Inspire, Winter 1990

HomecomingPromotes Reunions Dr. Harold Green talks with Tom Benefiel '78 at the first MIS reunion breakfast. E ach year during Cedarville College Homecom- ing Weekend,specific classes have reunions. This time spent together reacquaints old chums and alumni with their alma mater. Alumni who have not been on campus in 20 years exclaim,"Wow! Have things changed!" These class reunions are usually organized by the class officers who generate a reunion committee to brainstorm and plan the perfect party. Some of the classes compile information booklets about the mem- bers of their classes. Some classes videotape every event of the day,and others enjoy a dinner with enter- tainment by a days-gone-by quartet. Reunions are fun and a great way to find out about college friends. This year the Christian Ministries Department at Cedarville College initiated a new type of reunion. They invited everyone who had traveled on Missionary Internship Service(MIS)to a continental breakfast on Saturday morning. Over 100 individuals returned and enjoyed sharing their MIS experiences. Team members who had traveled together for months many years ago returned to reunite their team. Many alumni have continued with short-term missions since graduation while others are career missionaries. All are thankful for the experience and adventure of a lifetime. If you have ideas or suggestions for your reunion, please contact your class officers. They will appreciate your input and your help with planning. Ed Spencer, advisor to the Class of 1985,chats with alumni. Ron Coriell '68, Jim Phipps '68, and Barb (Lepine '70) and Frank Jenista '68 revive memories of the late '60s. Mike '88 and Jill (Campbell'85) Law provide special music for the luncheon guests. Pastor Ron McDugle '65 (left) and Larry '64 and Sue (Fennell '65) Czerniak. The class of 1965 enjoyed dinner and the Greg Buchanan concert. Members also raised money for a class gift to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Dr. Pamela Diehl was named Honorary Alumnus of the Year at the Homecoming luncheon. A professor in the Department of Health and Physical Education for 17 years, she also serves as coordinator of academic progress. Pam chairs the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) committee which nominates new members. She serves on the Greene County Special Olympics Committee and leads AWANA and day camp programs at her church. Alumni Awards Dr. Frank Jenista '68, the 1990 Alumnus of the Year, was recognized for his work in establishing the MK (Mis- sionary Kid) Scholarship Fund. Frank has served in Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Philippines with the United States Foreign Service. In 1989, he became counselor for public affairs for the U.S. Embassy in Montevideo, Uraguay. Dr. James T. Jeremiah '73H received the Distinguished Service Award for 1990. Dr. Jeremiah served as president of Cedarville College from 1953 until 1978. He guided the College during the early years of the Baptist administration, and under his leadership the College grew from 100 to 1,250 students. As chancellor, he continues to travel and speak on behalf of the College.