2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Music Technology (TYMU) TYMU-2510 3 hours Introduction to Digital Music Production–Fa This course is a survey of music technology tools and techniques including an introduction to the digital audio workstation, digital audio editing, MIDI editing and programming, and virtual instruments. Prerequisites: THMU-1010 Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills or successful completion of the Music Theory Entrance Exam; or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $45) (even years) TYMU-2520 Music Production Techniques–Sp 3 hours This course focuses on laptop recording and editing, giving students skills necessary to record and mix their own arrangements and compositions. Students will use a guerrilla recording approach to create singles and albums. Prerequisite: TYMU-2510 Introduction to Digital Music Production or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $45) (even years) TYMU-3510 Electronic Music Production–Fa 3 hours Students will learn music production techniques related to electronic and ambient genres. Using appropriate synthesizer sound design, sampling, MIDI programming, and mixing techniques, students will produce several original projects in modern electronic genres. Prerequisite: TYMU-2520 Music Production Techniques or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $45) (odd years) TYMU-3520 Scoring for Digital Media–Sp 3 hours This course focuses on film-scoring techniques using live instruments and electronics. Students will create music for a variety of media including film, websites, and radio. Prerequisite: TYMU-3510 Electronic Music Production or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $45) (odd years) Visual Communication Design (VCD) VCD-1050 Applied Design: Tech Tools I–Fa, Sp 3 hours Students learn fundamental, industry-standard and processes and design technologies-Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop-as they apply principles of visual communication design to both print and screen contexts. (Fee:$35) VCD-1200 Design Thinking–Sp 2 hours In this introductory course, students will explore why we design. Through a variety of projects, contextual research opportunities, reading, instruction, and collaboration, students will learn the core principles of the design discipline, design’s role within–and its potential impact on–business and our community, and the ways designers develop innovative insights and compelling ideas that resonate deeply and authentically with ordinary people. (Fee: $50) VCD-2000 History and Influences of Design–Sp 3 hours Survey of design from the 17th century to the present. The course highlights significant stages in the development and pivotal influences of design including technological advances, individual works, key movements, schools of thought, and approaches relative to time(s) and culture(s). Crosslisted with IDES. VCD-2050 Applied Design: Tech Tools II–Sp 3 hours Building on a foundation of technical tools, students will learn advanced technical skills, complex processes, and creative exploration as they apply principles of visual communication design to relevant, practical, and complex design problems and contexts. Prerequisite: VCD-1050 Applied Design: Tech Tools I (Fee: $35) VCD-2200 Typography–Fa 3 hours An introduction to the study of typography and its role in the structuring of visual language and its relationship to the discipline of graphic design. The course will examine the history of letter forms, their sources, and their influences and will provide opportunities for learning principles and guidelines for the effective use of type in visual communication for a variety of media and messages. Students will learn to structure intelligent, creative type solutions through classroom discussion, reading, research, and studio assignments, including editorial, promotional, and informational applications of typography. Prerequisites: ART-1230 Two-Dimensional Design; VCD-1050 applied Design: Tech Tools I; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) VCD-2400 Graphic Design I–Sp 3 hours An introduction to the study of graphic design with emphasis on using the principles of design to communicate information and ideas in visual form. The course will provide opportunities to learn principles of visual communication and steps in the design process necessary to produce effective design solutions. Learning will be achieved through classroom discussion, reading, research, and studio assignments that center on producing concepts for both printed and electronic forms of information design. Prerequisite: VCD-2200 Typography or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) VCD-2600 Web Design I–Fa, Sp 3 hours Students learn foundational concepts and skills for building usable and beautiful user-centered websites by exploring the differences between graphic design and interactive design, gaining experience with designing webpage layouts, and practicing the skills necessary for constructing and publishing web pages with HTML and CSS. (Fee: $10) VCD-3200 Portfolio I–Sp 1 hour This course will focus on developing professional presentation materials and communication skills required to present project work to design professionals and prospective employers. Previous project work will be refined along with additional project work necessary to emphasize interest in a particular area of specialization. Students will be required to develop a resumé and portfolio along with written communication for documenting their education, experience, and technical skills. Students are recommended to have completed or be concurrently taking VCD-2400 Graphic Design I to have adequate material for their portfolio.(Fee: $145) VCD-3300 Production Design I–Fa 3 hours An introduction to the technical processes required for the production of graphic design solutions in a variety of media. The course will provide opportunities to gain understanding of guidelines and requirements necessary for producing design documents in both conventional and electronic media. Prerequisites: VCD-1050 Applied Design: Tech Tools I; Students are recommended to have completed VCD-2400 Graphic Design I. GD majors and minors only. (Fee: $50) VCD-3400 Graphic Design II–Fa 3 hours An in-depth study of graphic design and its role in creating visual communication. Coursework will examine methods of conducting and interpreting research, the development of strategydriven concepts to formulate targeted design solutions, as well as the foundations of the branding process. The course will provide opportunities for developing conceptual and technical skills through class work and projects following specific communication models. Prerequisite: VCD-2400 Graphic Design I or permission of the instructor. GD majors and minors only. (Fee: $50) 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 295 Course Descriptions TYMU-2510 – VCD-3400