2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

MRKT-3610 Sales/Sales Management Systems–Sp 3 hours Principles employed in the development, administration, and strategy of a sales force. Professional selling from a Christian perspective along with training, managing, compensating, and motivating a sales force. Prerequisites: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-3630 Marketing Research–Sp 3 hours This course examines marketing research methods to understand how they generate different types of information relevant to the identification and solution of problems in marketing. Students will complete a research project that will teach them how to formulate marketing problems, design relevant studies, collect and analyze data, draw appropriate conclusions, and make recommendations that lead to sound marketing actions. Prerequisites: BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing; MRKT-3650 Consumer Behavior. MRKT-3650 Consumer Behavior–Fa 3 hours This course examines behavioral concepts and theories from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics. Primary focus is on identifying and/or creating consumer behavior models that inform marketing research and produce insights that guide appropriate marketing decision-making and strategy development. Prerequisite: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-3660 Integrated Marketing Communications–Fa 3 hours This course represents the various ways in which an organization “voices” appropriate messages in response to the needs of the market. This course prepares students to create, implement, and assess effective communication strategies that coordinate traditional communication tools (advertising, sales, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, packaging) with more contemporary tools (electronic and social media) to accomplish specific communications and marketing objectives. Prerequisite: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-3670 Business-to-Business Marketing–Fa 3 hours Business-to-Business Marketing represents a much larger sector of economy and a greater number of jobs than consumer marketing. This course prepares students to effectively manage the unique strategic challenges of marketing goods and services to businesses, governments, and institutions. Prerequisite: MRKT3600 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-3680 Nonprofit Marketing–Sp 3 hours Designed to acquaint the student with skills, abilities, and attitudes necessary to effectively implement marketing practice in nonprofit organizations. Prerequisite: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing or permission of instructor. MRKT-3690 Services Marketing–Sp 3 hours The vast majority of the global economy is based on service organizations that perform tasks on behalf of their customers. As compared to physical goods, services are uniquely challenging to market because the product 1) is largely intangible, 2) varies more in quality, 3) often involves customers in the production process, and 4) cannot be inventoried for future sale. This class is designed to help students prepare to meet those challenges in the marketplace. Prerequisite: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing MIL-1010,1020 Military Science I 2 hours/sem Introduction to the history, role, and organization of the Army and ROTC, as well as the U.S. Army Reserve and U.S. Army National Guard, and the available career options. Introduces officership, military customs and traditions, map reading, land navigation, field training, first-aid procedures, and physical fitness training. Familiarize with rank structure, drill and ceremony, military courtesies, weapons, marksmanship, and communications equipment. Discuss styles and fundamentals of leadership and develop leadership skills. MIL-2000 Leadership Lab II 0 hours Applied Army ROTC training. Taken concurrently with 2000-level MIL courses. MIL-2010,2020 Military Science II 2 hours/sem Course of study includes emergency first-aid procedures, field survival practices, physical fitness, orienteering, and small-unit leadership training. Explores the various career management fields within the Army. Students will begin to receive leadership assignments and responsibility within the cadet battalion. Introduction to advanced course of study. MIL-3000 Leadership Lab Ill 0 hours Applied Army ROTC training. Taken concurrently with 3000-level MIL courses. MIL-3010,3020 Military Science Ill 3 hours/sem The junior year of military science is completely dedicated to developing leadership skills and preparing students for the sixweek Advanced Camp in the summer of the junior year. Subjects covered are drill, leadership, marksmanship training, squad and team tactics with leadership exercises and advanced navigation training on day and night courses. Students learn to inspect soldiers’ equipment, draft and issue orders, and plan and conduct training as a small-unit leader. Prerequisite: Approval of professor of military science. MIL-4000 Leadership Lab IV 0 hours Applied Army ROTC training. Taken concurrently with 4000-level MIL courses. MIL-4010,4020 Military Science IV 3 hours/sem The senior year of military science provides senior cadets with advanced managerial leadership skills. Army staff procedures and functions are taught. These staff skills are put into practice through the assignment of seniors to major leadership positions within the cadet battalion. Seniors learn to command, lead, manage, plan, and supervise as they prepare for commissioning as officers in the United States Army. Senior students will receive instruction on military professionalism and ethics. Prerequisite: Approval of professor of military science. Marketing (MRKT) MRKT-3410 Topics in Marketing–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours A variety of topics are covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the students without formally adding or dropping courses. MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing–Fa, Sp 3 hours This course examines the marketing processes of businesses and other types of organizations from an analytical perspective. Special attention is placed on the marketing environment and the needs and behaviors of market segments as key drivers of marketing planning for positioning, product, pricing, distribution, and communication strategies and tactics. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission of instructor. 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 277 Course Descriptions MIL-1010 – MRKT-3690