Marketing Messaging Map
CEDARVI LLE UNIVERS I TY BRAND MESSAG I NG - SPR I NG 2022 GRADUATE GRADUATE BRAND PILLAR STATEMENTS LEADING WITH A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW By combining biblical foundations with academic excellence, you integrate your faith into your work life and graduate equipped and empowered to bring Christ to the world. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS THAT ARE EXCELLENT AND SUPPORTIVE Market-driven programs that are flexible for your schedule accelerate your career — or launch you into a whole new field. VIBRANT CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY JOYFULLY LIVING FOR GOD’S GLORY Build a network of Christian professionals that will challenge and encourage you to have a Gospel impact while supporting you throughout your career. PROOF POINTS: Students learn to see their field through the lens of Scripture and discover how to make a Gospel impact in their vocation PROOF POINTS: In-demand programs allow students to advance in their career PROOF POINTS: Cohort-based programs allow students to develop meaningful relationships and valuable professional contacts EVERY CHOICE MATTERS The decisions you make in your life and career are consequential. Choose a graduate school that will equip you with the professional skills and biblical foundation you need to serve and lead with excellence. GRADUATE STATEMENT BRAND TONE INSPIRATIONAL / SUPPORTIVE / PURPOSEFUL / BOLD UNIVERSITY BRAND POSITION Cedarville University offers a transformative educational experience grounded in the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ so that students live their life intentionally, excelling in their vocation, serving their family and church, and making an impact for Christ in all they do.
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