The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2001

.. I ""1 111 , , Deadline for Apnl 0 18 · Maret, 15 i: .· cn1a1laddress A• dandltho111as@glassc1ty net Or wri te POBo 293058 Kettering OH 45429 Dave and Pat Warren State Representative "Brethren, pray for us" and for one another. \\ 'c tal-..c this opportunity to n1cntion 01ne \·cry rca I pra)'Cr need ,. The hon1c of Pas tor K~ith and Kathy Marion, n1u ic and youth pa · tor at Faith Bapti t in C'i rctn\ ille. \\ as de · troycd by fire on January 1l . Thank f u 11 y, no one \ v a hurt. Pica c pray for the c fri end in thj Io -.. : i l co 111 c on th c he e I o f Kei th ' fa th~r· . death in Deccn1ber. Love gift. )OU\\ i h to . end then, could be channeled through the Faith Bapti t ( 'hu reh in Green\ i I le . Pray al o for the con1ing Pa tor ' and \\ 1 i\ e.· · Retreat in Marie tta, Ohio, Apri I ., _3_ 1 001 . \\/ c \\ ill cru ise the Ohio Ri\ er aboa rd the \ ' a ll ey Gem tern\\ hec!er a ,vc 11 a cnj oy the accon1modation at the hi. toric Lafayette Hotel. We plan for thi to be a hi ghlight in refre. h1nc nt and - ~ friend hip and the prayer of God' p e op I e \\ i 11 111 a k e it o. Reg i tration deadline i. March 16: the co t i $150 per coupl e: check hould be n1 ade out to ~ orth fie ld f:3apti t l ' hurch and 111ailed to 3 1 l \V . ,\urora Road. orthfield. Ohio -l-l067. One 1nore. Pl ea e pray for Pat and 1ne a \\ e tra\ e l to Au ·tralia and the Ph ilippine to 111ini ster to ABWE n11 ionari e there. Bo th fie ld counc il 111 \ ited u to co rne al ju t about the an1e ti 111 e and our C ounci I of 1 1 approved the 1111n1· t r 1· tr Ip . \\' e ,vi 11 be in v o I v c d with thi - opport unity fron1 February 28 through ~1 arch 2-l . \Jv1e ask for your pra: er. fo r safety in travel. for \, i dom 111 coun~el. fo r energy in preaching. We \, an t to be ~piritua lJ 1, e ffective and realize that the need. are di\' erse. Please pra 1 for u . \\ 'bile v. e are out of the country. en1ergency it ua ti on can be directed to Re\ . ~1 ux Tucker. Church Pl anting Coord1nator. or to Re, . Tom \Vri ght, ch a I rn1 J n o f t he Co unc i I of 12. Maxand PhyllisTucker ChurchPlanting Coordinator The Coordinator -- .. I bo,v n1y knee before the fathe r ... that. .. he n1ay grant you to be... filled vv ith all the fullne ofGod." Ephesians 3: 14, 16, 19 I . Man wa n1eant to be filled phy ically, and o there i food. 2. Man wa tneant to be fi lied mentally. and o there i truth . 3. Man wa rneant to be filled emotionally, and o there i friend hip. 4. Man wa 1neant to be filled piritually, and o there i God. George Wa hington Carver wa not only one of A1ncrica' greate t agriculturi ts and cienti t . he \Va al o the pioneer of the ynthetic indu try which ha re olutioni zed li fe in thi country and around the world . When he wa old and bent wi th year , he hared with a group of tudents the tory of hi ingle mo t cn1cial unde11aking- unlocking the my terie of the i1nple peanut. He cried out, "Oh, Mr. Creator, why did You 1nakc thi univcr e?" "Then," he to ld the tudents \.vho were li stening intent ly, "the Creator an wered me. 'You \Vant to knovv too 1nuch for that lit tle mind of your ."' Like George Wa hington Carver, we all feel our li n1i tation , but God ha made u to be vc cl that can recei e far 1nore than e en 1no t belie ers arc wi ll ing to accept. God ha given u Hi s Word to tretch our n1ind and e1notion o that we can begin to sec and feel a He doe . And that 's where the word, "coordinator' ' con1e into play. In order to overcon1e our li1nitation omctin1es we need a coordinator to help u cc the bigger picture. And ju t what i the ta k of a coordinator? Lately, I've been checki ng out the Great An1erica11 J f eritage Dictio11a1:v and \Vhat it ha to say about the tcnn. l thought it would give 11e a clue a to who I an1 , and what I an, uppo ed to do. Standing bo ldly in print like a beacon of tn1th, I read that the word, "coordinating" Get ready for Talents For Christ 2001 April 7 at Cedarvi lle Universi ty. Deadline for regi stration: March 1 For more info, see your youth leader or email Dave Mullins @teammbc@ valkyri n1cans, "To harmoni ,1,c in a co111non ac tion or effort and to work together hannoniously.'' I went on to discover other words, such as, H haring" and "bond ing" and rea l i7cd that I \Vas look ing at a great mo aic, hewing me once again that despite our individual li,n itation , together we can do it. We need not be held back by fear and doubts about church planting and home mi sionary endeavor . Through a coordinated effort and by the Spirit ofGod we can make it happen. 11 Peter 1 :9 speak of tho e who are ' 'blind and cannot ee afar off." Peter i talking about hort ightedne , or 01nething that 1nany of u know about phy ically a "near ightedness." When you have thi probl em. it take more than a blue- light special at K-Mart for $8.95 to co1Tect it. But when properly fitted and co1Tected to 20/20, we can ee not only near but far away. pi ri tually, 01ne ,nay need thi correction to ee that Ohio needs churche , j u t like their own, to be planted in 111any place , place that are wai ting for God' people to re pond. The OARBC made a re olution at Port mouth in 1999 and confi rmed it in Toledo in the year 2000. We did indeed re olve to build a network fo r planting new churche . The dictionary ay about the word, "re olution," to be re olute, with firm determination the act of re ol ing to do omething fol lo\ved by ac tion.'' The ti1ne for action ha come. Let ' ca t a ide our he itations and pull together ,vith finn re olve to ee new churches planted aero Ohio. How ToReac/1 Us State Representative Dav id & Pat Warren 360Co llege Hill Dri ve CedarvilleOH 45314 937-766-5913 warrenoarbc(cl C/111rc/1 Plat1ti11g Coordit,ator Max & Phyll is Tucker 66 16 Fountain Blvd. # l O We t Che ter. OH 45069 5 l 3-759-0791 pl