2020-21 Graduate Academic Catalog
2020–21 Graduate Academic Catalog Page 11 Academic Information Academic Integrity Academic Advising Each student is assigned to an academic advisor by the director of their graduate program: • The Graduate Admissions and Student Success office provides advising for online programs including M.Min., M.S.N., and M.B.A. students. • School of Biblical and Theological Studies provides advising for M.Div. students. • School of Pharmacy provides advising for Pharm.D. students. A student’s academic advisor offers counsel concerning course scheduling and helps navigate various resources and processes for a successful graduate school experience. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisor prior to registration, when considering any changes in their educational program, or if they encounter an academic problem. Degree-seeking students may review their academic program progression by using the Program Evaluation option in Student Planning at cedarville.edu/ studentplanning . Registration Process Registration dates for each session are listed in the annual graduate academic calendar at cedarville.edu/gradcalendar . Registration information and instructions are distributed from the Office of the Registrar by email prior to the respective registration periods. Additionally, information regarding course offerings and sections is available online at cedarville.edu/gradschedules . New graduate students must be accepted for admission through the graduate admissions office before they are eligible to register. Early registration periods are designated for active graduate students. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this early registration opportunity. Students who register early for a term but do not enroll for the following semester must notify the Office of the Registrar of their change in status. To register for courses during a semester, all graduate students must digitally sign their Financial Responsibility Agreement at cedarville.edu/fra before their registration can be completed. Prior to submitting a course registration, the student is encouraged to consult with his/her academic advisor to discuss course options and class schedules. Although each student has an academic advisor to help with scheduling, the student is responsible for the chosen class schedule, course of study, and progress through the program. Graduate students may plan their course sequence and register online using a web-based interface called Student Planning at cedarville.edu/studentplanning . The online registration process may be completed from any computer or mobile device through which the student has Internet access. Registration instructions using Student Planning may be found at cedarville.edu/ gradschedules . After the online registration process has been completed, the student’s confirmed schedule becomes an active registration in the administrative computer system. To complete registration, students must make financial arrangements for payment of the amount due. (See Financial Registration Policy on page 16. ) To register for graduate courses, please visit cedarville.edu/gradregister . Course Load A student’s academic load for any given term is subject to reduction or limitation by the Dean of Graduate Studies or director of a particular graduate program for poor scholarship or excessive work responsibilities. Academic Integrity Honesty and integrity are marks of Christian character. One way students live out this commitment to excellence is by adhering to very high standards of academic integrity. Cedarville’s academic integrity policy and pledge encourage honesty from students and provide an atmosphere of accountability. The Academic Integrity Pledge is a commitment to live with integrity in all areas of life, including the classroom. All forms of academic dishonesty violate this pledge and could result in dismissal from this community. All students at Cedarville pledge the following: With my pledge to affirm the Cedarville Covenant, I attest that all work I submit in person, online, or in any other format as my own is my own work and is in accordance with the standards of the Academic Integrity Policy.As a member of the community, I will love God and others, live with integrity, and pursue excellence in all that I do. Failure to act with academic integrity includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Cheating on examinations or quizzes • Plagiarism • Lying in connection with assigned work or an inquiry into academic dishonesty • Knowingly furnishing false information by forgery, alteration, or misuse of documents, records, or identification within the course activities, requirements, or responsibilities • Knowingly providing correct information to another student concerning exams and other future individual work is a violation of academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, selling or supplying course materials and assignments to individuals or intermediaries, providing questions to be asked on exams or giving answers for questions that will be asked • Representing another’s work as one’s own Typical penalties assigned by faculty for a lack of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following: • Reducing the letter grade for the work involved • Reducing the letter grade for the course • Giving a failing grade for all work involved • Giving a failing grade for the course The assignment of penalties for lack of academic integrity shall be at the discretion of the faculty member of record for the course in consultation with the chair or dean of the faculty member’s academic unit. All cases of academic dishonesty shall be reported to the office of the Vice President for Academics in writing within six (6) instructional days of the resolution of the incident. Any student involved in academic dishonesty may be subject to suspension or dismissal. The procedure and process for appeals of decisions related to academic misconduct, is available on the website of the Vice President for Academics ( cedarville.edu/avp ) using the “Policies” link from that page. Students may also obtain the same information directly from the office of the Vice President for Academics.
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