The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2003

Where Am I? l 11\.'L' tu,n" · 1111 .tgtnl' th,H ~(.1ll arc a tra\c lcr in hi o during the 18()()~ and you 111u~l dcpl'th.l l,n \\ , ll l'I"\\ ··~" and t\)ad\\ a) s to reach . <>Ur de stination . fo llow the four ~els or dtrl'l' lll.,n-.. he h.'\\ .ind nan1c the · ity each leads you I t) . Sout h BethelM id -Bethel l ~ l\ t t) u t L' "t ._\rt" at l h c Map Of Ohio In 1800s 1 3. . nl,rthcrn-n10,t end tlf the ()hit)-Eric ' an,11. I 1r..1\ L'I ,outh in a ·anal boat ft)r aht)Ul I ()() 1111 lc,. ' c ,t I ride 011 ht)f chac1' (loi n o ~ e south,\CSt and tra\'el about 75 n1ilc . fu rther l t) 111, dc~tinat ion . . \\.here an1 1 ·? 11 trip begin~ in \\,'hee ling. We. t ..... Virginia. I travel I 15 ..... 111 iI e. ""e. t in a eftance n.-.tlle . tagecoach al <)ng the Cltlllcolhe # , atit)na l Road. At that point I catch a cana l bt)al \\ hich takes ,ne ~outhcast abou t 60 Cndnnatl , , n1i le. lo n1 y de. ti nation. Where a1n I? .., , ., I tart at the southern n1ost end or the Mi an1i Eri e Canal and fo llow the O hio Rive r about I 00 n1iles ea. t. I nex t catch a canal boat which take me about 80 n1i le~ north my de. ti nati on. Where a1n I? Legend: M iami-Erie Canal Ohio-Erie Canal Zane's Trace ---- The Nat ional Road ----· 50 miles=5/8 inch \----) 4 . M y j our11ey begin. w here the Nati onal Road meets the M iami -Erie Canal . After tra el i ng 80 rnilc · north along the canal, our boat take. a tum and head no1 hcas t ano ther 50 11i Jes to take me to n1 y dest i nati on. Where a1n I? Find the answers on page 2 The 01 8 360 Co ll ege H i ll Dri ve C' cdar\ i lle O H 453 14 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID RANDOLPH, NY PERMIT NO. 31 • Pl ease send contributions to the OARBC to OARBC c/o Phil Miller 1750 Flinthill Co lumbus OH 43223 Thanks! Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at t,l'!f!'S"f':' Transportation 111,;liJj,; tiJ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 4361 8 41 9-836-2835 Toll-free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 "Big church discounts" ask for Bud Graham Professional consulting and sales for your financial and insurance needs Auto • Church • Home • Disability • Life • Business • Annuities HELPS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC Dorr R. Phelps, GP, CFP, RFP, LUTCF 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerville, Ohio 43081 PHONE: 614-899-6000 FAX: 61 4-899-6022 TOLL FREE: 1-877-471 -7997 www ITl.ilTI Insurance The Mini try Initiative ~rill help you develop a plan for identifying, equipping, and ending people into mini try ervice. Contact us today for your T111 resource packet -only $49.99! Regular Bapti t Pre Building Lives by the Book lll3P 1.800.727.4440 ,v,v, tmi