2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

HIST-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East–Sp 3 hours Analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. HIST-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe–Sp 3 hours This course will cover the development of Western European history and politics from approximately the year 1900 to the present. Concentration will be on the great European powers, but will include the smaller states. The political, economic, and social histories of the nations of Europe will be covered, as well as several macro-European issues. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) HIST-3300 3 hours Modern Church History: Reformation to the Present–Sp This course examines the institutional, intellectual and external contextual aspects of the Church from the period immediately following the Reformation to the present. Specifically the course will study the external and internal developments of the Christian Church in this period. (odd years) HIST-3310 American Church History–Sp 3 hours A survey of major trends, ideas and individuals in the history of the Church in America from the 1600s to the present, including the theological roots of American theology. Special attention will be given to the Puritans, Jonathan Edwards, the rise of the Social Gospel and theological liberalism. Crosslisted with BTHT. (odd years) HIST-3400 History of American Foreign Policy–Fa 3 hours American statesmen have defended the principles of their government and the rights of American citizens in a world of empires and nation-states. This course provides an overview of controversies over independence and imperialism, modern tyranny and regime change, which have marked U.S. foreign policy from the founding to the present day. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture. (even years) HIST-3710 3 hours History of Political Thought I: Ancient Through Medieval–Fa Study of the development of political thought in the ancient and early medieval era with special attention given to the works of Plato and Aristotle. Course may also explore topics in political philosophy. Crosslisted as HIST or POLS. HIST-3720 3 hours History of Political Thought II: Modern and Contemporary–Sp Study of the development of political thought in the late medieval era and modern era with special attention given to the works of Thomas Hobbes and Friedrich Nietzsche. Course may also explore topics in political philosophy.. Crosslisted as HIST or POLS. Prerequisite: Major or minor in economics, history, or political science or permission of instructor. HIST-3730 American Political Thought–Sp 3 hours Survey and examination of the course of political thought in the American colonies and the United States from the 1600s to current times. Includes special attention to American Founders and the rise of political liberalism in the thought of Woodrow Wilson. Crosslisted as POLS or HIST. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture. (even years) HIST-3750 Social Movements–Fa, Sp 3 hours Study of the influence of ideas and institutions upon social movements in America. Crosslisted as HIST or SOC. HIST-4050 Diplomacy of the Major Powers–Sp 3 hours Examines diplomatic relations among the world’s most powerful nations, focusing on 20th century diplomacy and the future of international relations in the 21st century. Crosslisted as HIST, INTL, or POLS. Prerequisite: POLS/INTL-3650 International Relations or permission of instructor. HIST-4440 Special Topics: History 1–3 hours Investigation of specific topics in social science and history that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. HIST-4500 Seminar–Fa, Sp 3 hours This course exposes students to the academic literature and major concepts in a historical field or subject in a seminar setting. The topic will vary by the professor’s expertise, but will be in some area of American history, European history, non-Western history, or the history of Christianity. HIST-4700 Research in History–Sp 3 hours All history majors are required to take HIST-4700, the senior capstone course. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. Prerequisite: Major or minor in history. (Fee: $80) HIST-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in History Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Music History (HLMU) HLMU-2100 2 hours Jazz History: Music of the Multi-Culture–Fa Survey of jazz as an American art form, as a representative of both Western and non-Western practices, that now make up our American multi-culture, and as the primary vehicle for the realization of improvisation within that multi-culture. Acquaints the student of music with jazz styles and the major figures in jazz history and assists in the discovery of jazz influence upon all other American music, both classical and popular. Prerequisites: THMU1220 Music Theory II; THMU-1320 Aural Skills II. (even years) HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature–Sp,Su 3 hours Study of music by genre and chronology. Focuses on art traditions in music. Students become familiar with a wide variety of music literature and learn to listen analytically. Serves as the introductory music history course for sophomore music majors. HLMU-3120 Vocal Literature–Sp 3 hours Survey of literature for the solo voice from the onset of thoroughbass to the 21st century. Includes major repertoire in Italian, French, English, and German, along with important works in other languages. Analysis of song and aria scores will be complemented by recordings and live performance. Crosslisted with CLMU. (even years) HLMU-3130 Opera and Oratorio Literature–Sp 3 hours Survey of opera and oratorio literature from Monteverdi’s Orfeo and Carissimi’s Jephte to works of the 21st centry. Analysis of scores will be complemented by recordings, live performance, libretti studies, and historical background. (odd years) Crosslisted with CLMU. HLMU-3310 Music History I–Fa, Su 3 hours Study of the music of Western civilization traced from its primitive sources and giving special attention to Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical music as demonstrated through the vocal and instrumental music of composers from each period. Prerequisites: HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature; THMU-2210 Music Theory III; permission of instructor. HLMU-3320 Music History II–Sp, Su 3 hours Study of the music of Western civilization traced from 1800 to the present time, giving special attention to romantic, 20th century, and contemporary music as demonstrated through the vocal and instrumental music of composers from each period. Prerequisites: HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature; THMU-2210 Music Theory III; permission of instructor. Page 264 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions HIST-3220 – HLMU-3320