2013-14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog - page 13

2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Graduate Programs
Academic Information
Transfer Credits
Graduate transfer credit is allowed at the discretion of the
University for courses that clearly correspond to courses offered
in the graduate and professional practice degree programs at
Cedarville University.
The Associate Academic Vice President or Director of the
academic program is responsible for evaluating all requests for
transfer credit within that program. Institutions from which courses
are transferred must meet accreditation standards required of the
individual program.
Transfer credit will not be granted for grades of B- or less.
“Credit” or “pass” grades are accepted only if approved by the
Associate Academic Vice President or Director of the program.
The number of allowable transfer credits and the number of
years since completion of those credits are detailed within each
To transfer credit an official transcript must be sent directly from
the transfer institution to the registrar at Cedarville. Once received,
a copy of the transcript will be sent the Director of the graduate
program for approval. The Director will complete a transfer credit
evaluation and identify the approved course equivalencies. This
information will be provided to the registrar, after which the credits
will be posted to the student’s transcript. Grades of transferred
credit are not posted to a Cedarville University transcript or
counted in the Cedarville grade point average.
Credit hours transferred from institutions where quarter hours
are awarded will be assigned the equivalent number of semester
hours using the formula of three quarter hours being equivalent to
two semester hours.
Transient Study
Course work to be completed at other institutions by a student
enrolled at Cedarville University must be approved by the
Associate Academic Vice President or Director of the graduate
program at Cedarville that would accept the transfer credit. This
approval must occur before the course is taken.
Students enrolled in other colleges or universities may take
courses at Cedarville University on a “permission to take courses”
basis. The student must complete a graduate application and
be accepted prior to registering for classes. A maximum of six
credit hours may be taken at Cedarville University by a transient
graduate student.
Undergraduates in Graduate Courses
Students in undergraduate programs at Cedarville University
who are interested in taking graduate coursework prior to
graduation may be eligible to do so with appropriate approvals.
Individual graduate programs have the ability to allow or prevent
this practice. In some cases credits may count as electives in the
undergraduate program as well as meeting requirements of a
graduate degree. The requirements and procedures for granting
graduate credit to undergraduates are as follows:
The undergraduate student:
• Must have achieved senior standing at the undergraduate
level prior to taking graduate courses.
• Must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.70 or higher
to take graduate coursework.
• May not use more than two graduate courses toward
requirements for an undergraduate degree.
• May take at most two graduate courses prior to graduation
from the undergraduate program.
• Must meet all prerequisites for the graduate course(s) for
which they intend to register.
• Must obtain the following approvals prior to registering for the
graduate course:
• their undergraduate advisor,
• the Chair/Dean of their undergraduate program, and
• the Director of the graduate program
The approval form for this process may be obtained from
the Office of the Registrar or from the office of the appropriate
graduate program.
Tuition for undergraduate students taking graduate courses
will be charged at the higher of the undergraduate or graduate
rates. Graduate credits may be included within a students’
undergraduate block pricing, but the student may have additional
charges if the graduate tuition is higher than the block rate.
The University reserves the right to limit the number of
undergraduate enrollments allowed within any given graduate
Graduation Requirements
Completion of all listed requirements for a program, including
a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 within the given
program is required to be certified for graduation.
Application for Graduation
To graduate, whether or not you plan to attend the ceremony,
you must submit an application for graduation and pay any
applicable fees. After you return your application to the registrar,
your transcript will be audited to verify completion of degree
requirements. You are encouraged to apply for graduation at
least a semester in advance so that you can be informed of any
problems in meeting your degree requirements.
Applications must be received no later than 30 working days
before commencement. After that date, applications will be
deferred to the following commencement.
Controlling Catalog
The Graduate Catalog in use when a student first enrolls
governs his/her graduation requirements unless that catalog is
over five years old or that student has left and then sought to re-
enroll more than two years later. Consequently, that catalog should
be retained and used as a guide in case changes are made in
course or graduation requirements during the time the student is
enrolled. A student may select a subsequent catalog if the student
wishes, but all requirements from that catalog must be completed.
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