The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

r n ° Kr w* ^* P * * k »t»ck ¥ : THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 52. *mm± CEDARVILLE, OHIO, MtlDAY, DECEMBER $6, 1916 The time to stop *dverti*i*r is wfc*m you are ready to stop doing. businew. You'll notice that the proxreasiYp merchant is ait advertiser# PRICE, $1,00 A YEAR LADIES BEST HEALTH BOARD i * A qua ran tine a t C h ris tm a s tim e is no p leasan t order if th e sentiment of the members of th e Home Cul­ tu re Club is to be considered. E ao h y e a r the lad les .trea t their husband* a n d th is time a real Ch ristm as t r e a t , -with a tree, pres­ en ts end th e necessary "‘eats” were provided for Tuesday n igh t a t th e home of Mrs,. 8 . O. W righ t. Bu t the mandate of th e Jaw had been overlooked and the ladies a fte r sur-, veying the situation concluded to DEATH CALLS WELL • KNOWN WOMAN AFTER A LONG ILLNESS Mm. Caroline Stahl Alexander, widow of the late H, A. Alexander, died a t her home about five oclock last Thursday evening after an ill­ ness that dates hack nearly two years. Mm, Alexander was horn in Ger­ many on, September 27, 1841, but came to this country with her parents when 16 years of age, locating on a farm north of town, , The deceased was married to H. A. Alexander on January 5, I860, and they lived on the farm until a fter Mr. Alexander’s death in July, 1907, afterwards lo­ cating in town. The following children survive! John a t Topeka, Kansas; Mrs, Cyn- have th e ir Christmas tre a t in the thia Johnson, Yellow Springs; Mar- townshin w !.« pa th an . „„ ’ garet, a t home; Jacob, Knowles, ^ rude Olka,; Hugh, Anna, Mrs. Abbie Hahn, °**l®er8 t0 in terfere. , and William, Yellow Springs; Ax- The n ex t location was the home of thu r of Kansas City and Mrs. Minnie Mrs, H a rry Townslev a t th e edge of McMillan of this place. A brother, town, J u s t ^ t the tim e every th ing Jo^n stah l o f- ? a3™>? f Ie° sarvives wa« i . nW h»h .i»u . , * \ “ and was present a t the funeral. W'as looking bright and rosy and a ll, m . K„,. . . . " ^ {■ The funeral was held from the late fi!a<^ u Uk th e cand les oat residence Saturday afternoon, the the -Christmas tri - he re came,.1services being in charge of her pas- orders from the township Board of *' tor, Dr. j . L. Chesnut of the R. P, ) lu o E R lihlnk Sl«aa, i, Ba» rapha, ther$ H e a lth th a t sen t Badness add gloom to the h ea rts Of thobe good ladies so eager to tre a t th e ir husbands. 'I t h a s be*n said you^could not ou t w it a woman, especially when she is figh ting for- her huabandr’for by th is time patience bad- ceased to be a virtu© and some pointed, sta te ­ m en ts were being th ru st a t the cruel men pu the health boards. W its were p u t together and the lad ie s the opportunity of evad­ ing th e order by leaving the town- slap: To th is end a ll plans were formed to go to the home of Mrs. B- R. Townsley in- Miami township. I t was there where the ladies h e ld . their Christmas tre a ta n d change in [ the arrangem en ts had little to d o 1 w ith th e manner in which those husbands were banqueted. I f there were a n y toasts du ring the evening you m igh t guess where the members of th e tw o beards e f health would com* In. church. Burial took place oh, ‘the family lot in the Clifton cemetery. NEW LICENSES READY. The state department has received d consignment of auto tags fo r 1917 and orders received now will be filled in, regular order. I t is predicted that the licenses fo r the coming year will -reach 325,000, There is no cha ge in the price of tags, $5 for touring cars and roadsters. XENIA MAY GET ANOTHER STATE INSTITUTION, Schools Dismissed Mi-lV IK the cbllege an d pub lic eqkoolB have been dismissed un til a fte r the Holi­ days. W h ile there have been no ■ serious cases of scarlet f e v e r , or d iph the ria i t was wisdom on the p a r t of the health board to take Strict action to control the trouble. The S ta te Board of H ea lth 'issues ■tticb orders in such cases and- is backing local boards and the physicians. <;w. Ready For ' Road Repair. The township trustees recently unloaded several'cars of stone to be used in w in ter road repairs. Some of th is work has been done on the Clifton pike and i t is surp rising how quickly the stone packs. The holes take in the water aud th is freezes holding the new m aterial until it becomes solid. Such repair a t th is season can be done a t little expense and. save the roads when the spring th aw comes. AFTER WILD CAT COMPANIES. 'ft 4 The Jeffersonville Citizen last week carried quite an article on "Wild-Cat” companies that fleece people out of their money, Well worded advertise­ ments and smunth tongued agents find hundreds of victims each year. Thou­ sands of dollars are invested in,com­ panies a t a distance when these same people would not invest a dollar at home. The Citizen should be cautious in criticising promotion companies. Just a few days ago the manager of . a concern that has,thousands of dol­ lars belonging to widows and orphans invested, in companies some of which have not paid a dollar in earnings stated th a t his* company would have no trouble were i t not fo r the "one- horse' lawyers and newspapers. I t is remarkable that such a statement come from companies that for months back have been before the public and aw now trying to break down a law th a t if sustained by the U. S. Su­ preme Court wilt result in sending S o t these same officers to prison, remarks never come from con­ cerns doing a safe conservative bnei- IMNN& ' ■# ...... *-lf you hare any brokeu furniture yen want repaired take it to * OWENS A MON Gov. Willis and Auditor of State Donahey visited the O. S. and S. O. Home recently and will likely recom­ mend to, the legislature that the state home for crippled and .deformed chil­ dren be located' in the building built some time back a s a nursery fo r the Home. The structure is unusedand would make an ideal place. GAS SHORT IN PLACES; NO SUFFERING HERE. The sudden drop in temperature last'week drew heavily bn .the supply of th e gas companies. In .Cincinnati, where families depended on gas fo r heat. So f a r as Cedarville waa con­ cerned the pressure was somewhat lighter than usual in the <mornings- but other than th a t the service was up to the- standard. „ YOUNG' ATTORNEY TO MARRY. Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. John Kenneth Williamson, city solicitor in Xenia, to Misa Mary Moore Geiger of Troy on Monday evening, January 1st, a t eight forty- five a t the F irst Presbyterian1church in Troy. Mr. Williamson is the son of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Williamson and member of the* law firm of Kyle A Williamson and graduate of Cedar­ ville College and the O. S. U. NEW BANK PRESIDENT. About three weeks before his death Jes£je Taylor realised that he never could again take up business cares re­ signed as> president of the People's Bank in Jamestown. Mr. W. W. Johnson was elected a t th a t time for this position but announcement with­ held until after Mr. Taylor's death. COMMUNITY CLUB BANQUET AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS The election of officers for the Cedarville Community Club will be held •Tuesday evening, Jan. 9, a t which time a banquet and entertain­ ment will be given. The place has Hot been selected but it will probably be the Alford Memorial. All member­ ship dues are payable that night and no extra charge to members., New members are invited into the organi­ zation. The following nominations have been reported: , Regular Ticket. S. C. Wright, president, J , W. Dixon, vice-president, , Andrew Winter, secretary, Ralph Wolford, treasurer, M. L Marsh trustee. Independent Ticket. * A. E. Richards, president, • J, W. Johnson* vice-president. Lloyd Confatr, secretary. O. J. Smith, treasurer. L. H, Sullenbergef, trustee. Be# NAgiay's e*ndl»» before you buy* Go *4 dy *t*ra a t N b fl*y *k Call and so* out1 ChrlSilflW d is p lay . Boyd’*Novi»lty Mhop W . L . C L E .M A N S R e a l E s t a t e JT- j LLJ Can b i found a t my office each Saturday or reached by phone a t my residence each evening. Office H PHONES Residence 2-122 CWHARVUXE, OH IO . Lorain's ore and /coal docks have been closed for the season. While walking to work L, D. Saylor, carpenter, Columbus, dropped dead of apoplexy. ' A. E. Short, Hocking Valley agent, confessed that he fired the Hocking Valley depot a t Vinton, Health officials have closed the pub­ lic schools at Girard and Nile* be­ cause of a smallpox epidemic./ Joseph Racine, twenty-eight, sailor In the United States navy, was killed by a train at Upper Sandusky, Frank Gosien, who escaped from the prison farm a t London, O., last Sep­ tember, was captured at- Marion. Hazel Rice, a deaf mute, was struck' and Instantly killed' by a ’ Pennsyl­ vania passenger train at Zanesville. Burglars' entered the home of J, Feanley Ronnell. wealthy manufac­ turer. and stole $700tfworth of sliver. Company D of the Sixth regiment, now on the border, will receive a Christmas box from Fostoria citizens. Grief over the recent death of his wife is supposed to have- driven John Gallatin, of Massillon, to suicide by hanging. George "'Case was thrown from a Wagon a t Gallon during a runaway and one of his ears was completely, severed, Mrs. Carrie S. Richard, Cincinnati, !n divorce petition, says her husband 1ms such a big appetite she can't sup- part him. Bert Clifford, Egglesport postmas­ ter, and Sol Fisher, Corning postmas­ ter, sentenced to Delaware Jail for embezzlement, Mrs. Christian Spain, eighty-three, widow of Enoeh Spain, Is dead at North LeWisburg. Ten of her thirteen) children are living. Rev. Melvin Coulter has been as- signed to fill the pastorate a t Ring- gold. Morgan county. Rev. Coulter ia eighteen year# old. Farepts of Lillian Johnson, nine­ teen, of Lorain, asked police to locate daughter and youth with whom they mid she hhs eloped. Five cents per barrel was added to Ihe price of oils it purchases by the ■Ohio OH company, except Plymouth, WhiCh got a 10 .cent raise. Charles J. Rapparlie, manager Roll Telephone company a t Bowling Green, killed when his auto crashed into an electric car pear Toatgany, * h t, of .the Second Ambulance com­ pany, Crjo national guard, Jameu Clark, One, and Jean Clark, kiree, w4l?a death in a fire which d*;troyefl the home of H. W, Clark, tl>, a t Akron, Three pioneers of Hancock county --Fred V^selle, eighty-six; John B. Winkler, seventy-five, and Mrs. Susan fj. DavJv, seventy-slx—are dead, Clydt? Lecraft pointed his father’s a*fle a t his coiisin, Elda Gross, eleven, At Coshocton, and accidentally dis­ charged the gun. The Gress boy wilt recover. Death halted the divorce suit- of Mrs, Stella D Hudson, filed five weeks ago a t Wellston, when her husband Cart Hudson, thirty-three, died in Springfield, A bequest of about $500,009 is left \o the' Cincinnati university by the will of Francis H. Baldwin, former publisher who died a few days ago a t Cincinnati. * Carl Moore, ten, McCorifesville, run­ ning home with a mud turtle lie had ■sought, stumbled on th'e railroad tracks and a switch engine cut off isis right foot. C. 51, Ochs, senior horticultural ^indent of Lancaster, won the presi­ dent's cup, the annual students’ sweepstakes award at Ohio State uni- »ersity apple show. Ten head of cattle, four horses, an f ito and a quantity of grain and hay vore destroyed by fire which razed Die barn on the farm of John W’ll- aon, southeast of Delaware. Supreme court for the Becond tire" vfflrmed state Utilities commissioners fn ordering the Hocking Valley rail­ road to continue (nterurban service between Hamden and Jackson. Emlllia Caesarln shot and fatally wounded herself at her home in Steu­ benville as a result of domestic un­ happiness which culminated recently in a dtvorco from her husband. Thomas Ryan, who shot and killed his wife at Cincinnati, and escaped from police, committed suicide by shooting himself at the Salvation army headquarters In Covington, Ky, At tho Hartje Paper company's plant one of the workmen i n the boll- er house- turned steam Into the holler. As a result Dominic Patawanna Is dead and Andrew Toeciaro Is dying, Gertrud* McCarty, New Berlian, In response to letter asking President Wilson to bring about peace, received answer la which the president said be only wished it waa within his power.- t At Cleveland Mrs, Edna' Heston, seventeen, and Mrs. Ethel Flack, eighteen, bride* of a few months, a t­ tempted suicide by swallowing car­ bolic add, following disagreement* with their huibands. Resolution* calling upon Congress­ man Sherwood to Introduce a bill in congress providing that the federal government seize cold storage houses In the United States, were passed by the Toledo city council. State Senator Oborlin of Canton will introduce a bill lu tho legislature to provide for the cultivation of tim­ ber suitable for wood pnlp manufac­ ture on state lands now Idle, and ttato assistance in private cultivation To ertt ob t high cost of living buy bu lk good* a t Nfcgley’a, NEWSPAPER PI FORM AN l ORGANIZATION. Post Office Country newi last evening a t and formed a pm to be known *# th # j Pres# Association.* served a t 6 o’ck . Fifteen, newspj ed afid definite p the coming year, seated a t the meet tion of more than These officer* dent, Ed William*, vice president, K | Herald; secretary, M. Light, South t Tho next meeting held a t Hotel Banc t Chester E. Bi (Democrat, and I t , elect, was one of j liahers present. jA. C. McCliing, Neese, London Brown,' St.' Paris F . Burba, West J< Woolford, Yellow Williams, New Bull,’Cedarville South. Charleston; Payne,' North Les, M, J, Sheehan pud son, of this city,- “ p publishers met Hotel Bancroft W organization id Riyer Valley A banquet was Were represent- were outlined for “ e papers repre- have a circula- 1,000, ^elected; Presi-' Tew Carlisle Sun; Bull, Cedarville 1 treasurer, J, leston Sentinel, banquet will be January 20. of the London, irer of state- newspaper pub- present were Union; E. S. mcrat; L. E, sws Dispatch;,J. ' son News; J, N. •mgs Nev:s; Ed de Sun; Karl J , M. Light; mtinel; R. Q, mrg Reporter; Walter Ha-rii- ;ingfield Sun. Open Sabbath LET EVERYONE Pustmaster Turnbull has received f orders to open the office Sabbath fori the receiving and dispatching of mail. This is explained as due to Christmas coming on Monday. The ' mails are heavier th is year than ever known before. The order ap­ plies for th* -one Sabbath, Decem­ ber 24. ! Tho office will be open from *1:1 0 to 8 ;iiOA. M., to receive and dis­ tribu te mail from train *06 due a t 7:48 and again in the evening trom 0:80 to 6:30 P. M., for tra in 284 due ' a t 6 :20. y j The railway term inals and oars or* so congested w ith Christmas mail th a t such an order, was necessary j to relieve the s itu a tion ..". ; In the FAMILY f The officers for •. Clifton Community'! lows: President, vice presidents, E l F. Corry; secretary* na; treasurer, O. D.' S. T. Luse, R. E . ‘ Preston. The Cb, Science; Mrs, Charles Stevenson1 Corry. A com c« show is expected to part of January. newly formed ib aye as fol- ies S. Hatfield; Cony and H. ilson -H. Han-, 'stle; directors, ■rry and I. R, :e on Domostic Clark, Mi's. A Mrs. H. F. IVal and horse held the latter Gets Verdict For $500 S A V E A Few/ P E N N I E S Every Week The ju ry in the case of Miss ’ Jennie Mooli ling against the Vinna Harper estate returned a verdict ’Tuesday in Common Pie.. <"’ourt giving the plaintiff a judgment of $500 and placing all costs against rhe estate. More than 40 witnesses were called from this place. Two other suits, are pending, one by M rs.! Laura Albright ahd the other by ECLIPSES*IN 1917, Emmazetta Jeffreys. In 1917 .there will The first will be a moon, Jan. 7-8. Wi , from about midnight ending, about fi n. The following this community; the mm Jam 25; sun June 19; to July-4; partial’*' 18; annular .eclipse A total eclipse visible in Ami a total eclipse the morning,. seven eclipses, eclipse of the be visible here of the 7th and morning, be invisible in al eclipse of eclipse o f the pse of the moon *of the sun July the sun Dec, 14. tnbon Dec, ?8, ' be visible as past four in NQ CHRISTl viir HEBE, o arrangements have, been made, to date fo r a Christinas tree fo r tins’ place as has been ' done on other years. Xenia- will have a municipal tree which will he furnished by the Business Men’s Club, Depositors Seek Saving Clubs Pile Exchange Bank’s announce-; tnenb of tbe opening of Christmas 1 clubs a ttrac ted m any depositors on .the'opening day, Monday. This- is the first tim e th is p lan has been trie d op t here b u t local people seem much interested, f t is one o f the! simplest and easiept p lans to pro ,, vide your Christm as money. I f i* afto a good plait fo r ch ild ren flow ing th em , the oj 'M M M f week. The plan wherever tried has been quite a success* Or. M)W Anti-Pain. Pill* f*r nil onto M .C.Nagley I iub two of tbe SJburer display counters for bulk goods. -*r niMUUMn’n Or MRw,* Airtt-Wnla PMn> and be sure to have A M E R R Y C H R IS TM A S Let each one from the oldest to the youngest be enrolled in our CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB It is the easiest and surest tfay to save ' 1 • „ ' „ ,‘ i i ------------------ ---------------- Every one will be delighted to g e t a generous check for Christmas ju s t ^when money will do th e most good. * Come in and make a deposit. That is all you do. Become a member. ' T H E B E ^ T G IF T , J * ‘ - ‘ ’■ ■ . ‘ - ■ ■ ' ' /■ ■ • { ' , • f '■■■■. I- " is the present which will fill an actual used in the receiver’s life— this applies especially to the mext^olks. W h a t gift would gladden a man’s or young man’s h e a r t ; better than a snappy, new suit or overcoat ? But, be sure your choice is of good quality*- K u p p e n h e im e r C lo th e s Any matt will be proud to wear the clothes we selb-c#me ^^ ' see the exceptional values Sk J /~z~ we haveat fy lm ■ .« * . . ■ . P o p u la r G ifts F o r M en F o lk s Knit Mufflers Bath Bob°s Fur Caps Neckwear Gl®ves Hosiery Underwear Hats Mackinaws Caps Silk Mufflers Shirts Hundreds ofArticles to Numerous to Mention ^ Moderately Priced 71 m Rom*ofJCw nhvhw Friday and Saturday Special WOO— - -----------LJL— 25c ALL S ILK T IE * FULL FLOWING! ENDS BEAL 80a VALUE IN BOXES j^-i-aijJjiuijLJ4iUJifiuAiMtlMBM*iuW>^WMi*i*i*^|Mfi.iMMiMiWM*|i>i»«**>w^w iniimrini— (rlnMiimi Katz 8 Maddux Opp. Citizens National Bank* - - - : Xenia, Ohio i * * .. .—■«-mi miMnuMiiiiiai v * V i - # , - i , •mt k v.t