2008 Miracle Yearbook

' m Q ... C co • Students had many different ways to show their talent, from Integrated Business Core, to Senior Recitals and Art shows, to Senior Theatre Projects. A student-run project existed for any interest. Integrated Business Core had two groups: one sold the calendars and the other sold basketball hoops. " IBC was a great experience that challenged me and helped me develop a better mind of what happens in the business world. This business also helped me in m other classes as I am better at preparing for projects and presentations. I also made a lot of friends through this experience which is just as important to me as th business skills I learned." (Benjamin Cowell, junior, financial analyst of IBC group) Throughout the year, students enjoyed many Senio recitals and art projects. "It was something I planned and prepared for and ended up being a wonderful wa to end my college career. Hanging my work suddenly made the past four years very tangible, very real. I'm proud of the way things ended up." (Suzanne Wilson, senior graphic design major) Throughout the year there were also several Senio Theatre Projects which were open to anyone to com and enjoy. " I was very glad for the opportunity to do my own show. Most schools and theatre programs d not offer quite the same opportunities for students to create, build, and perform their own productions. And for anyone who does not think that theatre majors do much work, the senior theatre project is a key example to prove otherwise. Suffice it to say that much time, effort, and, of course, money was spent on this production, but I loved every minute of bringing The Star Spangle Girl by Neil Simon to life." (Phil Mcleod, senior theatre major) "Gracia Brown's talent for piano was evident in her graceful performance at her junior recital. " (Alise Merrin , sophomore) Sophomore Allison Schulert and Junior Mallory Travis take in the display at "Art in the Open." " Emma 's Childwas a fabulous show, and the people working with Eric (Mishne) and me made it even better. It was a stretching experience, as Jean was a character unlike any I had ever played, but in the end, I pulled it off and it was the best way to end my theatre career at Cedarville." (Meredith Brooke Lang, senior) a