2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Biblical and Theological Studies Mission Statement Our Lord Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ... and teaching them to observe all that I commanded you ...” (Matt. 28:19). The Apostle Paul is an example of how the early believers embraced this mission and carried it forward. “We proclaim him (Christ),” Paul declared, “admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ” (Col.1:28). Indeed, over the centuries there is an unbroken chain of Christian leaders who have spent their lives doing the same. So it is the mission of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies at Cedarville University to stand firmly in that line of those who have faithfully carried forward Christ’s commission. With Peter, we are convinced that it is Christ alone who has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). As a school, we are privileged to carry out this commission with the two points of emphasis in every major. First, we strive to train men and women to be skilled artisans in handling the biblical text and proficient theologians when attempting to synthesize biblical material into culturally engaged public witness. Second, we want to equip graduates through biblical and theological training for fulltime ministry in the local church or among those people groups who lack a sustained Gospel witness. The majors offered in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies share in the goals of biblical and theological proficiency with an expression in ministry. We also have the institution-wide opportunity of influencing each student through the required Bible minor. On this level we endeavor to aid students from all disciplines in developing a distinctively God-centered world and life view. We believe it to be crucially important that all those who will be appointing the pastors and missionaries of the future, doing the work of the ministry, and serving God through their vocations know how to handle the Word of truth accurately. To this end, we commit ourselves to facilitating the development in every student of a biblically based, theologically sound, culturally engaged, and God-honoring view of life. Programs of Study The School of Biblical and Theological Studies offers the following programs: Majors • Biblical Studies • Biblical Studies — Accelerated BA/Master of Divinity Minors • Bible • Bible Teacher Education • Biblical Care and Counseling • Christian Ministry • Greek • Missions • Philosophy and Theology • Pre-Master of Divinity • Preseminary • Women’s Ministry • Youth and Family Ministry Special Program • One-Year Bible Program Students majoring in biblical studies must choose at least one concentration from the following: • Biblical counseling • Biblical languages • Biblical literature • Historical theology • Missions • Philosophy and theology • Teaching ministry • Theology • Women’s ministry • Worship • Youth and family ministry Personal Requirements Students planning to pursue careers in vocational ministries should be committed to intense study of the Scriptures, a heart for ministering to the needs of others, and a reputation for Christlike character, which would provide a platform for authentic spiritual leadership. In addition to classroom expectations, students should seek to gain as much practical experience in ministries as possible. Biblical and Theological Studies majors find the opportunities provided by Christian Ministries to be excellent avenues for applying truths learned in the classroom and developing necessary skills for effective ministry. We also encourage involvement in local church ministry as a significant part of a student’s training for ministry. Guided ministry experiences in the local church (e.g., mentorships, internships) accentuate the biblical and theological training that takes place in the classroom. School Requirements To graduate with a major from the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, students must earn a cumulative average of 2.0 or higher and a “C-” or higher in all courses included in the major. Technical Resources • Textbook-specific software • Course-specific software 2024–25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 99 School of Biblical and Theological Studies