Mother Goose in Hieroglyphics


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849. by GEORGE S. APPLETON, In the Omce of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Per usy rKlNTHO BY OBOBOB O. BAND k AVBRT-

It is often said that folks now-a-days are a deal wiser than their lathers and grandfathers; but I don’t think so; for who has ever written books like Mother Goose, Mother Hubbard, and Mother What’s-her- name, that lived a great while ago r and books for children, too, little dears. How many of them owe their lives to the influence of their soothing songs and lullabys' The world would not have been half peopled, had not these old sages once lived and written their invaluable little books for children. When the doctor sends for physic for a nervous little chick, make a mistake, and go to the bookseller’s and buy Mother Goose in Hiero1 1 > ~ --------——

4 INTRODUCTION. glyphics; that’s what is wanted — a pretty book, written with pictures, as they wrote in Egypt a long while ago, when folks knew something, — about the time when Mother Goose herself was a little gosling. Yes, buy one of these little books, and when it is torn up, buy another, and another, till the wee ones arc old enough to read Robinson Crusoe, and the like. My word for it, there is nothing like books with pictures, to keep children quiet; and « is the- best that was ever wri>fen, as everybody knows

MOTHER GOOSE IN HIEROGLYPHICS. fine with Robert of mine that any other

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the went over s’ mother, together. broke down, they fell in ; go with you, says Tom Bohn. May the The

And he was wondrous wise, into a bramble our And scratched out both his

MOTHER GOOSE IN HIEROGLYPHICS 43 John, with Went to on, Diddle, diddle, dumpling,

16 MOTHE It GOOSE IN HIEROGLYPHICS. Old woman, old old woman, Whither, O whither, O whither To sweep the from the And shall back again, by and by.

MOTHER GOOSE IN HIEROGLYPHICS. 47 The How many wilderness asked me, I answered As manv red as grew in the grew in the good,


FAGS. 5. Horn, Corn, Eating, Pie, Thumb, Plum, Boy, Eye. 6. Cat, Cat, Eye, Queen, Cat, Cat, Eye, Mouse, Chair. 7. Two Blind men, Sea, Two Cripples, Race, Bull, Fight, Bee, Face. 8. Jack-horse, Cross, Old Woman, Horse, Rings, Bells, Music. 9. Barns, Bellows, Can, Shoe, Horse, Sir, Eye, Can, Well, Man. 10. Nail, Shoe, Ewer, Horse, Cat, Cupboard. 11. Dog, House, Bull, Monkey, Boat, Oars, 12. Cock, Rock, Crowing, Shoe, Horse, Shoe, Colt, Bear. 13. A Grenadier, Want, Beer, Money, Eye, Gone, Sot* 14. Bed, Head, Slow, Pot, Bee. 15. Eye, Boy, Inn, Grate, Boy, King.

58 key. PAGE. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Can, Musket, Can, Pipe, Can, Girl, Clock, Night. Orchard, Tree, Apples, Yew, Apples, Awl. Baby, Tree, Top, Cradle, Bough, Ciadlc, Tumble, Awl. Cat, Fiddle, Cow, Moon, Dog, Sea, Dish, Ran, Spoon. Shoe, Door, Sticks, Gate, Hen, Bell, Curtain, Meeting, Preaching, Plenty. Boy, Horn, Sheep, Cows, Way, Sheep, Hay-stack, Asleep. Old Woman, Pies, Mill, Eyes, Street, Awl, Cries, Pies. Piper, Pig, Run, Pig, Beat, Crying. Old Woman, Shoe, Children, Bread, Whipped, Awl, Bed. Man, Moon, Weigh, Toe, Man, Mouth, Eating, Plum. Bag, Mouse, Inn, Bag, Inn, Cat, Saw, Table, Dog, Puss, Ewer. Song, Bag, Rye, Blackbirds, Pie, Birds, Dish, King. King, Money, Queen, Kitchen, Maid, Garden, Clothes, Bird, Nose. Sheep, Eye, Bag, Dame, Boy, Lane. Cock, Dame, Shoe, Lost, Fiddlestick, Knot. Dock, Clock, Clock, Ran, Dock. • -----

KEY 591 PAGE 32. Inn, Shed, Straw, Bed, Owl, Stakes. 33. Fool, Woods, Owl, Pie, Ale, Eye. 34. Kit, Kit, Awl, Bridge, Bridge, Awl, Rats. 35. Man, Inn, Town, Jumped, Bush, Eyes. - 36. Saw, Eyes, Awl, Jump, Bush, Inn. 37. Eye, Eggs, Eye, Legs, Legs, Toes, Tripped, Nose. 38. Sow, Saddle, Pig, Cradle, Dish, Table, Pot, Ladle. 39. Spit, Door, Pudding-stick, Gridiron, Ewe, Head, Toe. 40. Loves, Ale, Loves, Candy, Loves, Girls, Handy. 41. Dogs, Beggars, Town, Sum, Inn, Sum, Gown. 42. Hog, Cows, Corn, Boys, Cat, Girls, Mountains, Run. 43. Sun, Bed, Trowsers, Stocking, Stocking, Sun. 44. Girls, Rose, Boys, Toys, Monkeys, Bread, Horses. 45 Old Woman, Inn, Moon, Eye, Tell, Butt, Inn, Hand, Broom. 46. Woman, Eye, Sow, Cobwebs, Sky, Eye, Bee. 47. Man, Strawberries, Sea, Eye, Herrings, Wood.

PAGE. 48. Baby: Hunting, Milking, Rabbit, Baby, Inn. 49. Jack, Cock. Horse, Sword, Scabbard, Saddle, Spurs, Switches. 50. Marbles, Tops, Props, Jacket, Breeches, Rose, Violet, Pinks, Yew. 51. Rock, Baby, Ewer, Cradle, Nobleman, Queen, Lady, Ring, Drummer, Drums, King. 52. Gill, Hill, Pail, Water, Fell Down, Crown, Gill, Tumbling. 53. Chimney, Sweep, Awl, Top, Ladder, Rope, Chimney Sweep. 54 Boys, Girls, Moon, Supper, Sleep, Playfellows, Street. 55. Old Woman, Hill, Knot, Apples, Pies, Woman. 56. Lady Bird, Lady Bird, Fly, A Way, Home, Ewer, House is on Fire, Ewer, Children, Will Burn.