2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

English, Literature, and Modern Languages Mission Statement The Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages in the Cedarville University School of Arts and Humanities will: • Instruct students to write well with wisdom, beauty, and integrity. • Teach students to read literature with Christlike empathy and biblical discernment. • Instruct students in the historical, social, and intellectual background of a variety of texts and cultures. • Teach students to analyze language structure, change, and use in society. • Prepare students for graduate and professional work in their respective fields to be salt and light in a global community. Programs of Study The Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages offers the following programs: Majors • English • Language Arts Education — Integrated • Linguistics • Spanish Education — Multi-Age • Spanish Minors • Asian Studies • British Studies • Creative Writing • Editing and Publishing • French • German • Latin American Studies • Linguistics • Literature • Middle Eastern Studies • Spanish • Spanish for Healthcare Personnel • Spanish for Professionals • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) • Western European Studies Special Program • Certificate in Medical Spanish Program Personal Requirements Students who choose English as a major are expected to acquire a high level of competency in the discipline of the English language. Those who wish to study foreign language will benefit from taking foreign language in high school. No previous foreign language experience is required to take elementary-level foreign language. Department Requirements To graduate with a major from the Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages, students must earn at least a 2.0 cumulative average in all courses required for their major and a “C-” or higher in all courses taken to meet specific requirements in their major. Foreign Language As students become acquainted with the language, lifestyles, and belief systems of another culture, they can develop greater insight into that culture. Knowledge of a second language can become a valuable support skill for careers in business, Christian ministry, education, government, and social services. The department provides a variety of language courses that allow students to develop basic communication skills and cultural awareness. Guidelines for satisfying the general education requirement for foreign language are found on page 25. Students with previous language study may be eligible for test-out credit for first- and/or second-year language courses and should contact the department or the Office of the Registrar for details. Language students are also encouraged to consider the study abroad options. Writing Center The Cedarville University Writing Center exists to help writers at all levels of proficiency, from all academic disciplines develop effective writing skills. This development takes place primarily through one-on-one peer consultations that are adapted to individual writers’ needs. Such consultations will be competent and timely, will occur in a comfortable, nonthreatening atmosphere, and will address all writing projects in any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to revision. These consultations focus primarily on the writing at hand, but the long-term goal for every session is to help each tutee become a better writer overall. Writing Center tutors do not correct students’ papers but help writers recognize and correct their unique patterns of error. Additionally, tutors do not assess or grade writing; instead, the Center helps writers develop insight into each rhetorical situation. Ultimately, the Center’s goal is to create better writers by blending service and collaboration — a blend that at its core is wholly Christian. The Writing Center functions as a training ground for students who tutor there, assist in administration, or aid faculty with research projects related to writing centers. Objectives In order to help writers improve their writing, we aim to help them: • Identify global concerns before sentence-level concerns • Discover their strengths and weaknesses as writers • Understand their assignments • Increase their confidence in writing • Develop the initiative to pursue future discourse about writing For more information, the Writing Center website is cedarville. edu/writingcenter. Page 56 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog School of Arts and Humanities English, Literature, and Modern Languages