2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

EGEE-4810 4 hours Electrical Engineering Senior Design I–Fa Design and development of electronic products to meet specific requirements using the top-down design method. Introduction to project management, reliability, probability and statistics with engineering applications, serial communication protocols, product cost and safety, electronic design tools, prototype methods, noise, and circuit-board layout. Student teams prepare a project proposal, design and prototype electronic systems using modern technologies and tools, and conduct design reviews both written and oral. Three lectures and one two-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: EGEE-3220 Electronics II; EGCP-2120 Microcontrollers; EGEE-3110 Linear Systems; senior status in electrical engineering. (Fee: $100) EGEE-4820 3 hours Electrical Engineering Senior Design II–Sp Continuation of EGEE-4810 implementing the top-down design method. Students design, build, and test a working electronic product to meet specific requirements within budget. Engineering time, team management costs, and component costs are incorporated into the total cost and grade for the final product. Formal design reports and presentations required. Two threehour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: EGEE-4810 Electrical Engineering Senior Design I. (Fee: $100) EGEE-4950 1–3 hours Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering–Sp Selected topics in electrical engineering at the 4000-level that expand the depth of existing 3000- and 4000-level courses or expose the students to advanced concepts not taught in other courses; topics may be proposed by the engineering faculty or students. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. General Engineering (EGGN) EGGN-1110 The Engineering Profession–Fa 1 hour Introduction to the basic concepts and skills necessary to function effectively as a Christian engineer; ethical and moral issues in engineering practice and engineering computer applications. Term project introduces Christian heritage in science and engineering; students participate in group activities and design projects. (Fee: $50) EGGN-1960 Competition Project–Sp 0 hours Engineering freshmen on a school of engineering intercollegiate design competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. EGGN-2960 Competition Project–Sp 0 hours Engineering sophomores on a school of engineering intercollegiate design competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. EGGN-2980 Research Project I–Fa, Sp, Su 0 hours Engineering and computer science majors will undertake a research project under the direction of an engineering and computer science faculty mentor. Students participating on a school research project may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation on a research project. EGGN-3110 Professional Ethics–Sp 3 hours Introduction to the theories of morality and philosophical issues of determining what is true and what is good. Applications are made to professional conduct, engineer-client relations, and product liability. Legal problems and the engineering code of ethics are discussed from a biblical perspective. EGGN-3510 Systems Optimization–Fa 3 hours The course covers the theory and procedures for optimizing multi-variable, nonlinear, constrained problems with application to system design and optimization. Topics include the formulation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions, numerical algorithms for solving different classes of problems, linear programming, gradient algorithms, and special topics applicable to senior design projects. Prerequisites: MATH-2710 Calculus III; MATH-2740 Differential Equations. EGGN-3610 Biomedical Engineering Systems–Sp 3 hours Introduction to the field of biomedical engineering and the application of engineering to the field of medicine; fundamental aspects of measuring and modeling physiological systems, biomedical device design, tissue engineering, bioelectric phenomena, biosensors, physiological modeling, biomedical imaging, and biomaterials. Team taught by ME and EE professors. Prerequisites: Engineering major with junior standing; BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology or GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology. (even years) EGGN-3710 2 hours Biomedical Engineering Research–Fa, Sp, Su Student will undertake an original research project under the direction of a departmental faculty mentor, approved mentor within a summer research program, or within an approved academic internship experience. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisites: Major in engineering; minor in biomedical engineering; junior status; permission of advisor, and approval of research topic. (Fee: $150) EGGN-3910 Co-op I 0 hours First term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry for one semester. A final report is required. Students completing a co-op work assignment and registered for this course are granted full-time student status. Prerequisite: Junior status in engineering or computer science and enrollment in the co-op program. (Fee $75). EGGN-3911 Co-op IA 0 hours First half of the first term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry part-time for one semester. A final report is required. Students enrolled in part-time co-op must register for six or more credit hours to maintain full-time student status. Prerequisite: Junior status in engineering or computer science and enrollment in the co-op program. (Fee $40). EGGN-3912 Co-op IB 0 hours Second half of the first term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry part time for one semester. A final report is required. Students enrolled in part-time co-op must register for six or more credit hours to maintain full-time student status. Prerequisite: EGGN-3911 Co-op IA . (Fee $40). EGGN-3920 Co-op II 0 hours Second term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry for one semester. A final report is required. Prerequisite: EGGN-3910 Co-op I or EGGN-3912 Co-op IB. (Fee $75). EGGN-3921 Co-op IIA 0 hours First half of the second term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry part time for one semester. A final report is required. Students enrolled in part-time co-op must register for six or more credit hours to maintain full-time student status Prerequisite: EGGN-3910 Co-op I or EGGN-3912 Co-op IB. (Fee $40). EGGN-3922 Co-op IIB 0 hours Second half of the second term for an engineering or computer science student to work in industry part time for one semester. A final report is required. Students enrolled in part-time co-op must register for six or more credit hours to maintain full-time student status. Prerequisite: EGGN-3921 Co-op IIA. (Fee: $40). 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 249 Course Descriptions EGEE-4810 – EGGN-3922