2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Business Mission Statement The mission of the Cedarville University Robert W. Plaster School of Business is to develop business professionals who will influence their organizations through excellence and a biblical worldview. Given our vision as a school, our broader mission is to become the leader in biblical and innovative business education among Christian colleges and universities. • To effectively foster academic achievement and personal character, we purpose to create an environment characterized by excellence in teaching, service, intellectual contribution, and collegiality. • Essential to our mission is the creation of a learning environment that encourages, stimulates, and challenges students and faculty to maximize their personal potential in their chosen field of academic endeavor. • To facilitate this learning environment, we will use a valuecentered curriculum enhanced by an extensive information technology system and a series of personal and professional development seminars. • In addition, across the curriculum, we have integrated ethical considerations, global awareness, and an emphasis on oral and written communication skills. • The distinctive competency of our program is the integration of biblical truth within each of the business disciplines. In light of our mission, the school has established the following goals: 1. We will create a learning environment that encourages, stimulates, and challenges students to maximize their personal potential in the chosen field of academic endeavor. 2. We will create a value-centered curriculum enhanced by an emphasis on topics critical to the student’s competency in the world of work. 3. We will provide faculty with professional and academic opportunities to enhance both teaching competencies and intellectual contributions. 4. We will encourage the relationship between the school and significant constituencies that impact our mission and its implementation Accreditation The Robert W. Plaster School of Business is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Programs of Study The Robert W. Plaster School of Business offers the following programs: Majors • Bachelor of Arts • Economics • Global Business • Marketing • Sport Business Management • Bachelor of Science • Accounting • Economics • Finance • Information Technology Management • Management Minors • Accounting • Financial Planning • Business Administration • Information Technology • Business Analytics Management • Construction Management • International Business • Economics • Marketing • Entrepreneurship • Sport Management Personal Requirements A college preparatory curriculum in high school provides the best preparation for the bachelor’s degree programs in the Robert W. Plaster School of Business. Three or four years of high school mathematics, including calculus, are recommended for students anticipating study in business. No previous coursework in business is necessary. Because of extensive computer utilization in the business curriculum, electives in computer programming or software packages will prove to be helpful. School Requirements Although students in the Robert W. Plaster School of Business are not required to apply for admission to the school, continuation is based upon performance in the core business requirements and satisfactory completion of course prerequisites. Students entering their junior year will be reviewed for continuation by the school dean. • Students majoring in business must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in all sophomore-level business courses required for their major in order to graduate with a degree in a business major. • Students majoring in business must earn at least a “C-” in any prerequisite business course before being allowed to enter the subsequent course for which that course is a prerequisite. Waivers to this requirement are made only in exceptional circumstances, and such waivers require the approval of the Dean of the school in consultation with the professor responsible for the subsequent course. • In general, business majors should complete all 2000-level business core courses before beginning a 3000-level business course outside their major. • Before taking a 4000-level business course, students must have satisfactorily completed all 2000-level business administration core courses required for their major. Waivers to this requirement are made only in exceptional circumstances, and such waivers require the approval of the school dean. 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 109 Robert W. Plaster School of Business Business