Channels, Fall 2022

20 • Psychological Effects of Undercover Policing Channels 2022 thus, the recommended solutions should be viewed as a starting point with the department or agency making improvements as needed. While this study has made headway regarding the issue of undercover operations’ psychological effects, there is still a critical need for further research to be done on the topic. Current literature lacks the benefits that recent quantitative data on the occurrence of negative psychological effects would provide, as well as data to reflect the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. Future research should focus primarily on developing the quantitative data and investigating other forms of qualitative research including but not limited to interviews, ethnography, and surveys. Departments and agencies choosing to implement the proposed solutions will also ideally conduct internal assessments. Such assessments are designed to produce both qualitative and quantitative data; the data yielded from the assessments may be used as sources for future research and developments. These varying forms of data collection will allow for future developments of policies, procedures, and practices in law enforcement.