Inspire, Summer 1997

News Publication for Cedarville College Alumnilbsatio A 11SPire SUMMER 1997 Practicing Whatlie Preaches R ecently,a father brought his wife and four young children from Michigan to Marshalltown, Iowa—population 30,241—on the promise ofajob. Finding the position already filled, the father needed gas money to get back to Michigan.He called Center Street Baptist Church(CSBC)where Bobby Shomo,a 1984 Cedarville graduate, serves as senior pastor. The CSBC congregation helped the man find ajob and a house to rent,40to 50 members helped clean the home and get the family moved in, and many brought food and furnishings. Bobby asked the father if he could visit during the next week."How can we refuse?"the man asked. "Finding opportunities and avenues to share the good news ofChrist is what Center Street Baptist is all about," Bobby states. Bobby demonstrates the support CSBC members give to this statement as he serves approximately 15 hours each week as chaplain for the Iowa River Hospice.Bobby's ministry to cancer patients and their families has brought a tremendous cross-section ofthe Marshalltown community to CSBC.Already in 1997, 13 people have been saved. A spouse ofa cancer victim who received Christ brought eight families to CSBC,where they heard the gospel.CSBC offers funeral and reception services to unchurched families at no cost. Church members provide child care and meals surrounding the funeral and maintain an ongoing ministry in the weeks that follow.Shomo says that 250 people recently came to one such funeral. Three families visited the church the following Sunday. CSBC also hosts a community-wide friendship volleyball league from January to April. One third ofeach team must consist of unchurched members.This year's league had 15 teams made up of 150 players.The league ends with an awards banquet at which the gospel is clearly presented. When Shomo speaks about Cedarville's ministry in his life, he cites three individuals who taught him to dream and be a visionary: Coach John McGillivray '70,Dr. Harold Green,and President Dixon."For Coach,it was neverjust about playing soccer. It was about living the life," Shomo says."During a trip to play soccer in Africa,Coach taught me that Christianity is a .• Bobby and Kendall have two precious sons,Eric (5)and Ryan(2). Bobby enjoys coaching Eric's soccer team,and Kendallleads the HOME (Hearts OfMothers Encouraged)ministryfor mothers with young children. 24-hour activity. Pastor Green is a dad to me,"he continues."He adopted me, disciplined,and encouraged me."Shomo also recalls traveling with Dr.Dixon."He is a visionary and he taught me to dream," Shomo states."Dr.Dixon always quoted, 'God is able to do more than we ask or imagine';and I learned that when I moved to Marshalltown,"says Shomo. Bobby became youth pastor at CSBC in August 1993—the church where his wife,Kendall(Herrick'87)was raised and where they were married.In January 1994,following a serious church difficulty,Bobby was appointed interim pastor. Five months later, he accepted the position ofsenior pastor. Bobby's first order ofbusiness as the senior pastor ofCSBC was to hire another Cedarville College graduate, Charlie Thorsen'93,as youth pastor. Charlie and his wife, Tammy(Haberstich '93),developed a community puppet ministry with the youth group,which performs in shopping malls,juvenile detention centers, and at backyard barbecues. THE LOCAL CHURCH