2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

ARBC-3500 1–3 hours Independent Study in Arabic Language and Culture–Fa, Sp This course gives opportunity for independent study in a particular area of Arabic language and culture for students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Art (ART) ART-1100 Introduction to Art–Fa 3 hours Introduction to visual vocabulary and the understanding of visual communication: form, line, space, color, texture, and movement. Development of visual awareness and analytical thinking in response to works of art, use of media, and techniques and the application of design principles. ART-1110 Drawing Foundations–Fa, Sp 3 hours Investigation of the visual language used in drawing. Students work with concepts of point, line, and plane definition to develop an awareness of the elements used to indicate form in a variety of media. (Fee: $100) ART-1200 Studio Art Participation–Fa, Sp 0 hours The Art Participation course will challenge students to gain the professional skills necessary for searching and applying for art opportunities and participating in them. As a result, students will share their artistic work with the University community and broader communities and gain relevant professional art experiences. Studio art majors must enroll each semester the student is a major. Credit/no credit. ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design–Fa, Sp 3 hours An exploration of the visual elements and concepts of design utilizing a variety of media. Prerequisites: ART-1100 Introduction to Art; ART-1110 Drawing Foundations (can be taken concurrently). (Fee: $75) ART-2110 Intermediate Drawing–Sp 3 hours Further exploration of form, space, and mark making through a variety of drawing media. Particular attention will be given to the figure, as well as observing and rendering perspective. Prerequisites: ART-1110 Drawing Foundations; ART-1230 TwoDimensional Design. (Fee: $100) ART-2130 Painting Foundations–Fa 3 hours An introduction to oil painting, emphasizing the perception and use of light and color in accurately representing form and space. Prerequisites: ART-1110 Drawing Foundations; ART-1230 TwoDimensional Design. (Fee: $150) ART-2140 Ceramics Foundations–Fa, Sp 3 hours This course will provide students with an introduction to clay from construction to finished fired pieces. Students will build forms using basic hand-building techniques and the potter’s wheel. Surface decoration will be emphasized using color, texture, and glazes. Prerequisite: ART-1100 Introduction to Art. (Fee: $175) ART-2160 Sculpture Foundations–Sp 3 hours An introduction to traditional and nontraditional processes of sculpture while accumulating in-depth techniques and skills in a variety of sculpture materials and practices. This class will emphasize creative effort, development of individual expression, and the utilization of technical processes. Prerequisites: ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design; ART-2230 Three-Dimensional Design. (Fee: $300) ART-2170 Printmaking Foundations–Fa 3 hours An introduction to intaglio and relief printmaking processes. Prerequisite: ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design. (Fee: $250) ART-2230 Three-Dimensional Design–Fa, Sp 3 hours Application of principles of design and visual organization with emphasis on volume, mass, and rendering forms in space. Prerequisites: ART-1100 Introduction to Art,ART-1110 Drawing Foundations; ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design. (Fee: $175) ART-2250 Creative Photography–Fa, Sp 3 hours Students will learn and apply technical knowledge and compositional techniques necessary to produce creative, quality digital photographs. Additionally, students will gain historical and contemporary knowledge, skills, and appreciation of photography as a medium for artistic expression visual communication. Students must provide a digital point-n-shoot camera or DSLR camera. A tripod is recommended. (Fee: $50) ART-3110 Advanced Drawing–Sp 3 hours This course allows the studio art major an opportunity to explore a particular studio discipline or may be a continuation of work completed in previous studio courses, allowing the student a concentration in that particular discipline. Prerequisites: ART1110 Drawing Foundtions; ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design; ART-2110 Intermediate Drawing. Repeatable up to two times. (Fee: $100) ART-3130 Intermediate Painting–Sp 3 hours Study of the principles of composition, value, pattern, tone, mood, and color theories. Emphasis is placed on the creative process from concept to finished art. Imaginative and individual responses of the student increase throughout the course. Prerequisite: ART-2130 Painting Foundations. (Fee: $150) ART-3140 Intermediate Ceramics–Fa, Sp 3 hours In this course students will expand and refine existing handbuilding and/or wheel-throwing techniques. In addition to developing a deeper and broader set of technical skills, students will develop their ideas and learn to articulate them through clay. Students will demonstrate comfort and proficiency in the operation of the ceramics studio equipment and in the physical processes of building, glazing and firing clay. Prerequisites: ART-2140 Ceramics Foundations. (Fee: $175). ART-3160 Intermediate Sculpture–Fa 3 hours This course will further expand on the materials and techniques learned in Sculpture Foundations. Students will define techniques and understanding of materials they have previously used with emphasis on developing a personal artistic voice. Student and professor may define new materials and techniques that will be introduced through class or individual projects based on student ability and interest. Prerequisite: ART-2160 Sculpture Foundations. (Fee: $300) ART-3170 Intermediate Printmaking–Fa 3 hours Building upon the relief and intaglio processes, the student will add the processes of serigraphy (screen printing) and lithography. Subsequently, the student will concentrate on one of the four printing processes. The upper-level printmaking student is encouraged to combine printing techniques and create images of greater size with an emphasis on artistic statement. The proper matting and presentation of the print is included in this course. Instruction will consist of demonstrations, audio-visual lectures, and group and individual critiques. Prerequisites: ART-2110 Intermediate Drawing; ART-2170 Printmaking Foundations. (Fee: $250) ART-3230 Watercolor–Sp 3 hours A location painting watercolor course for students who have had drawing instruction and who have a basic understanding of composition and color theory. Prerequisites: ART-1110 Drawing Foundations; ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design; or by portfolio. (Fee: $180) ART-3250 Studio Photography–Fa 3 hours Students will learn to control and manipulate various aspects and qualities of light in a photographic studio environment to create and implement lighting solutions for various commercial, fine art, and creative digital photography projects. Additional expenses for materials and services beyond the course fee are required for successful completion of this course — students should plan and budget accordingly. Prerequisites: ART-2250 Creative Photography or permission of instructor. (Fee: $200) Page 216 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions ARBC-3500 – ART-3250