2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Adolescent/Young Adult and MultiAge Licensure Programs The adolescent/young adult licensure programs prepare teachers to work with students in grades 7–12. The Ohio Department of Education has approved Cedarville University to issue adolescent/young adult licenses for teachers in the areas of integrated science (comprehensive), integrated life science, integrated physical science, integrated physics, integrated chemistry, integrated mathematics, integrated language arts, and integrated social studies. In addition to approving the previously listed programs, the Association of Christian Schools International has also approved Cedarville to offer ACSI certification in integrated Bible. The multi-age licensure education programs prepare teacher candidates to work with students in grades pre-K to 12. The Ohio Department of Education has approved Cedarville University to issue multi-age licenses in the areas of music education, Spanish education, and special education. The course requirements for each licensure field are outlined in the catalog under the department that offers the major; however, the following courses are common to all adolescent/young adult majors and are prerequisites for admission to the Teacher Education Program and upper-level education classes for these programs. Teacher Education Program Prerequisites..............................14 EDSP-2100 Exceptionalities and Behavior. .............................. 2 EDUC-1000 The Education Profession..................................... 2 *EDUC-2050 Teaching Diverse Learners.................................. 2 EDUC-2100 e-Learning for Educators. ..................................... 3 EDUC-2300 Assessment and Differentiation. ........................... 2 EDUC-2500 Educational Psychology........................................ 3 *Not required for Multi-Age Music (MAMUS) majors Upon completion of the Teacher Education Program Prerequisites and before enrolling in the Principles of Teaching block, students must make formal application to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). The requirements for admission to the TEP are outlined earlier in this section of the catalog. Most adolescent and young adult and multi-age teacher education majors apply for admission during their sophomore year. The School of Education’s licensure and testing coordinator provides students with specific information on procedures for admission to the TEP. Methods of Teaching Block (all AYA majors and MA Spanish) The following courses are to be taken together the fall semester prior to the student teaching experience. EDSE-4450 Adolescent/Young Adult Field Experience..................2 EDSP-4250 Communication, Collaboration, and Inclusion............2 EDUC-3200 Faith and Learning Alignment (4–12).........................1 EDUC-4000 Reading and Writing in the Disciplines: AYA and Multi-Age...................................................3 Additional Requirements: EDSE-3000 Principles of Teaching AYA Learners..........................4 EDSE-4900 Student Teaching and Seminar: AYA........................12 (or EDUC-4900 Student Teaching and Seminar: MA...............12) EDUC-3100 Philosophical Foundations of Education....................3 Page 148 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog School of Education and Social Work Education