2020-21 Graduate Academic Catalog
Page 74 2020–21 Graduate Academic Catalog Graduate-Level Course Descriptions BTAT-6240 – BTAT-7260 BTAT-6240 Cross-Cultural Ministry 3 hours This course will prepare students to engage in ministry cross- culturally by encouraging appropriate postures of learning, communicating, and ministering. In an effort to stimulate this preparation, the course will cover issues such as cultural distance, ethnographic research methods, and worldview assessment. (dual-listed with BTAT-3470 Cross-Cultural Ministry) BTAT-6250 Church Planting 3 hours This course will expose students to the various stages of church planting including vision casting, planning, implementation, and reproduction. Likewise, it will present multiple approaches to church planting and church structure, culminating in a student project wherein students will create and present strategic two-year church planting plans targeting a specific location. Prerequisite: BTAT-6200 Intro to Missions; or permission of the professor. BTAT-6300 Teaching Ministry of the Church 3 hours Course focuses on the practice of expressing biblical and theological content in written documents and/or teaching curriculum for various audiences and settings. Attention is given to the variety of delivery methods for expositional teaching available within a church’s ministry. (crosslisted with BTCM) (dual-listed with BTAT/BTCM-4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church) BTAT-6310 Ministry of Teaching and Preaching 3 hours This course is designed for the student to develop a philosophy, strategic approach and working model for teaching and preaching. Emphasis is placed on the preparation and presentation of lessons and sermons appropriate and effective for particular audiences and contexts. BTAT-6320 The Church and God’s Mission 3 hours This course provides a biblical study of important topics relevant to historical and modern expressions of North American ecclesiology with emphasis being placed within the missional nature of God. BTAT-6410 Discipleship 3 hours Study of personal discipleship within a biblical framework, utilizing a variety of resources and practical experience. The model developed will be applicable in multiple contexts. (dual- listed with BTAT-3410 Discipleship) BTAT-6420 3 hours Trinitarian Implications for Practical Ministry Christian ministry is never accomplished in isolation from others. Serving alongside other people is foundational to healthy and fruitful ministry. The goal of this course is to provide practical strategies in teamwork and conflict resolution that are undergirded by a biblically grounded view of triune nature of God. BTAT-6480 Women’s Communication for Ministry 3 hours A course designed to help women refine communication skills that will help them to articulate their beliefs effectively and further develop communication platforms in the areas of giving a testimony, leading a discussion, and expositing Scripture for various age groups. (dual-listed with BTAT-3480 Women’s Communication for Ministry) BTAT-6500 Text-Driven Preaching 1 3 hours Introductory course on the nature of preparing and delivering sermons shaped by Scripture’s textual meaning. Emphasis is placed on moving from textual interpretation to skilled delivery to a contemporary audience. (dual-listed with BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1) BTAT-6510 Character Colloquium 1 hour The Character Colloquium is an educational experience that involves a weekly Cedarville University chapel service as well as interaction with the the assigned instructor. A variety of ministry issues will be covered in these weekly interactions but with special attention paid to the inner life of the student by way of Scripture reading, study, and theological reflection in the context of Christian community. Students are required to attend SBTS events during the semester, and are required to meet with a ministry-mentor to receive wisdom and constructive feedback. (repeatable) BTAT-6560 Text-Driven Preaching 2 3 hours Advanced course on the nature of preparing and delivering sermons shaped by Scripture’s textual meaning. Emphasis is placed on moving from textual interpretation of various biblical genres to skilled delivery to a contemporary audience. (dual-listed with BTAT-4560 Text-Driven Preaching 2) BTAT-6740 Theology of Sexuality and Family 3 hours A study of the key issues in biblical and systematic theology related to human sexuality, gender, marriage, and family. Emphasis will be given to central biblical texts for formation of doctrine, historical disputes, and contemporary challenges, such as homosexuality and transgenderism. (even years) BTAT-6850 Mentorship in Ministry 2 hours A ministry experience that focuses on mentorship of the student under the direction of a qualified field mentor. Typically followed by BTAT-6900 Ministry Internship. BTAT-6900 Ministry Internship 3–6 hours A mentored and evaluated ministry experience under the direction of a qualified field mentor. Prerequisite: Students must have no more than 16 hours remaining in the completion of their M.Div. program to register for this course. Director approval required. BTAT-6940 Issues and Values in Ministry 3 hours Study of a minister’s life and work in varied contexts including pastoral relationships, family dynamics, interacting with church and communicty, and professional associations. Attention will also be given to stewardship of time and money, personal integrity, resolving church conflicts, and developing a vision for ministry. BTAT-6950 Exegesis to Exposition 3 hours An advanced course in the practice of developing biblical sermons, including an analysis of the hermeneutical method used to move from the biblical text to a sermon or Bible study on the text. Attention will be given to how the biblical and theological material drawn from exegesis should shape the form and content of delivery. Capstone for M.Div. degree. Prerequisites: BTBL-6110 Greek Syntax and Exergesis; BTBL-6630 Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis; or permission of instructor. BTAT-7260 Researched Worship Project 3 hours Students will conduct research on an aspect of biblical worship, write a capstone paper, and implement a worship proposal in a real ministry context. As a capstone course, the research should demonstrate facility in the Bible, systematic theology, historical theology, and applied theology. The research will be on an approved topic in the area of biblical worship under the supervision of a faculty member. In addition to research and planning a ministry project, students will implement the project in a real ministry setting. During the semester, students will submit a proposal, an extensive bibliography, a carefully written ministry plan, and an essessment of the project's implementation.
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