1937 Cedrus Yearbook

a taduatei oa JOHN TOBIAS HARRY WALLACE President Vice-President RUTH KIMBLE Secretary GALE ROSS Treasurer SENIOR CLASS HISTORY Four years ago forty freshmen entered Cedarville College. Dur- ing the first month of school, we made our presence felt by pulling the upper classmen into Willow Bend — a most unusual proceed- ing — and by successfully thwart- ing attempts at breaking up our feeds. During this year we con- tributed six members to basket- ball and baseball, one to debate, three to the girls' quartette, and three to the Gospel Team. Our second year was a con- tinuation of the fun, study, and success of the first. Our third year found our num- ber greatly reduced to fifteen. The two high spots of this year were the class play "Forever True" and the Junior-Senior Banquet which was held in the Y. M. C. A. in Dayton. CEDAR VILLE 44