2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

THMU-3130 Jazz Theory and Improvisation II–Sp 2 hours This course will introduce students to advanced concepts of jazz theory and improvisation. Material will include harmonic structure and appropriate scales choice for improvisation. Students will further develop the ability to improvise over jazz standards. Prerequisites: THMU-2210 Music Theory III,THMU2310 Aural Skills III, and permission of instructor. (odd years) THMU-4100 Counterpoint–Sp 3 hours A survey of polyphonic music from the 18th to the 21st centuries including the analysis and composition of species counterpoint examples, canon, a fugal exposition, and a modern composition. Students will especially focus upon contrapuntal techniques utilized in contemporary choral and instrumental music. Prerequisite: THMU-2220 Music Theory IV or permission of instructor. (odd years) THMU-4110 Form and Analysis–Sp 3 hours The analysis of musical examples illustrating the primary structural concepts operative within compositions dating from 1600 to the present. Emphasis will be placed upon the relationship between musical form and performance. Using varied analytical techniques, students will particularly focus upon repertoire composed for their performance instrument. Prerequisites: THMU2220 Music Theory IV; THMU-2320 Aural Skills IV. (even years) THMU-4130 Orchestration–Fa 2 hours Designed to develop skills in scoring music for various instrumental groups. Prerequisite: THMU-2220 Music Theory IV. (Fee: $30) (odd years) THMU-4140 Choral Arranging–Fa 2 hours Study of arranging for the choral medium. Includes principles of arranging for children, youth, and adult choirs. Special attention given to arranging for large and small choral ensembles with a variety of forms of accompaniment. Prerequisite: THMU-2220 Music Theory IV or permission of instructor. (Fee: $30) (even years) THMU-4990 1–3 hours Independent Study in Theory/Composition Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music theory or composition for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Repeatable up to three credits. Theatre (THTR) THTR-1330 3 hours Voice and Movement for Performance–Sp A practicum in integrated vocal technique and stage movement for performance through intensive studio sessions. This course includes a self-evaluation of the actor's voice and habitual movemement to more believably portray characters in a variety of theatrical spaces. Proper care for the voice and body are studied as various techniques are applied to increase the actor's range and confidence. Appropriate for students in all areas of performing arts including singers, actors, directors, public speakers, and voice actors. THTR-1410 Introduction to Theatre–Fa 3 hours Study of the history and development of theatre. Dramatic literature is considered a reflection of man and culture during various periods, dealing with philosophy, religion, and sociopolitical thought. A brief look at acting skills is also offered. THTR-1460 Theatre Participation–Fa, Sp 0–1 hour Theatre majors and minors must participate in one mainstage production during each required semester. Theatre majors must enroll each semester the student is a major. Theatre minors must enroll two semesters. Participation may include acting, stage managing, crew heading, crewing, dramaturgy, etc. Credit/no credit. THTR-1550 3 hours Introduction to Theatrical Design and Technology–Sp This course is designed to provide the student with an introductory overview of theatrical design and technical theatre and the process in which designers and technicians design and create production elements seen on stage. (Fee: $50) THTR-2200 Stage Management–Sp 2 hours The course presents the procedures and ethics established and practiced by professional stage managers. Students will put these skills into practice through multiple class projects and in the development of a prompt book. Prerequisites: THTR-1410 Introduction to Theatre; THTR-1550 Introduction to Theatrical Design and Technology. (odd years) THTR-2350 Directing I–Fa 3 hours Practical study of play directing methods, theories, and techniques applied through class projects. Students will direct scenes with complete artistic oversight, fulfilling every role and function of a director. This course is also helpful to education majors who will have to assist in educational theatre productions. (even years) THTR-2430 Acting I–Fa 3 hours Study in the principle theories of realistic acting is balanced with practice in experiencing character creation. Principles of physical and emotional character development are explored. THTR-2470 Makeup Design–Sp 2 hours Designed to provide the student with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for makeup design and execution for a theatrical production. Each student will develop this craft through individual projects and work on a mainstage production. (Fee: $150) (odd years) THTR-3250 Survey of Theatre History–Sp 3 hours This course will provide an overview of theatre history from the pre-Greek to the present. Focus will be on prevailing philosophical orientation, major dramatists, theatre architecture and staging practices, styles of performance, costume design, innovations, and development. (even years) THTR-3301 Technical Theatre Practicum: Costume–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1550 Introduction to Theatrical Design and Technology. THTR-3302 Technical Theatre Practicum: Lighting–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1550 Introduction to Theatrical Design and Technology. THTR-3303 Technical Theatre Practicum: Scenic–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1550 Introduction to Theatrical Design and Technology. 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 293 Course Descriptions THMU-3130 – THTR-3303