Little Sally of the Sunday School

LITTLE SALLY OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Published by the New-York Religious Tract Society- and for sale at their Depository, (Wilder and Camp belPs Book-store,) 142 Broadway, and by the pri cipal Booksellers in the United States. D. Fanshaw, Printer, No. 1 Murrfty*street- she passed, ' Little girl, ou play on the Lord’s day?

LITTLE SALLY OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Oue fine Sunday morning, while the bells were ringing to call the people to church, a very little girl, called Sally, was swinging on a gate by the way-side. Sally was covered with rags, her face and hands were dirty, and she had neither shoes nor stockings. A lady, who feared God, passing by that way as she was going to church, said to Sally as she passed, “ Little girl, why do you play on the Lord’s day?

SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 who says she will take me to the Sunday School and to church next Sunday, if you will make me clean.” “ Indeed, child,” said her mammy, “I? have no time to dress you on Sundays. I have the bed to make, and the house to clean, and the dinner to get: so you may go where you will; ’but don’t look for me to dress you or clean you.” Then little Sally sat down upon the step on the outside of the door, and began to think, “ What shall I do when the lady comes again next Sunday ? Mammy won’t ^lean me; .but I can wash my own fac^jmd haijil^^»d comb my hair, for maffigiy^will let m$use W; comb. So I will sp^upon t'h.e gate till the lady comes; and then I i^f^psk her to let me go with her to school; and I will give the lady a little posy out of the hedge, because she is a good lady.” Now this was a good thought, whifch

8 SALLY OF THE God put into the heart of little Sally; for all good thoughts come from God, but naughty thoughts come out of our own hearts. The next Sunday morning little Sally got up early, and washed her hands and face, and combed her hair. Then she gathered a few flowers out of the hedge; some wild roses, and some wild honeysuckles; and when she had tied them up in a posy with a bit of red worsted, she took a slice of bread which had been cut for her breakfast; and when her mammy had given her leave to go where she would, she went and sat upon the gate till the lady who feared God came by. When little Sally saw the lady, she got off the gate in haste, and, running to her, she made a low courtesy, and gave her the posy, and said, “I have washed my face and hands, ma’am, and combed my hair; and, if you please, I will go with you to the Sunday School.” The lady said, “ Byt you have not got your Sunday* frock on!” “ I have no Sunday frock,” said little Sally, “ my own mammy and daddy are dead, and I have nobody to buy me a Sunday frock. Will you not let me go to school in these old clothes ?” “ Yes, my poor little girl, I will,” said


SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 the lady. “ The Lord Jesus Christ receives us in all our most filthy rags if we will come to him: how then can I refuse to receive a poor little ragged child who is willing to come to me V’ Then the lady walked on, and little Sally came trotting after her. And the lady took her to a pretty Sunday School, where she was taught to read: first in the spelling-book, and afterwards in the Bible. Every Sunday she was taken to the house of God: for the lady told her that God would look at her heart, and not at her ragged clothes; for man look- elh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 1 Sam. xvi. 7. When little Sally had been at the Sunday School one year, and had behaved very well, and learned her tasks well every week, she had a brown stuff gown

12 SALLY OF THE given to her, and a white apron, and a brown bonnet and tippet, like all the other children: and, because she had no daddy and mammy, the lady was so kind as to give her two new shifts, and a flannel petticoat, together with shoes and stockings, and a blue bed-gown to wear on week days. And when she got a little older the kind lady employed her to do many little jobs for her, by which she earned as many pence as served to keep her in shoes and stockings. Little Sally learned at the Sunday School and at church to be humble, and to fear God, and to love the dear Saviour who died for her upon the cross. She learned also always to speak the truth, and never to tell a lie, because she knew that every liar has his portion in the lake that burns with brimstone and with fire. When Sally was grown a great girl, the lady who feared God took her into her house, and taught her a great many useful things. And the lady, loved her because she was humble and thankful, and loved her Saviour, and never gave rude answers when she was spoken to. Sally, through all her life, used to say, “That was a happy day when I first went to the Sunday School.”


THE BIBLE. The spirit breathes upon the word, And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page— Majestic, like the sun; It gives a light to ev’ry age, It gives, but borrows none.

HYMJf. THE HART. Psalm xlii. 1. As the hart, with eager looks, Panteth for the water brooks; So my soul, athirst for Thee, Pants the living God to see; When, 0 when, with filial fear, Lord, shall I to thee draw near 1