pastors. pages 4 & 5 • Ohio women plan area and s tate spring meetings. page 6 • It's time to th ink about summer camp. Look for schedules for all three of ou r camps on the back page. fcllo,\~h1p lo h · c lc~lf in its hthll ca l pcr~uasHllls ot Lhc esscn llals, g ra ·,nus 111 lls dt.:c laralil>ll of tl1csc Lrulhs. anJ fncused on lht' things LJ1at ( ,ud h:L\ calll'd us IO}!.L'lhl· r tur .. ( )ur I cq Ul's t t\ l \.\. ll - l o ld /',cl\ . tor l hL' g h>f) of ( ' lu 1-.. l 1s n1ure at r1,i.... lrlHll ,1 uroppctl tJ1 cn log1 ·al torch .1 c.Jropped deb1 J'c1r11 ( J/>lllt1. b, g1, 1ng pl'1 \lllta11 1 .ind cnrp<>rat l' l ) to tht' \\lHk. ol ou1 IL' ll ll\\ -.. hip We hc ltt'\ l' uur C il)J 1, ~ lllll ~ tu ... ~ \i\. Ork. ag ain trl . 111 t' \t'n !!_ l l'al t'r \\,l\ lh.111 J It• did,, 1th lltt• l{l\l debt l ll' t , gu111g lo ltll up a gc1H: 1at1un ,,h11..h h.1~ ,t hl'aJl t ur C jud, I ur 111, \\' ord•• 111d h H the lu, t t\. Lt"- t ll \ 0111 Lu hl' .1 pa, l l l l lh1 , !,! I l',llL' I t' hal l t' ll ~ 1 L'