The Southern Primer




ROMAN CAPITAL LETTERS. ABODE F G H I J K L MN O P & "R * S T U V W X Y Z & ROMAN SMALL LETTERS. a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m n o p q r st u v w x y z & DOUBLE LETTERS. ff fi fl ffi ffl BXXX>C<>O<>C<X:><><>O<><>C<X ENTERED, According to the Act of Congress, in the year 1837, by S. BABCOCK & CO. M In the office of the Clerk of the District Court of South Carolina. < ® ets

<** ®Y® ITALIC CAPITAL LETTERS. ?R AB C D E E G H I J K L -MN O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z # ITALIC SMALL LETTERS. a b c d e f g hi j k I m n o p q r st u v w x y z 4* DOUBLE LETTERS. ff fi fi ffi ffl FIGURES. a ^123456789 0^ ---------------- ---- >»W < i*

.1 Jackal. IB Mole. N Nest. P Porcupine.

Q Quiver. Rabbit. S Squirrel.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 11 I IXXXXXXXXXXX>C<>C<>0<>£><>0<>£^^ >=XXSB abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz JXXXXXXXX>OOC>CXXX>C><XXXXX>C<^ so ill it we lo if is wo do fy ye me to ox ax go IIO ye he ha ah as at or be ho an am by of on my US as go up

12 SOUTHERN PRIMER. «XXX><XXX><XXX><>O0^^ ABCDEFGHIJKLMN If I am in. If he is so. I am in it. Oh do go up. It is an ax. We do go. 1 am to 2:0. o He is in it. If ye do so. An ox or ax. If we do so. It is my ox. It is on it. I do go on In on or up. So it is up. Do ye go so. I am on it. It is an ox. lie is by me.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 13 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z & 1>>0<XX>OC>0<^^ cat boy cap lip ear P'g top hen hat lad kit bat wig bed pit mat fat dog hog log man fig arm toy fly men ink box pen top i map bee bog kit pet saw pot web key pie ; dew pin ten two tin Itoe one war rat six 2

14 SOUTHERN PRIMER. abcdefghijkhnnopqrstuvivxyz. »>0<>OOC<>00::>00<>C<>0<^ Let us go and see the pig* Ue is fat and can not run. The do»- Can run. I can run, and hop, too. So can Ann and Bob. The sun is up. It is hot. It is six and Tom is yet in his bed. Fie, fie, Tom; Get up and see the sun. Do not lie in bed till six. Why are you not up ?

SOUTHERN PRIVER. 15 I THE POOR OLD MAN AND GOOD BOY. Here is a Man and a Boy. • The Man is old and poor. He holds his hat in his left hand. I The Boy is young, but kind. , The boy is glad he can help him. M hat a good and kind Boy he is. The Man thanks his young friend. He can now buv some thing to eat. We must all be kind to the poor.

16 SOUTHERN PRIMER. bx>c,o<>c<>c<><xxx>o^ BXXXXXXX THE CAT AND HER KITTENS. Here is Puss and her Kits. One, two, three. Just three. One is on her back. What names shall we give them? Puss must have some meat. Let her catch mice and eat them. Cats are foml of mice. 31 ice eat our bread and cake. Puss*must rid us of the mice.

SOUTHERN PRIMER 17 «XXXX><>C^O<x>>o<><><>c<x5<0<^ THE FAITHFUL FRIEND. Oh, what is this? Here is a dog. Why, what is it he has got! It is a child ! Poor babe. Is the child dead? I think not. They are both quite wet. The child fell from the bank. The dog was near and saw him. He brought him to the shore. Good dog. How I love him. 2*

18 SOUTHERN PRIMER. THE HORSE AND HIS RIDER. Look at this gay horse. The boy seems proud of him. J should like one as gay as this. The lad has a whip in his hand. We hope he will not use it. ‘ There is a house and a hi^h hill. Near the house is a large tree. The boy will ride to that house. He Ii.ves there. It is his home.

SPRING MORNING, AT SUNRISE. It is Spring. Here is a lad who left his bed when the sun rose. Ue has had a line walk in the fields. The air is fresh and sweet. The sun is now up. The boy has his hat in his hand. He looks at the sun. There is a house that we can sec near the trees, and some sheep in the field.

20 SOUTHERN PRIMER. BOYS AT PLAY. Ah, this is sport. Here are the boys at play. They are in high glee. One skips a rope; one flies a kite; two spin their tops; and there is one with a hoop, and one on stilts. One, two, three four, five, six. Six school boys. Let us go and see if we can join them in their sports. ,

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 21 ■XXXXXX><>O<XX>CK>OO^^ SXXXXXXx><XXX>C<XXXXXX><XXXXX><XXXS THE GREEDY GIRL. Jane White was a gree-dy girl. One day she had some nice pudding and milk to eat. It was hot, and her fath-er told her to wait for it to cool. But no; she was fond of pud-ding and milk, and could not wait. So she had her mouth sad-ly burnt; the pain was great, but no one felt sor-ry

22 SOUTHERN PRIMER for the fool-ish girl. She was much too old for such a gree-dy hab-it. Pigs and Ducks are always gree-dy. Lit-tle Girls and Boys must not eat like the ducks anti pigs. If Jane had done as her fath-er hade her, she would not have been scald-ed. Poor girl! she has now learn-ed that her pa-rents know best what is good for her. We hope she will not be so gree-dy a-gain. She must be-come like the lit-tle girls who went to vis-it Su-san. They all were po-lite and gen-teel, and Su-san had quite a pleas-ant

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 23 JOHN JONES STUDYING HIS LESSON. This bright lit-tle fel-low is John Jones. He goes to school, and has got out of bed quite early this morn-ing, to learn his lesson. He is not i-dle like fome boys that I know. He learns his lessons well, and his teach-er has giv-en him ma-ny pri-zcs for his dil-i-gence. John likes to play

24 SOUTHERN PRIMER. as well as oth-er boys. But he al-ways learns his les-son first. He is now learn-ing a ve-ry pretty lit-tle hymn which his grand- fath-er gave him to stud-y. If he learns it well, the old gen-tle-man says he will give him a beau-ti-ful book, full of pic-tures. I have no doubt but he will get the book, for he is ver-y dil-i-gent, and pays great at-ten-tion to his lesson. This is the right way to learn. How much bet-ter it is to be thus stor-ing the mind with learn-ing, than to pass our time in mis-chiev-ous cru-el-ty, like THE TRUANT BOYS. f

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 25 ®<iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OO<XXXXXXX« THE INDUSTRIOUS SCHOLAR. Here we see a diligent boy. He appears to be much engaged with his book. This is right, my lad ; study your lesson first and then go to your play. Our little reader may have a lesson, too. How many days are there in a week ? Seven. 3

26 SOUTHERN PRIMER. «xxxxxx>o<xxxxx>ck>c<^>o<xxxxxx xxxa What are their names ? 1. Sunday, 2. Monday, 3. Tuesday, 4. Wednesday, 5. Thursday, 6. Friday, 7. Saturday. How muny weeks are there in a month! Four. How many months in a year? Twelve. True ; your answers are all correct, and I am happy to see that you do not forget what you have been told. Strive to learn all you can, and avoid, not only all evil actions, but the company of those idle boys who delight in MISCHIEF AND CRUELTY.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 27 A LESSON IN ADDITION. Here is a young Lad studying Arithmetic. He has just learned the figures, and has a table of Addition in his hand. Addition means the adding of two or more sums together. There is a table of Weights and Measures, and one of Multiplication, on the wall. We suppose this little chap intends

28 SOUTHERN PRIMER. «XXXXXXXXXX><X>C^^ to learn them all. You may have a lesson in addition, too. 1 and 2 are 3 6 and 2 are 8 2 and 2 are 4 7 and 2 are 9 3 and 2 are 5 8 and 2 are 10 4 and 2 are 6 9 and 2 are 11 5 and 2 are 7 10 and 2 are 12 There, that will do for the first lesson. When you can repeat it all without the book you may have another. Read it over once more, and then you may go and join your companions in some healthy anti FAVORITE SPORT.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 29 RECITING A HYMN. All, here is little John Jones once more. He has the hymn by heart, and is now repeating it to his grand-father. Our little reader can learn it, too. Here it is: A HYMN FOR A LITTLE CHILD. My Father, My Mother, I know, I cannot your kindness repay, ' But I hope that as older I grow, 1 shall learn your commands to obey. 3*

30 SOUTHERN PRIMER. You lov’d me before I could tell Who it was that so tenderly smil’d, But now, that I know it so well, I should be a dutiful child. I am sorry that ever I should Be naughty and give you a pain; I hope I shall learn to be good, And so never grieve you again. But, for fear that I ever should dare From all your commands to depart, Whenever I’m saying my prayer I’ll ask for a dutiful heart. The old gentleman was much pleased to hear little John repeat the hymn so correctly. Ue said to him—Very well done my dear boy ; here is your new book. You may go and read it to your little BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 31 ■XXXX><XX>C*XX>CKXXXX><>X>O<XX>O<>C>^ BXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX> THE INFANT SAVIOR. See this little infant sitting on his mother’s knee. This is Jesus Christ, the son of God ; that God who made the world, and who made you, and all of us, and every thing that is in the world. All men have sinned against God, and deserve to suffer for it. But Jesus Christ became a man and suf­

32 SOUTHERN PRIMER. fered for them, so that God might forgive them. This is why he is called the Savior. If you would go to heaven when you die, you must love God and keep all His COMMANDMENTS. 1 Thou shalt have no more Gods but me. 2 Before no idol bow thy knee. 3 Take not the name of God in vain. 4 Nor dare the sabbath-day profane. 5 Give both thy parents honor due. 6 Take heed that thou no murder do. 7 Abstain from words and deeds unclean. 8 Nor steal though thou art poor and mean. 9 Nor make a wilful lie, nor love it. 10 What is thy neighbor’s dare not covet. If you would know more about Christ, read your Bible. You will there find an account of his life, death, and ASCENSION.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 33 SOLOMON AND THE QUEEN OF SHEBA. Here is a picture of King Solomon seated on his throne. Before him stands the Queen of Sheba, who had heard so much of his riches and wisdom that she came a great ways to see him and to talk with him. Solomon was indeed a very rich and wise king\ He built a splendid temple for the

34 SOUTHERN PRIMER. worship of God; and God blessed him, and made him rich, and wise, | and powerful. God blesses those who love and serve him. [f we would be happy in this world, and in the next, we must love him and pray to him to keep us in the right way. You, my little reader, are not too young to die; but while you live, strive to serve God, so that when he calls you from this world you will not fear to die. When at play you must shun the company of those who are wicked,! and never join in any but INNOCENT SPORTS.

SOUTHERN PRIMER. 35 IX>C>C<><X>XXX><>0<X>O<XXXXX><XXX><>^ THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE SAVIOR. Here, my little friends, is another picture of the Savior. We now see him nailed to the cross. Ele was crucified, as we see in the picture, between two thieves. Although Christ came to save mankind from the wrath of God, which they had merited by their sins, yet they would not receive him, and

36 SOUTHERN PRIMER. 8>o<x>c<xx>c^^ lie had not where to lay his head. He was despised and rejected, and finally put to death, by those he came to save. Ue afterwards arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where he now sits to plead for those who are sorry for their sins. But I have not room to tell you all about the Savior in this little book; You will find the best history of his life, in the New Testament, which I hope you read often. If you find any thing there that you do not understand, you must ask your teacher to explain it to you, when you go to THE SUMDAY SCHOOL.