The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1995

The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.68 No. 4 Fall 1995 Focus1NG0N In This Issue P·U·R·I ·T ·Y • Pastor Bill takes a bride. page 2 • 1996 Talents For Christ announced. page 2 G race Bapti st Church in Cedarvi ll e was the site of the 1995 Annual Conference. Regular Bapti sts from across the state gathered for a time of fel lowship , refreshment and chall enge. The comment heard from many was, "This was the best conference we have ever had ." And it may well have been. The key speaker was Pastor Bill Rudd of Calvary Bapti st Church, Muskegon, Mi chi gan, who chose James I as the basis of hi s three– message series . He spoke about the trial s, troubles and temptati ons that come our way, and abou t how we must trust God and keep our eyes focused on the e te rnal. He noted that temptation is inevitable in a ll our Ii ves and that Satan uses these tri a ls and temptati ons to tes t the rea lity of our faith . Tuesday morning we departed from the usual program of bu siness fo ll owed by two messages . In stead , Pastor David Graham , of the host church, spoke to the issue of "Pas toral Purity ." Hi s message was a powerful appeal to " take heed unto yourse l es" and to "guard your heart " oll ow1ng the message the pas tors and the ir wives mo ed into small group sess ions with members of the Council of Twelve for a time of informal di scuss ion and praye r. Wednesday morning we heard from our church planters (we now have ten church plants unde rway) . We a lso heard an exc iting report on the results of thi s summe r's Evangeli sm Explo– sion Clinic. Evangelism is becoming a truly exci tin g ministry in many of our churches. Our sincere thanks to the staff and cong regati on of Grace Bapti st Church for the ir outstanding work as conference hosts. • Mayfield Village becomes newest OARBC church. page 3 • Ohio welcomes seven new pastors. pages 4-8 • Several Ohio churches pay tribute to their pastors. pages 4-8 • The new Emmanuel Baptist of Marysville is purchasing a building! page 8 1995-96 OARBC Council of Twelve An important feature of our annual conference is the seating of the new Counci l of Twel ve. Thi s year four new members were elec ted . W i lliam Davi s, Bible Bapti st, Bedford ('96) Richard Mcintosh, First Bap tist, Galion ('96) Stephen Olsen, Pleasant Hill Baptist, Smi th ville ('96) Robert Seymour, M ogadore Baptist, M ogadore ('96) Joel Harriman, M ount Pleasant Bapti st, Homeworth ('97), ecretary M erl yn Jones, Faith Bapti st, M ount Vern on ('97), Treasurer Timothy Kenoyer, M aranatha Bapti st, olumbus ('97), Chairman Tom Wri ght , M emori al Bapti st, olumbus ('97), ice-chairman Dennis Burns, Faith Baptist , Kenton ('98) Joseph Godwin , Faith Baptist, Greenvi lle ('98) Paul Jackson, edar Hill Baptist, leveland ('98) James M c lain , alvary Baptist, Norwalk ('98)