The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2000

The 018 And tl,e I I w,nne>" ,s... RecentI) "c 1nvtted pa tor~ lo enter our "Why My Wife De crve A Brcal..." contest. Tht . entry by Pa tor Bnan Kenyon wi ns a fu ll cholar- sh1p to our Pa tor ·Wive Retreat. .._..,._ t.'l."'S \Vell L\f-'l ii\ ,ny eyes os :J thi,,k abo1 ,t ,vhy Wi):' ,,,ife nect.iS C\ b•·eok! :Jt (,II b ·9c..,1, in Septe1nbe .,. of 1998 ,vh cn th<.· c h L\l 'Ch vo ted t o teal" do,vn t he o ld po1·so"'--'Zle '-" ' ' '-~ bL,iId a ne,v o l'\ e. M't wife began a jo1Al"ney of h ·i t.,ls thot •nonth that h"s t t·uly de1n o nst d h o ,-v gl"eat Cod 1s "" ' ' :l ho,,, ,nucl, ,ve can e l'\dc.,,.e if we tl"1ASt t-li,n . Cand't had t'--... pc.""ck L,11 of OL\I' Ge lo n9i n9s 1 pt1+ting ,nuc h of it in sto ...age, <."ll\Li ,,,e ,nove :l +,vice in nine 1no nths. Thl"ol,\g h all of t h is s he l~'Li '--' 1\ 1 \ 0,·ns 91"ot ,p 1 ,vas ll'\):' sec ,.e +a ...y , did o ne-on -one co1 ,t,seling a 1-.. 1.-i ho,"'eschooled ot, .,. c hild t·en. 3c.,st when we .... thoL,91,+ \V ,ve ,..e neC\I" the end of this jol,\ l"ney al'\ even la..-ge.,. t,·iol beset he ... . .r\ p ,.il sow he..- in a hospital bed waiting fo l" t h e t-iic. 91'\osis of a ILul"lp in h e l4 b ...east.Fac ing five months of c h e ••-..oth e,..opy, s h e s till continL,ed to be ,ny sec,.eta ...y, M oms 9 ••ot,p leade ... and counsel wo,~e n and co1Aples with me. S he is aci n9 six weeks of ,..adiation as :J wl"ite this, b1At Cod has IASed he,· to '"'i"iste ... in so •nany ways and s he has been SlAch an ex"•~,ple to ,,...e of how a god ly pe ,..son handles adve>"si+y. Cod tvL,I}:' has stve1,9H,ened he ..., bt,t :J think s he nee ds a vacat ion! These fine letters received Honorable Mention: Pa tor Michael Spi egel-- }\ 1y \.vife dese ...-ves a b,..eak because she se>"ves as t h e c hl,\.,.c h sec ...-etC\...-):' a nd h as had t o put LIP with t he sa ,-ne boss a ll these yeC\ l"S. Ot, top of that s he ha s had to listen to the same p,..eache...- fo~~ the last 27 }!ea>"s, not that s he co1l'\plains ... Pa tor Cal Searle -- My wife is a s teadfast labo ..- e ,. fo r 3es 1As Chvist. She is a lso a steadfas t co-labove.,. "'1ith 1ne. She loving ly p ov\ >"S he ... heavt into Ol\ 1" foLH' c hild,~e l'\ . The't h ave a l'Y\Ol"ning quiet time and she ho•neschools the m all. She helps m e p, tice hospitality to sco t<eS of p eople ... ca , wee k ly fo>" •ny ,vido,ved 1Y'.othe t< ... a wonde ...fu l gal in need o f "downti ,ne.' 1 Pa tor Gary Marburger-– My \.vife ... decided to do a ~ip o n the tl"atnpoline ... L\nwelcome Gveak ...hvo b,..oke•" bones in ri g ht leg ... 12-inch s teel ...od f... o •n Gclo,v he., knee to he..- a •,kl e. T o be qL,iet honest, :J Co1Ald u se L---< " G,..eak too. :J've gotte n to wea ,.. he ,.. ha t the past seven ,veeks! 327 East Drive Dayton , OH 45419 NON-PROFIT ORG US. POSTAGE PAID RANDOLPH, NY PERMIT NO. 31 • It's All New! Bible lessons Expanded teacher helps Fun, Bible-based theme Larger visuals Activities for all learning styles Call 1.800.727.4440 for a FREE catalog! Web: vbs / Education Consistent with Biblical Truth .. . in the Miami Va lley since 1887 • Worldwide Christian ministries • Financial aid available • Award-winning computer network • 2,750 students from all around the world • Biblically-integrated curriculum spanning 100 areas of study • Accredited Baptist college of arts, sciences, and professional programs • A U.S. News & World Report "Best College" Call for infornzation concerning educational prograins designed fo r you and your future. I ·800-CEDARVILLE P.O. Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314