2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Academic Progress, Warning, and Suspension To satisfy the minimum graduation requirements, a student must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The minimum cumulative GPA needed to maintain good academic standing is also 2.0. The University recognizes that some students may have difficulty earning and/or maintaining the minimum cumulative GPA required for good standing and for graduation. To assist them, the following academic progress chart outlines the minimum cumulative GPAs needed according to the credit hours earned. Academic Progress Chart Credits Minimum Cumulative Minimum Cumulative Attempted GPA for Academic GPA for Academic Probation Warning 0–18.99 1.00 1.45 19–36.99 1.25 1.60 37–64.99 1.50 1.75 65–96.99 1.75 1.90 97–112.99 1.90 _ 113–128.99 1.95 _ Some academic programs have stricter academic progress requirements than those listed above. Students should check academic department sections of the catalog for the specific grade point requirements of their majors. Students who are not in good academic standing will be notified by the dean of their school or the dean of undergraduate studies. First-semester freshmen who do not meet the 1.0 average will usually not be academically suspended in order to provide some additional time for them to make the adjustment to college life. Any student who does not meet the minimum cumulative GPA required for academic probation will be suspended for at least one semester. Any student on academic probation for two successive semesters who is not making satisfactory academic progress is subject to academic suspension. Any student whose term GPA is not above 1.0 for two successive semesters and who is not making satisfactory academic progress is subject to suspension. The school dean or dean of undergraduate studies may make exceptions to the academic progress guidelines when appropriate. A student receiving Veterans benefits who is on academic probation for two successive semesters without making satisfactory progress will be reported to the Veterans Administration. The Veterans benefits for such a student will be terminated unless the student is making progress toward meeting the minimum academic requirements for graduation. Faculty members and other counselors are available to discuss student progress. The student experiencing academic difficulty should utilize these personnel, as well as resources available in the academic assistance center, to help find solutions to academic problems. Students on academic warning or probation may be required to take a special study skills course called COLL-1010 MAP. This course is offered through The Cove as a condition for continuing at the University. Academic warning may preclude involvement in certain University activities. Students facing academic warning or probation should consult with the coaches, advisors, or directors of their activities to learn of academic requirements or restrictions that may apply to those activities. A student must maintain federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to receive federal Title IV financial aid. Students receiving aid should check the financial aid section of the catalog to obtain the academic progress requirements that pertain to particular aid programs. A student suspended for academic reasons may apply for readmission during any semester in the regular academic year following the semester of suspension. A student who is subject to suspension for a second time may be permanently dismissed. Academic Integrity Honesty and integrity are marks of Christian character. One way students live out this commitment to excellence is by adhering to very high standards of academic integrity. Cedarville’s academic integrity policy and pledge encourage honesty from students and provide an atmosphere of accountability. The Academic Integrity Pledge is a commitment to live with integrity in all areas of life, including the classroom. All forms of academic dishonesty violate this pledge and could result in dismissal from this community. All students at Cedarville pledge the following: With my pledge to affirm the Cedarville Covenant, I attest that all work I submit in person, online, or in any other format as my own is my own work and is in accordance with the standards of the Academic Integrity Policy.As a member of the community, I will love God and others, live with integrity, and pursue excellence in all that I do. Failure to act with academic integrity includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Cheating on examinations or quizzes • Plagiarism • Knowingly furnishing false information by forgery, alteration, or misuse of documents, records, or identification within the course activities, requirements, or responsibilities • Knowingly providing correct information to another student concerning exams and other future individual work is a violation of academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, questions to be asked on exams or answers for questions that will be asked • Representing another’s work as one’s own Typical penalties assigned by faculty for a lack of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following: • Reducing the letter grade for the work involved • Reducing the letter grade for the course • Giving a failing grade for all work involved • Giving a failing grade for the course The assignment of penalties for lack of academic integrity shall be at the discretion of the faculty member of record for the course in consultation with the chair or dean of the faculty member’s academic unit. All cases of academic dishonesty shall be reported to the office of the Vice President for Academics in writing within six (6) instructional days of the resolution of the incident. Any student involved in academic dishonesty may be subject to suspension or dismissal. The procedure and process for appeals of decisions related to academic misconduct is available on the website of the Vice President for Academics (cedarville.edu/vpa) using the “Policies” link from that page. Students may also obtain the same information directly from the office of the Vice President for Academics. 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 31 Academic Information Registration for Courses