

Cinderella AND HER Little Glass Slipper.

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CINDERELLA, OR THE Little Glass Slipper. Embellished with neat Engravings. COOPERSTOWN. Printed and sold by H. ti E. Phinney 1825.


OR THE Little Glass Slipper. THE story of Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper, is one. of those wonderful Tales of Fairies, which, although entirely divested of truth, contains so many curious incidents, both instructive and entertaining, that it forms a pleasing fund of amusement to youthful readers. At a short distance from a great city there lived a gentleman of fortune and his wife, an amiable and beautiful young lady whom he had lately married. As they were fondly attached to each other, they enjoyed the greatest happiness; and the birth of a daughter,

6 CINDERELLA. if possible, increased their felicity ; but unfortunately for the child, the mother died before she had reared up her offspring, and left her husband a prey to sorrow. When the gentleman’s grief was a little abated, he felt the want of a wife so much, that he resolved to look out for some prudent lady, who might be a mother to his child, and a companion to himself. Unfortunately his second choice fell on a widow lady, of a proud and tyrannical disposition, w7ho had two daughters by a former marriage, both equally haughty and bad tempered with ’ mother. woman had the cunning to con- c her had qualities so well, that the gentleman thought she was very amiable ; but the marriage was scarcely over, when she appeared in her real character. She paid no attention to her husband, quarrelled with the servants, and treated'his little child with great harshness. The gentleman, who loved his daughter dearly, remonstrated against her behaviour, but it only made her worse; and. unable to resist her vio­

CINDERELLA. 7 lence, he fell into low spirits, which brought him to a premature grave. After* the death of her father, the little* orphan found the hardships of her situation to be greatly increased. If she chanced to come into any of the rooms where her stepmother or her daughters were, she was sure of being scolded, because they were vexed that she looked handsomer than themselves. They even wrent so far as to make her do all the meanest work about the kitchen, to assist the servants in putting on the fires, washing the pots, and also in cleaning out the rooms, which were ail newly furnished in the first style of elegance. At night, she was forced to sleep in a garret, on a straw' bed without curtains, and she had not even enough of clothes to protect her from the cold. Although so barbarously used, the sweet girl -went through all this drudgery without repining ; and when her work was done, she would sit down in the corner of the chimney among the cinders, which made some of the family call her Cinder-wench. However, the younger of the sisters, thinking this appellation was vulgar, gave her the more

8 CINDERELLA. genteel name of Cinderella, and all the rest' followed her example. Notwithstanding all that she endured, Cinderella, as she grew up, became every day more beautiful, and far surpassed the two sisters, notwithstanding all their fine clothes. About this time, a splendid ball was to be given at court by the king’s son, to which all the nobility and gentry of the kingdom were invited, and amongst

CINDERELLA. 9 others, the two sisters received an invitation ; but poor Cinderella, whom no one knew any thing of, was forgotten. The two haughty creatures, quite delighted with tne thoughts of being at a ball given by the king’s son, immediately proceeded to arrange their dresses for the grand occasion. Their preparations were very oppressive to Cinderella, who, being remarkably neat- handed, had to wash, plait, and iron out

10 CINDERELLA. all their fineries, while they would do nothing but talk of of the fine ball, and how thay were to be dressed on that evening. “ I,” said the eldest, “ will nut on my scarlet velvet, with the rich French trimming.” “ And I,” saiifthe youngest, “ shall wear my green velvet, that I got for the last ball, and also my gold muslin train, which, with diamonds in my hair, will certainly look quite enchanting.” . . On the morning of the ball, a first rate hair-dresser was sent for, and the most becoming and fanciful ornaments procured from almost every fashionable shop in the city. Although these vain silly girls could chatter enough a- bout fine clothes, yet, in the arranging of their ornaments, and dressing tastefully, they were infinitely surpassed by Cinderella ; and as they knew she had a natural genius in these matters, they condescended to employ her on this occasion. Any other person who had met with the same cruel treatment as Cinderella, would have endeavored to make them look as ugly as possible; but this good natured girl assisted to deck them out to the best advantage.

CINDERELLA. 11 Nothing pleased them unless Cinderella did it; and even their hair, which had been already dressed by one of the most fashionable hair-dressers, she was obliged to adjust to her own taste. Yet, notwithstanding all Cinderella’s attention to them, the ungrateful creatures could not refrain from their accustomed derision, and repeatedly asked if she would like to go to the’ ba II.— 1 Ah 1” said Cinderella, “ you are mak

12 CINDERELLA Mg game of me; it is not a place fen? such por girls as I am to go to.” “ You are right,” said they ; “ how the folks would laugh were they to see a cinderwench in the ball-room.” I almost forgot to mention, that they were so much taken up with their look- ing-glaeses and the ball, that they hardly ate any thing for two days, and they had broken more than a dozen laces, in trying to give themselves a slender shape. At length the wished for moment arrived, and these proud misses stepped into a beautiful carriage, attended by several servants in handsome liveries, and drove away to the city. Cinderella followed the coach with her eyes as far as she could see, and then returned to the kitchen in tears; where, for the first time, she bewailed her hard and cruel degradation. She continued.sobbing in the corner of the chimney, until a noise in the kitchen roused her, and she looked up to see what had occasioned it. Her surprise was great indeed, to see a little curious-looking old woman, vow antiquely dressed ; in her right hand shecarneda

CINDERELLA. 19 wand, and in the other she held a crutch to support herself. Cinderella could not account for thia strange appearance, and thought that her eyes had deceived her, as she had) not seen this droll personage before; but the old woman, with a good-natured smile in her countenance, approached nearer, and thus accosted her:— “ My dear Cinderella, I am your god' mother, and, knowing the desire you have to go to this fine ball, I am come for the purpose of gratifying your wishes ; therefore dry up your tears, and,, as you are a good girl, I will furnish you with an equipage suitable to your merit.” Cinderella then remembered, that she had heard her father and mother often talk of her godmother, and that she was one of those good fairies who interest themselves in the welfare of all the children to whom they stand sponsors; ant* this recollection "revived her spirits so* much, that she spoke to the fairy in her usually pleasant manner. The fairy took Cinderella by the hand, any having led her out to a retired spot, said, “ Now, my dear, you

14 CINDERELLA. must go into the garden and bring me a pumpkin.” Cinderella almost flew to execute her commands, and returned with one of the finest she could meet with. Her godmother took the pumpkin, and scooped out the inside of it, leaving nothing but the rind ; she then struck it with her wand, and it instantly became one of the most elegant gilt coaches that ever was seen. She next desired Cinderella to go to the pantry for the mouse-trap. She did so, and found six little mice alive in the trap, which sbe brought to the fairy, who requested her to lift,up the door very gently, so that only one of them might go out at a time. Cinderella raised the trap-door, and as the mice came out one by one, a touch of the fairy’s wand transformed them into beautiful carriage horses. “ Now, my dear girl,” said the fairy, “ here you have a coach and horses much handsomer than your sisters’, to say the least of them ; but as we have neither got a postilion nor a coachman to take care of them, run quickly to the stable, where the rat-trap is placed, and bring it to me.”

CINDERELLA. 15 Cinderella, who did not lose a momentin the execution other commands, soon returned with the trap, in which there were two large rats. The fairy touched them both with her wand, and immediately the one was changed into a handsome postilion, and the other into a fine jolly-looking coachman. Her godmother then said, “ My dear Cinderella, you must go to the garden again before I can complete your equip­

16 CINDERELLA age; when you get there, keep to the •right side, and close to the wall you will •see the watering-pot standing; look behind it, and there you will find six Sizards, which you must bring to me immediately.” Cinderella flew to the garden, as she was desired, and found the six lizards, which she put into her apron, and brought to the fairy. Another touch of the wonderful wand soon converted these animals into six spruce footmen, in dashing liveries, who immediately jumped up behind the carriage, and with as much agility as if they had been accustomed to do nothing else all their lives. The coachman and postilion having likewise taken their places, the fairy said to Cinderella, “ Well, my dear girl, is not this as fine an equipage as you could desire to go to the ball with ? Tell me, now, are you pleased with it ?” “ O yes, my dear godmother,” replied Cinderella,; and then, with a good deal of hesitation, added, “ but how can I make my appearance among so many fine-dressed people in these mean-looking clothes 2”

CINDERELLA. 17 Give yourself no uneasiness about that, my dear,” said the fairy, with a good-humoured smile; “ the most laborious part of our task is already accomplished, and it will be hard if I cannot make your dress correspond with your equipage.” On saying this, she touched Cinderella with the magic wand, and her clothes were instantly changed into the most magnificent apparel, ornamented

18 CINDERELLA. with the most costly jewels that ever were beheld. The fairy took from her pocket a most beautiful pair of elastic glass slippers, which she caused Cinderella to put on, and then desired her to get into the carriage with all expedition, as the ball had already commenced. Cinderella instantly stepped into the chariot, and her godmother, before she took leave, strictly charged her, on no account whatever, to stay at the ball after the clock had struck twelve ; and then added, that if she stopped a single moment beyond that time, her fine coach, horses, coachman, postilion, footmen, and fine apparel, would all return to their original shapes of pumpkin, mice, rats, lizards, and mean-looking clothes. Cinderella promised most faithfully to attend to every thing that, the fairy had mentioned ; and then, quite overjoyed, drove away to the palace, which, as the carriage flew like lightning, she reached in a very short time. The arrival of so splendid an equipage as Cinaerella’s could not fail to attract general notice at the palace ; and information having reached the king’s L

CINDERELLA. 19 eon, that a beautiful young lady, evidently some princess, was in waiting, he hastened to the door, handed her out of the carriage, and led her gracefully into the ball-room. When Cinderella made her appearance, both music and dancing were sus- jaended for a few moments—not even whisper was heard ; and the company seemed to be struck dumb with admiration, for every one was employed iu

20 CINDERELLA. gazing at the beauty and magnificence of this elegant stranger. Then they began in whispers to express their admiration: “ How beautiful she is !—what a handsome figure !— how elegantly she is dressed !” Even the prince’s hither, old as he was, could not behold her with indifference, but repeatedly said to the queen, that he had never seen so lovely a creature, The ladies were all engaged m observing how her clothes were made, that they might be able to describe them to their dress-makers, and, if possible, to order the same splendid materials and pattern to be procured, and got ready for the next evening’s ball. So angelic and faultless was the form of the lovely- stranger, that even envy seemed to be asleep ; for not one of the ladies present had the most distant expectation of being able to rival her in any one of the qualities which she possessed, and only looked upon her as a superior being, whom they might try to copy from. The king’s son conducted Cinderella to one of the most distinguished seats, and placing himself by her side, beg­

CINDERELLA. 21 ged she would allow him to bring her some fruit or jellies. These she refused with great politeness, and he then requested to have the honour of dancing with her. Cinderella gave a smiling consent, and the delighted prince immediately led her out to the centre of the ball-room, followed by the eyes of the whole company. The music struck up, and the dance commenced ; but if the beauty, elegant

22 CINDERELLA. figure, and the splendour of Cinderella’s dress had before drawn the attention and admiration of every person in the room, the astonishment which was excited by her dancing it is impossible to describe. The gracefulness of all her motions, and the airy lightness with which she moved, for she seemed scarcely to touch the ground, drew7 forth a general murmur of admiration, which, as the prince led her off, changed into the loudest acclamations of applause; and the company, all in one voice, pronounced her to be the most elegant and accomplished female that had ever been seen. A magnificent collation was served up, consisting of most delicious fruits, confectionary, and wines ; but so much was the young prince engaged in attending to Cinderella, that he did not eat one morsel during the whole of the evening. Cinderella was seated near her sisters, to whom she frequently spoke, and gave them a part of the fine delicacies which she had received from the prince ; but they entertained not the slightest suspicion who she was, and were quite as-

CINDERELLA. 23 tonished and delighted at the civilities they received from her. At this moment, hearing the clock strike eleven, she hurried from the room, and returned home in her carriage? Here she found her godmother waiting, to whom she related what had taken place. She had just obtained her consent to attend the next ball on the following evening, when the sisters arrived. Cinderella, as if just awaked from sleep, complained of their long stay. “ Had you been at the ball,” said they, “ you would not have been

24 CINDERELLA. so sleepy; for the most beautiful and handsomest princess ever beheld came there, who paid us great attention, and gave us a part of the delicacies which the prince had presented to her.” It was with difficulty that Cinderella could refrairi from laughing; but she concealed her mirth, and inquired the name of the princess. They replied, that nobody knew her, and that the young prince, being very anxious to learnwno she was, had offered a large reward to any person who would satisfy his curiosity. Cinderella said, with a smile, “ How very beautiful she must be! and how fortunate you were in seeing her! O, if 1 could only get one peep at her! Dear Miss Charlotte, will you lend me one of your old gowns, that I may go to the next ball, and get a sight of this beautiful >ady ?” “Do you really think I am so mad as to lend my gowns to a cinder-wench ? No, I am not such a fool; so, go, and mind your own business, and leave balls and dresses to your betters.” This answer was just what Cinderella expected; for, if her request had been

CINDERELLA. 25 granted, she would have been puzzled, now to act in the business. Next evening the two ladies went again to the ball; and Cinderella soon followed them, but dressed in a more magnificent style than formerly. The prince, who was quite delighted to see her again, did not leave her side the whole evening, and was continually paying her the most flattering compliments and attentions. Cinderella was so much taken up with the dancing and the civilities of the young prince, that the evening passed away before she was aware; ana the clock struck twelve, when she supposed that it could scarce be eleven. Alarmed, she sprung from her seat, and almost flew out of the ball-room. The prince pursued her, which made Cinderella run the faster, and in the hurry she dropped one of her glass slippers, which the prince picked up. Fatigued and breathless, it was with difficulty that Cinderella reached home, in her old clothing, without coach, attendants, or any of her grandeur, except the remaining glass slipper, which she carefully put m her pocket

2G CINDERELLA. The prince, who had lost sight of Cinderella when he stooped to lift up the slipper, inquired at the guards if they had seen a magnificent princess pass through the palace gates; but they saitl, that no creature had gone out, except a poor beggar girl. When the sisters of Cinderella came home, she enquired, if they had been as well amused as at the former ball, and if the beautiful princess had been there. They said she had ; but as the clock struck twelve, she flew out of the ball-room, and, in the haste, had dropped one of her fine-shaped glass slippers ; that the king’s son having found the slipper, did nothing but admire it during the remainder of the ball, and every person said he was violently in love with the beautiful princess. A few days after the ball, the prince caused it to be proclaimed, that he would marry the lady whom the slipper fitted ; and he sent one of the principal officers of his household round to all the ladies of his court. The slipper was first carried to the princesses ana dutch- esses, and then to the other ladies of inferior rank ; but finding no one it would

CINDERELLA. 27 fit, he returned to the prince with the account of his bad success. And the prince having ordered him to go round to the other ladies in his dominions, it was at last brought to the two sisters, w’ho used every exertion to squeeze on the slipper, but all to no purpose. Cinderella, who was present during the trial, knowing her slipper, said, with a smile, “ Pray, Sir, may I be allow-

28 CINDERELLA. ed to try it on ?” The sisters said rudely, Very likely, indeed, that it will fit your clumsy foot!” The officer seeing that Cinderella was very beautiful, desired her to try it on, for the prince had commanded him to allow every one who wished to have a trial. Cinderella, sitting down on the carpet, put it on her foot with the greatest ease. The two sisters were astonished at seeing it fit so very exactly ; but they were much more astonished, when she pulled its fellow from her pocket, and put it on likewise. At that moment the fairy entered, unperceived by any one, and touched Cinderella with her wand, which changed her poor clothes into a more magnificent dress than she had yet appeared in. When the sisters found that poor Cinderella was the beautiful princess, they fell on their knees and entreated pardon for their former cruel behaviour. Cinderella raised up her sisters, and then freely forgave them; after which the officer conducted her to the prince, who was so struck with her beauty that he solicited her hand in marriage.

CINDERELLA. 29 Cinderella gave her consent, and the ceremony took place a few days afterwards, with great pomp and rejoicing. The amiable qualities of Cinderella were as conspicuous after as they had been before marriage, by which means she retained the love of her husband, and gained the esteem of all who knew her. Although’she had been so cruelly used by tiie two sisters, yet she was so far

30 CINDERELLA. she sent for them to court, and by her influence they were shortly after married to two of the first noblemen in the kingdom. Cinderella spent a long life, in a state of felicity which seldom falls to the lot of mortals ; nor did she forget to remember, with gratitude, her friend the fairy, who had contributed so much to her comfort and happiness. FINIS.