2016 Miracle Yearbook

1 Q_ 0 04 o- 0 - ,1lml ur us >s nn r 1 1, he,1 i t 1 "m J. tall. 04 , le :'\ ikerl t 1k. th tall Uf fie\ i. ~ ammat hi h fi,· Paul Pint th al. ther play r watch the play on the field. Bradlev chluter throw the ball in pla_ . Men's Soccer "The Lord ha bles ed me with ome of the greatest guys in the world, and throughout the ea on we trived to play for a higher purpo e than just wins and lo es . Every practice and every game, we lifted it up to Christ. Before every game we would huddle and ay together "For Him" to honor what Chri t had done for u on the cros ." 50 men' occer