2016 Miracle Yearbook

Cyrano de Bergerac 20 cvrano Cedarville's Theatre Department performed Cyrano de Bergerac, a romantic story, during the week ofValentine's Day. Taking Place in the 17th Century, Cyrano, a big-hearted and big– no ed man attmepts to win over hi distant cousin and love, Rox– anne. Cyrano, played by David Widder-Varhegyi portrays the struggle between Cyrano' big heart and his self-doubt due to his large no e. Hi large nose is his big– gest obstacle and gets in the way of his search for love. Throughout the play, Cyrano's other desireable traits are shown, like his duel- ing and mu ician-like skills, but he till doubts his appearance, which makes him believe that he i unlovable by any woman.