The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2000

r,,J,\l1)1l ,, , l)l' ndlin l' for 1 hr Ju nc () IB: s f thi s i ·sLtC, vcntccnchurcl1cs l1avc pr) tniscd at .ta l of I l ,700 in su1)p rt fth c Ia,, 15 • • ~ cn1nil nddrc. s: dandltho1na, (a gla~scit~ .net l1L1rch Plan ting rdi natorpositio1. We arc nc uragc(i and agcrt c ,nplctc thi s task. Oa\ ' and Pat Wan· n A Collage ofThoughts Help at unbury \\'e ha\·e recently rece ived word from Le and Betty 1 e\vell that they wi ll be \\ orking \Vith the Grace Bapti t Church of unbury to hel p get thi \VOrk on it feet again. p~a1n137:3 came to mind whi ch ay . ··Tru t in the Lo rd and do good.'' Le ha~appea led to u to do both thing - pray and do. V,.,'e need to be uphold– ing the Ne\vell in prayer in thi effort and \\'e al o need to be doing ometh ing to a i t them. Let the Holy piri t jog your "doer" and come up wi th ome creati\e help fo r our i ter church. E\ e1y 1 bod,· vvill benefit when we ·rru t · and·· Ke, · Dates ... ~lark }'Our calendar and n1 ind with the fol lo1w·ing key date . June 14-1 , 2000 - The FBF GARBC .A.nnual Conference to be hel d at the Hilton Coli eum in Ame . Iowa. The two group will hare the peaki ng. the mu ic, and the\\ ork hop . Its theme. "' Building Bndge of Love ... \Vi 11 be both interesting and in tructive. Detail are included in the February i ue of the Baptist Bullet in. 0( tober ., 3-24. 2000 - The OARBC .Annual Conference to be held at the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio. Thi , \fonday-Tue day gathering \viii center around the theme of"Di ciple- hip.. and\\ ill featu re Dr. ~1ilo Thomp- 1 ·on, pre · idcnt of Bapti t Bi ble ollcgc of "lark un1mit , Penn ·ylva nia, a the n1ai n peaker. We wi ll include our Ta lent for l1ri t winner for pecial mu ic a well a, a de1non trati on Bible quiz by our y ung people. Prayer Needs Plea e keep in prayer the following friend fac ing real hea lth need : • Ben Reed enior pa tor Fir t Bapti t, ile • Debbie Quick, enior pa tor wife, First Bapti t, Elyri a • Don and Pan1 Eaton pa tor and wife, Faith Baptist Lakeview • Aly sa Strickland pa tor' daughter, orton Bapti t, Norton We remai n "bound by the Word and to each other! ' State Representative Dav id and Pat Warren 98 KyleDrive Cedarville , Ohio 453 14 2000 OIB Deadlines The OIB will publi h four n1ore is– ue in 2000. Pl ea e note we mu t r eceive your copy, including pho– to , by the deadline. Copy Deadline May 15 July 15 cptember 15 November 15 You can reach u at: OIB P.O. Box 29305 l ue in Churche June Augu t October December Kettering, Ohio 45429 or e-mail 937-294-0293 ....the Empty Tomb! continued fro1111Jage I ure the tomb wa ealed hut to prevent any fa l e re urrection claim . That i why they went to Pilate to rcquc t that he place guard at the entrance in the first place. No way would they have tolen Hi body! And how about the Roman ? What would they have gained by tealing the body? othi ng. It wa to their advan– tage that He remain in that tomb. They had po ted the guard and done the ealing of the tomb so as to prevent any mistaken notions about resurrection. And if they had stolen the body they could ha e produced it to di credit any claim to resurrection by His follower . And how about the disciples? They were too cattered and broken to hatch such a plan. They were hiding in fear for their live and in shock from their great los . Be ide , how would they have gotten pa t the Roman guard ? Would they ultimately di e for what they knew to be a lie? The Jew accused them of thi (Hi di cip1e stole the body while the oldiers slept)· but what soldier will admit to sleeping on duty, and if they were asleep, how did they know who did the tealing? In other word . no one tole that body from the tomb. or did our Lord imply faint on the cro s. revive, and convince Hi fo llower that He had re urrected. That leave us only one other po sibili ty. Chri t arose from the dead! He IsAlive! Paul cry tal lize the good new from the empty ton1b in these word , "But now Chri tis ri en from the dead, and ha become the firstfruit of tho e who have fa llen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man al o came the re urrection ofthe dead' (I Corinth ian 15 :20-2 1). And remember that Paul with his own eye had per onally een Christ alive!