2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

MGMT-3525 Service and Production Operations–Fa 3 hours This course introduces management concepts, methodologies, and application to service and production operations. The course develops an understanding of the role of OM and how management decisions in product or service design, analysis and development of processes bring value to both the customer and the organization. Prerequisites: ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II; BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) MGMT-3530 Human Resources Management–Fa 3 hours An analysis of the principle functions, processes, and problems involved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, promotion, compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT3500 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-3560 Project Management–Fa, Sp 3 hours This course will lay a foundation for an understanding of project management principles. It will examine principles, processes, and tools project managers have developed to effectively manage and lead projects. MGMT-3580 3 hours Compensation and Benefits Management–Sp An introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and application of compensation and benefit programs within human resources. Designed to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in the area of compensation and benefits. Students will also learn to develop “lean” thinking necessary to create value for stakeholders in organization through this human resources function. Prerequisites: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; MGMT-3530 Human Resources Management; or permission of instructor. (even years) MGMT-3650 Construction Materials and Methods–Sp 3 hours This course introduces students to construction materials and methods. The following concepts are presented: (a) site investigation, (b) construction material characteristics, (c) construction methods, (d) equipment types and uses, and (e) equipment production rates and costs. (Fee: $50) (even years) MGMT-3690 3 hours Construction Contracts and Delivery Methods–Fa This course introduces students to the various aspects of construction contracts and documentation procedures including contract delivery methods and selection criteria. The course includes issues involving contract law and ethics. (even years) MGMT-4510 Strategic Management–Fa, Sp 3 hours This capstone course requires the synthesis of the knowledge and skills gained through your previous business courses. Your group will complete a comprehensive situation analysis (SWOT), and then develop eight possible strategies for a publicly traded company–finally selecting one rationalized strategy, using an M&A tactic, and present to the class. Open only to seniors in business administration within 2 semesters of graduation. Must be taken at Cedarville University; transfer or transient credit for this course will generally not be accepted. Capstone course. Prerequisites: FIN-3710 Principles of Finance; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing. (Fee:$50) MGMT-4520 Supply Chain Management–Sp 3 hours Introduces students to key concepts in supply chain design, planning, and operations. Typical content includes the supply chain strategic environment, designing appropriate networks, forecasting demand and supply, planning and managing inventories, sourcing and transporting products, supply chain coordination, and the impact of technology on supply chain management. Course methodology emphasizes application of concepts through case study, plant tours, and presentations. Prerequisites: BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; MGMT-3525 Service and Production Operations. (Fee: $50) MGMT-4530 Industrial Relations Management–Sp 3 hours The interplay between market forces and institutional rules that determine the employment relationship. Labor history, the effects of changing public policies, trade unions, and collective bargaining are viewed from various international perspectives. Prerequisites: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management. (odd years) MGMT-4550 Applied Leadership–Fa, Sp 3 hours This is an advanced course about managing people and organizations in the 21st century. It is intended for seniors who will soon face the challenge of leadership and influence in the workplace, in business and other disciplines. This course will integrate and apply what students need to meet the leadership challenge. Prerequisite: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organizational Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-4560 3 hours Organizational Change and Development–Sp This course focuses on the theories, concepts, processes, and tools of leading successful organizational change, as changes involve sensitivity to issues that arise at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels as well as building the organization’s capacity to both adapt to change and generate innovation. Prerequisite: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-4570 Lean Operations Management–Sp 3 hours This course expands on critical topics in the field of operations management, including the operations management strategy and tools and contemporary topics such as “Lean” techniques, valuestream mapping, and Fundamentals of Six Sigma. Prerequisite: MGMT-3525 Service and Production Operations or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) MGMT-4580 3 hours Construction Planning and Scheduling–Sp This course introduces students to theory and application of construction scheduling to control the acquisition, movement, storage, and utilization of workers, material, and equipment with emphasis given to the Critical Path Method (CPM). (odd years) MGMT-4590 Construction Estimating–Fa 3 hours This course introduces students to advanced concepts in estimating including but not limited to labor and equipment calculations, the use of price databases, direct and indirect cost, bid preparation and computer applications. (odd years) Army ROTC (MIL) Army ROTC courses are offered through Cedarville University in collaboration with the Army ROTC detachment located at Central State University. While Army ROTC courses are included in the Cedarville University course schedule for registration purposes, classes, labs, and physical training are usually conducted on the campuses of Central State University and Cedarville University. Cedarville University provides transportation for off-site classes. MIL-1000 Leadership Lab I 0 hours Applied Army ROTC training. Taken concurrently with 1000-level MIL courses. Page 276 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions MGMT-3525 – MIL-1000