2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

ART-3310 Art History I–Fa 3 hours Survey of the development of western art and architecture from the ancient world through the early renaissance. ART-3320 Art History II–Sp 3 hours Survey of the development of western painting, architecture, sculpture, and the graphic arts from the early renaissance through impressionism at the end of the 19th century. Prerequisite: ART3310 Art History I. ART-4130 Advanced Painting–Fa, Sp 3 hours Building upon Painting Foundations and Intermediate Painting, Advanced Painting allows for further exploration and focus as students develop a mature, exhibitable body of work. Student and professor will define course projects based on abilities and interest of the student. Prerequisites: ART-2130 Painting Foundations; ART3130 Intermediate Painting. Repeatable up to two times. ART-4140 Advanced Ceramics–Sp 3 hours In this course, students will develop expertise in ceramic methods of hand-building and/or wheel-throwing, with an emphasis on perfecting the skill sets already developed. Additionally, students will establish personal artistic statements manifested through a conceptually unified body of work expressed in clay. Prerequisites: ART-2140 Ceramics Foundations; ART-3140 Intermediate Ceramics. Repeatable up to two times. (Fee:$175) ART-4160 Advanced Sculpture–Fa, Sp 3 hours Building on Sculpture Foundations and Intermediate Sculpture, Advanced Sculpture allows for further exploration and focus as students develop a mature, quality body of work. The professor will define course projects based on abilities and interest of the student. Prerequisite: ART-3160 Intermediate Sculpture. (Fee: $300) Repeatable up to two times. ART-4170 Advanced Printmaking–Fa, Sp 3 hours This printmaking course is for the advanced student who is completing a concentration in printmaking. By allowing the student to specialize in a particular technical process, this course focuses on presenting a unified body of prints reflecting a personal style and deeper thinking in preparation for the student’s senior exhibition. This course encourages experimentation with the synthesis of analog digital technologies while maintaining traditional value for achieving the consistent multiple image. Prerequisites: ART-2170 Printmaking Foundations; ART-3170 Intermediate Printmaking. Repeatable up to two times (Fee: $300) ART-4300 Art Exhibition–Sp 3 hours Designed to provide the student a hands-on experience in mounting an art exhibition. Topics include archival matting and framing, lighting, and hanging techniques, as well as publicity and signage. Studio work is a requirement to balance a portfolio of work for a senior exhibition. Capstone course. Prerequisite: Senior studio art major status. (Fee: $50) ART-4400 20th Century Art–Sp 3 hours Investigation of the development of 20th century art history from Post-Impressionism to the present. Particular attention to the underlying worldviews and changes in media. Classroom lectures are supplemented with student research, critique, and museum studies. (odd years) ART-4440 Installation Art–Fa 3 hours Survey of Installation Art, culminating in student directed projects, executed on and off campus. Prerequisite: ART-4400 20th Century Art recommended. (Fee: $125) (even years) ART-4900 Studio Art Internship–Fa, Sp, Su 0–6 hours The studio art internship will give the student an opportunity to gain hands-on, experiential learning with professionals in the studio art field. This experience will provide students firsthand exposure and insights into professional and practical work, industry attitudes and approaches, and career path options within the field. Students will learn from and work with experienced artists, participate in art-related settings, and gain insights for establishing goals for an artistic career. Credit/no credit. ART-4980 Special Topics in Art–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours This is a workshop for students who are interested in a collaborative studio learning experience in applied art. Applied areas offered include painting (watercolor, oil, acrylic), pottery, or photography. Rotation of course content will be determined by faculty schedules. In instances where Cedarville University faculty are acting as instructors in professional workshops held off-campus, Cedarville University students who participate and pay Cedarville tuition can earn elective credit. Actual contact hours would determine amount of credit granted. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Fee: $75). ART-4990 Independent Study in Art–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of art for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. (Fee: $60 per credit hour) Athletic Training (ATRN) ATRN-1300 Emergency Care–Fa 3 hours The American Red Cross Emergency Preparedness certificate may be granted at the end of this course. (Fee: $100) ATRN-1500 Introduction to Athletic Training–Fa, Sp 1 hour This course will introduce the basic concepts of the profession of athletic training. Emphasis will be placed on the history of the profession as well as the core domains of athletic training. ATRN-3500 Principles of Sport Medicine 3 hours An overview of the allied health profession known as athletic training. This course focuses on the principles of prevention, recognition, management and basic rehabilitation of sport-related injuries. Relevant topics include physical conditioning, evaluation and injury cycle. Students will be broken up into teams. Content will be organized into weekly modules, in which students will complete their reading, take team quizzes in class, participate in group projects, and demonstrate competency in basic athletic training skills during LABs through practical assignments. Prerequisites: ATRN-1500 Introduction to Athletic Training; ATRN-1300 Emergency Care. (Fee: $25) ATRN-4500 Senior Sport Medicine Capstone 2 hours Designed for the student to demonstrate the ability to integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed throughout their course of study in a final project (such as a research project and presentation) or experience (such as an internship of at least 80 clock hours). The student’s academic advisor and the dean of the school must approve the project or experience based on a written proposal developed and submitted by the student prior to registering for the course. (Details for what must be included in the proposal are available in the course syllabus). Prerequisite: permission of the dean. Biology (BIO) BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology–Fa, Sp 4 hours The first of a two-semester sequence that prepares students for advanced biology courses and related fields. Includes an introduction to the nature of science, cellular chemistry, cellular structure and function, energy and metabolism, and genetics. (Fee:$100) BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology–Sp 4 hours The second of a two-semester sequence that prepares students for advanced biology courses and related fields. Includes an integrative study of the diversity of organisms that make up the animal kingdom, an introduction to the protista kingdom, and natural selection. Morphology, physiology, and ecology of the major phyla will be integrated with the continuities and discountinuities among animal taxa. Prerequisite: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology. (Fee: $100) 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 217 Course Descriptions ART-3310 – BIO-1120