The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 2000

Pray To Keep Our State Motto! Photo by Neal C. Lauron : Courtesy of the Christian Citizen newspaper hi . ' tatc M tto i under attack! The accornpanying picture, printed by tt1c l1ri tia,1 itizen new paper, depi ct a 24-hou r prayer vig il that to k place at the tale Hou e in o lu1nbu on October 9, 2000. People were praying for the election a well as for aving our tate motto, 'With God All Thing Are Po ibJ e. ' Just a few l1ort year ago the tate of olorado wa forced to remove a monument of the Ten ommandment from one of its state parks; then came olumbir1e. Siiru lar act ion has been taken against a Ten omrnandment plaque in Indiana. Now Ohio' motto, "With God All Thing Are Po sible ' is under attack. The ACLU is currently trying to force the removal of our tate motto from its place on the west side of the State Hou e. Do we care enough to pray? Website:ChristianCitizen .com Phone: 877-428-NEWS Cedarville University r. Jan1e MacDonald. founding pa tor ofHarve t Bible Chapel in Rolling MeadO'A' , Illinoi , pre ented the _000 Fall Bible Conference erie at Cedarville University. In hi evening me - age . MacDonald u ed the book of Jonah to illustrate our need for obedience and repentance. In the morning ermon he challenged Ii tener to have hope in the future by reflecting on the me age of Revelation. Many tudent recornn1itted them el,:e to the Lord during the conference. TheCDRRadio etwork, Cedarville Uni\·ersity· broadca t outreach, ha an– nounced the beginning of three new affi liate tation in outhea tern Ohio. The faci litie are tran lator tations wnich wi ll re-broadcast almo t 100 percent ofwhat other li tener hear on other affiliate stations. Located in Athen , Jackson, and the Piketon/Waverly areas the tran lator tation will reach Ii tener in Pike, Jack on. Vinton. Wa hington, Meig . Morgan, Gallia, and Athens counties. ·· e\.\' Face, Same Place" wa the theme for Cedanrille' Homecoming, heldOctober20-22. The weekend wa filled with cla reunions, port matche , a parade, ilent auction to raise money for alumni cholar hip alwnni TbeOIB 360College Hill Dri ve Ceda1,:illeOH 45314 awards, a singles ' summit, praise and fellowship and.a Steve Green concert. Homecoming weekend also saw the dedication of the University' s newest building the Stevens Student Center. Named after Al and Joanna Stevens of Moorestown N. J the 150 OOO square-foot Center houses new dining facilities student upport offices and organizations, and a tate-of-the-art theater. The Stevens are strong supporter of Cedarville University; Al is in his fourteenth year as a member of the board of trustees. The fall play Smoke on the Mountain , came to the University' s new theater Nov. 9-11 and 16-18. Set in 1938, the play focused on the Sanders Family Singers as they came offa five-year hiatus from the gospel-singing circuit to appear at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in North Carolina. Full of old-fashioned singing and witness– ing, the play provided a refreshing evening for a full house. The play coincided with the University's annual Grandparents Weekend festivities. "Go organ! " Whenever Cedarville University enior Tim Priano hears that cue tlu·ough his head et Co lumbus hockey NON-PROFITORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID RANDOLPH,NY PERMITNO.31 • fa ns get another rousin.g song on the organ. Priano serves as the inaugural organi st for the brand-new professional hockey expansion team the Columbus Blue Jackets. "It was never really a lifetime goal of mine, but I thought it would be a lot of fun to do, ' Priano explained. "I couldo t think of anything better than to play the organ and watch hockey at the same time." Education Consistent with Biblical Truth ... in the Miami Valley since 1887 • Worldwide Christian ministries • Financial aid available • Award-winning computer network • 2,7SO students from aD around the world • Biblically-integrated curriculum spanning 100 areas of study • Acuedited Baptist coUege of arts, sciences, and professional programs • A U.S. News & World Report "Best College" Call for information concerning educational programs designed for you and your future. 1 -BOO-CEDARVILLE . P.O. Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314