2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Bible and Theology: Applied Theology (BTAT) BTAT-2350 Theological Foundations of Ministry–Fa 3 hours An examination of theological issues critical for the formation of a biblical philosophy of ministry, as well as a critical survey of historical developments in Christian educational ministries in light of those theological discussions. BTAT-2400 Introduction to Evangelism–Fa, Sp 3 hours An introductory study of the biblical concepts for evangelism:. The course will survey a brief overview of the biblical Gospel; explore historic and current methods in evangelism; introduce the cultural, personal, or theological issues that could inhibit evangelism; and encourage personal witnessing encounters. BTAT-2420 History of Mission–Fa 3 hours Survey of the history of the expansion of the church from apostolic times to World War II with attention to differing conceptions of the mission task and the strategies and lessons that may be learned for mission today. (odd years) BTAT-3200 3 hours Introduction to Missions: Theology and History–Fa, Sp An introduction to the biblical warrant for and theology of Christian missions. This course will also sketch the history of missions efforts from the early church to mid-20th century. Primarily the history will be told through the efforts of churches, representative missionaries, and missions boards and agencies. (dual-listed with BTAT-6200 Introduction to Missions: Theology and History) BTAT-3250 Church Planting–Fa 3 hours This course will expose students to the various stages of church planting including vision casting, planning, implementation, and reproduction. Likewise, it will present multiple approaches to church planting and church structure, culminating in a student project wherein students will create and present strategic two-year church planting plans targeting a specific location. BTAT-3400 Biblical Care and Counseling–Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to the historical context and theological foundations for counseling ministry. This course covers methods of change and basic counseling skills. It examines case studies, practices basic counseling skills in a discipleship relationship, and considers various ministry contexts. The course format includes lecture, video, and discussion. (dual-listed with BTAT-6110 Biblical Care and Counseling) BTAT-3410 Discipleship–Fa, Sp 3 hours Study of personal discipleship within a biblical framework, utilizing a variety of resources and practical experience. The model developed will be applicable in multiple contexts. (duallisted with BTAT-6410 Discipleship) BTAT-3420 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry–Sp 2 hours This course provides broad overview of pastoral duties including presiding over weddings, funerals, and church services. In addition, such issues as the pastoral call, candidating, ordination, leadership, and family issues are also addressed. (odd years) BTAT-3430 Interpersonal and Crisis Counseling–Sp 3 hours Building upon a biblical and theological foundation for biblical care, discipleship, and counseling, this course provides intermediate and advanced principles and practices of interpersonal and crisis counseling. A biblical approach to common counseling problems involving both sin and suffering is addressed within Christian ministry. It also discusses the role of counseling in encouraging and cultivating spiritual growth through discipleship relationships and providing biblical life wisdom. Prerequisites/Corequisites: BTAT-3400 Biblical and Counseling or permission of instructor. (dual-listed with BTAT-6130 Interpersonal and Crisis Counseling) BTAT-3450 Contemporary World Missions–Sp 3 hours Study of the development, methods, and problems of Christian missions since World War II. BTAT-3470 Cross-Cultural Ministry–Sp 3 hours Understanding culture, basic methods in researching culture, becoming competent in another culture, cross-culture communication, relevant to a mission ministry, and the practice of ministry contextualization. BTAT-3480 Women’s Communication for Ministry–Fa 3 hours A course designed to help women refine communication skills that will help them to articulate their beliefs effectively and further develop communication platforms in the areas of giving a testimony, leading a discussion, and expositing Scripture for various age groups. Prerequisite: BTGE-1725 The Bible and the Gospel. (dual-listed with BTAT-6480 Women’s Communication for Ministry) BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1–Sp 3 hours Introductory course on the nature of preparing and delivering sermons shaped by Scripture’s textual meaning. Emphasis is placed on moving from textual interpretation to skilled delivery to a contemporary audience. Prerequisites: BTGE-1725 The Bible and the Gospel; BTGE- 2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (duallisted with BTAT-6500 Text-Driven Preaching 1) BTAT-3510 Introduction to Urban Missiology–Fa 3 hours An introductory understanding of urban culture, basic methods in researching urban culture, becoming competent in living in an urban culture for the preparation of missions in an urban context. Attention will be given to ministry guided by biblical theology and acclimated to the sociological, anthropological, and multicultural factors in the urban environment in global cities.. (Fee: $35) BTAT-3560 Counseling and Mentoring Men–Sp 3 hours In this course, the distinctive theological foundations and skills of biblical counseling will be examined and applied specifically to the ministry of mentoring and counseling men. Study will focus on the mandate and skills of leading men toward comprehensive maturity and counseling as it pertains to common life challenges for men in contemporary society. Crosslisted with BTCM. Prerequisite: BTAT-3400 Biblical Care and Counseling or permission of the instructor. BTAT-3730 Theology of Worship–Sp 3 hours This course explores the theology, history, and practice of Christian worship, with particular attention to how worship practices both reflect and shape theological commitments. Various elements of Christian worship will be examined in light of diverse cultural contexts and theological perspectives with the goal of enabling the student to plan appropriately and to lead worship in a particular ministry setting. Prerequisites: BTGE-1725 The Bible and the Gospel; BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature. BTAT-3840 Theology of Sexuality and Family–Fa 3 hours A study of the key issues in biblical and systematic theology related to human sexuality, gender, marriage, and family. Emphasis will be given to central biblical texts for formation of doctrine, historical disputes, and contemporary challenges, such as homosexuality and transgenderism. Crosslisted as BTHT. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BTGE-3755 Theology I.(odd years) BTAT-3903 Theological Foundations of Human Life–Su 3 hours Students will examine the theological concepts of the image of God, human value, and human rights. From a biblical perspective, students will review historical examples of Christian social reformation as an outworking of the gospel and world missions and the lessons applicable to the current pro-life movement. BTAT-4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church–Fa 3 hours Course focuses on the practice of expressing biblical and theological content in written documents and/or teaching curriculum for various audiences and settings. Attention is given to the variety of delivery methods for expositional teaching available within a church’s ministry. (Crosslisted with BTCM) (dual-listed with BTAT/BTCM-6300 Teaching Ministry of the Church) Page 222 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BTAT-2350 – BTAT-4300