2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

SPAN-1720 Elementary Spanish II–Sp 4 hours Development of basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish to satisfy a broad variety of everyday, school, and work situations, along with an introduction to Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN-1710 Elementary Spanish I or Spanish placement test for Elementary Spanish II. SPAN-1740 Intensive Spanish–Su 6 hours This course is a six-credit, short-term course designed for students who wish to combine SPAN-1710 Elementary Spanish I and SPAN-1720 Elementary Spanish II. Prerequisites: minimum GPA 2.0, high school Spanish highly recommended. SPAN-2710 Intermediate Spanish I–Fa 4 hours Development of all four language skills through grammar review, composition, conversation, and readings in Spanish literature and culture. Prerequisite: SPAN-1720 Elementary Spanish, instructor’s approval, or placement by exam. SPAN-2720 Intermediate Spanish II–Sp 3 hours Development of all four language skills through grammar review, composition, conversation, and readings in Spanish literature and culture. Prerequisite: SPAN-2710 Intermediate Spanish I; instructors approval or placement by exam. SPAN-2760 Spanish For Professionals–Sp 3 hours Development of practical Spanish vocabulary and conversational skills related to careers in education, criminal justice, social work, and healthcare professions. Prerequisite: SPAN-2720 Intermediate Spanish or permission of instructor. (odd years) SPAN-3100 Special Topics–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Available to upper-level or otherwise qualified students who have an interest in specialized areas of Spanish language or culture. SPAN-3500 3 hours Methods of Teaching Foreign Language–Fa Designed around ACTFL’s Standards of Foreign Language learning, this course prepares students to teach in the K–12 world language classroom and also to teach English as a new language. In this course, students will examine the purposes and objectives along with the methods and curricular models appropriate for the K–12 world language classroom, as well as adult-level language teaching. This course addresses theories of second language acquisition and how language learning looks different at the various stages of a language learner’s life. Using theory to inform practice, students will learn to plan and assess for student learning, including the creation of learning activities, assessments, lesson plans, and thematic unit plans, as well as evaluating and providing feedback to maximize student learning. Students will also gain insight into the importance of understanding one’s own language, culture, and worldview as a means to understanding the language, culture, and worldview of the target peoples and the important role that cultural understanding plays in communication. This course will prepare students to plan, teach, and assess effectively in today’s rapidly changing classroom. Open to students majoring in multi-age Spanish education or linguistics, and those minoring in TESOL This course does not count toward the Spanish major or minor. Prerequisites: degree-seeking students only; sophomore, junior, or senior status only; LING-3100 Principles of Language Acquisition; permission of instructor or advisor. (crosslisted with LING-3500) SPAN-3610 Spanish Composition–Sp 3 hours Emphasis on development of clear, natural, and effective written communication in Spanish. Includes grammar review, vocabulary expansion, discussion of stylistic elements, and practice in writing narrative, descriptive, and several types of expository texts. Prerequisite: SPAN-2720 Intermediate Spanish or permission of instructor. SPAN-3620 Spanish Conversation–Fa 3 hours Designed to sharpen the student’s communication in oral Spanish and to increase aural comprehension of spoken Spanish. Attention given to pronunciation, vocabulary building, and practice on hearing and speaking through in-class presentations and other activities. Also emphasizes the development of culturally appropriate approaches to communication and comparative study of Anglo and Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN-2720 Intermediate Spanish or permission of instructor. SPAN-3640 Introduction to Hispanic Literature–Sp 3 hours An introduction to concepts and vocabulary related to literary analysis through the study of representative works in narrative, poetry, drama, and essay by Spanish and Latin American authors, with emphasis on contemporary authors. Prerequisite: SPAN-2720 Intermediate Spanish or permission of instructor. SPAN-3670 Introduction to Translation–Sp 2 hours An introduction to theory and practice related to bilingual translation and interpreting. Students will learn strategies for translating a variety of text types, as well as the fundamentals of interpreting. Prerequisite: SPAN-3610 Spanish Composition; or SPAN-3620 Spanish Conversation. (odd years) SPAN-3680 History of Hispanics in the U.S.–Sp 3 hours Examination of historical and contemporary issues that have affected Hispanic cultures in the U.S. and their views of Anglos, including the immigrant experience. Course taught in English; counts for Global Awareness elective. (even years) SPAN-3690 Hispanic Film–Sp 3 hours Explores the genres of Hispanic film and how these genres portray the cultural, social, and political environments in Spain and the Americas. Prerequisites: SPAN-3640 Introduction to Hispanic Literature; permission of instructor. (even years) SPAN-4610 Advanced Spanish Grammar–Fa 3 hours Intensive review of high frequency grammatical structures problematic to non-native speakers of Spanish. Exploration of the history of the language as well as the theoretical aspects of the nature of language and the practical development of written and oral skills in Spanish. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (even years) SPAN-4640 Research in Language and Culture–Fa 3 hours In-depth study of a particular topic of interest either through individual research or group discussion. Orientation may be interdisciplinary or author and genre specific. Capstone course. Prerequisite: Major or minor in Spanish; permission of instructor. SPAN-4650 3 hours Civilization and Literature of Latin America I–Fa A survey of the geography, history, culture, and literature of Latin America from the pre-Columbian period through the 19th century. Emphasis is on the diversity of Latin American society and the factors that have shaped it. Literary works will be studied for their literary significance within their socio-historical context. Prerequisite: SPAN-3640 Introduction to Hispanic Literature. (odd years) SPAN-4670 3 hours Civilization and Literature of Latin America II–Sp A survey of the history, culture, and literature of Latin America from the 19th century to the present. Emphasis will be on acquiring a greater awareness of current issues in Latin American society and understanding their contributing factors. Literary works will be studied for their literary significance within their socio-historical context. Prerequisite: SPAN-3640 Introduction to Hispanic Literature. (odd years) 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 289 Course Descriptions SPAN-1720 – SPAN-4670